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Quick Tips for Gearing up in Standalone

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Here is a quick set of TIPS for gearing up, and talk-about of the Standalone. Hope it helps!


Please post videos in the 'Gallery' forum.


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While I appreciate the effort you put into this video, I can't help but feel like this is what is 'killing' DayZ.


Remember in the mod when there were no videos on how to gear up w/ AS50 in 2 minutes? When you were just some random guy in a cap on the beaches of Chernarus?


And you had to figure everything out for yourself?


Then the videos came, '20000000000+ vehicles in 2 minutes!', '1000+ weapons in dayz!'....and people learned what to do and how to do it.


Instead of being thrown into some place where they could fight and learn for themselves, they are being spoon fed.



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Please post videos in the 'Gallery' forum.


Guess I need to better familiarize myself with the forums, sorry about that :)




While I appreciate the effort you put into this video, I can't help but feel like this is what is 'killing' DayZ.


Remember in the mod when there were no videos on how to gear up w/ AS50 in 2 minutes? When you were just some random guy in a cap on the beaches of Chernarus?


And you had to figure everything out for yourself?


Then the videos came, '20000000000+ vehicles in 2 minutes!', '1000+ weapons in dayz!'....and people learned what to do and how to do it.


Instead of being thrown into some place where they could fight and learn for themselves, they are being spoon fed.




Lol, I totally understand. I love the mystery and exploration. Finding things from entire cities and towns, to simply just a new pistol is the biggest joys for me in this game :P  I always have people on my servers and stream asking for help so I know there are those out there without as much time as some of us and need a little push in the right direction. So that is why I love to help when I get the chance.

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