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Why is this not in the game yet?

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  On 12/19/2013 at 3:23 PM, SKuDD3r said:

Loot.  Where it spawns, how its spawn, frequency is all based off a stat.  That stat is skewwed because of server hoppers.  People cant find loot because of server hoppers.  People who hop to farm are breaking the game and preventing real testing of how loot works from being tested.  This is a major core feature of the game..

As I've said, people getting loot and shooting each other are not important compared to other problems.

The features are already implemented but the most important issues are those regarding stability and some of the more significant problems involving zombies and people falling unconsciousness forever.

Loot and PvP is an afterthought at the moment - the developers are aware the stats are off, they aren't going to bother balancing them perfectly at this point in time, it's pointless.

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  On 12/19/2013 at 3:29 PM, Rossums said:

As I've said, people getting loot and shooting each other are not important compared to other problems.

The features are already implemented but the most important issues are those regarding stability and some of the more significant problems involving zombies and people falling unconsciousness forever.

Loot and PvP is an afterthought at the moment - the developers are aware the stats are off, they aren't going to bother balancing them perfectly at this point in time, it's pointless.


If that's the case, why have weapons at all.  Just have players, items for testing, and increase zombie counter each patch to test stability.  If there is no point to testing the other features of the game, don't put the items in to test them?  Condense the scope.  

Edited by SKuDD3r
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hey folks, i'm new to this forum and i'm not sure if it's the right place... but there came an idea to my mind which could be a nice feature: it would be great to have the possiblity to eat other players after you shot them. could be a nice reason to kill others, when you are starving ;-)

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  On 12/19/2013 at 3:21 PM, rocket said:

Anti-server hopping mechanisms are currently disabled until we have confirmed performance stability of the central server (as it has to manage the queuing process).


Please enable loot respawning before this is enabled.  You can literally spend hours and "die" from hunger and thirst because you can't find any loot because you are in an area picked clean. 

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Agree..fix before Beta.   BUT beta is probably A YEAR AWAY.  As others have stated there are other more important things to fix right now that are CODE releated (behind the scenes) stuff like network stability that will lead to MANY other bugs being fixed (ie loot respawn, lack of zeds, not being able to click items/pickup items).


Im sure Rocket and team have a list a mile long...thanks to those playing this ALPHA.   So let the devs decide what is priority and what isnt.

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  On 12/19/2013 at 2:53 PM, SKuDD3r said:

If it bothers you, then don't post?  I am simply posting my test of the alpha and the concerns I have.  You don't have to agree to it, you also don't have to post and reply because you disagree.  I don't get why every gamer thinks they are the ultimate tester and know it all.  I work for a medical device company testing software, alpha is similar to feature spec, where you must get in all the odds and ends before software acceptance, otherwise new features will get left out and require a deviation and much more testing and validation.  I am simply pointing out the concern, which is the same as how the mod was... which by the end of dayz mod most players were playing on private hives and non official servers because you didn't have to deal with this.

You are crying for them to stop development on getting the core functionality of the game working to fix something that is already fixed in the mod (guess you haven't played in like over 8 months since it was fixed?) because you want them too. ON DAY 2!


  On 12/19/2013 at 3:04 PM, SKuDD3r said:


Also, they have no priority list, they work on whatever they work on...


for example one of the last patches... don't see how this is important according to some of the replies about major things being addressed:


  • improved transitions for restrained player



This is a brand new feature never before in the game why would they not fix it before working on something they already know how to fix and something that won't put massive strain on the servers?

  On 12/19/2013 at 3:21 PM, rocket said:

Anti-server hopping mechanisms are currently disabled until we have confirmed performance stability of the central server (as it has to manage the queuing process).


And oh look Rocket comes in and says the exact same thing we're saying but you still can't get it through your thick skull.

  On 12/19/2013 at 3:33 PM, SKuDD3r said:

If that's the case, why have weapons at all.  Just have players, items for testing, and increase zombie counter each patch to test stability.  If there is no point to testing the other features of the game, don't put the items in to test them?  Condense the scope.  

You know weapons are part of the game and need to be tested too right? There have already been bugs found with them like people not being able to die. That is an actual important bug not you crying about not being able to kill people because you missed your first 15 shots and they logged out.



Your idea of putting people at the coast is also horrible. So if the server you're playing on with friends (some people actually have friends) goes down and you're all at NW airfield and the server crashes and doesn't come back up you now all have to be split up with full gear at the coast where you can now slaughter new spawns when you go somewhere else? Yeah, great idea!



  On 12/19/2013 at 3:20 PM, SKuDD3r said:

The longer you wait and the closer it gets to beta, the less likely the feature will be changed/added.


You posted this thread on day 2 and are still acting like if they don't stop development completely right now and focus exclusively on this it will never be in the game ... even after the main developer of the game tells you it is already done just not turned on .... in this very thread .... on the game where they've been saying beta is at the earliest 1 year away.


So AGAIN I say ... "I miss the days when every single person in an alpha test knew what an alpha test was and how to be an alpha tester. Companies shouldn't even call it that anymore it should just be Early Game Access." and also "You guys should probably read the main developer of the alpha test you are currently testing's posts."



If you're a software tester for a medical company I don't want any part of any hospital using any of your deceives.

Edited by Weedz

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