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An apology to the person who tried to kill me last night

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Now I know things got tense there for a bit, things were said and done which in hindsight we should probably be ashamed of.

Lets talk about the facts, you did try and shoot me, in the back, while I was motionless filling up a canteen.

You missed, I have no idea how. I was wearing a bright red bag that may as well have a target on it. I am going to assume that eyesight is not your forte.

In fairness you did then ask me to stop, I assume to apologise and "hug it out" but I panicked and ran.

I suppose this startled you as you took another 2 shots as I fled gazelle like while you asked me to stop.

Word of advice the whole asking thing is less effective when using rifle rife as punctuation.

However there is little excuse for what I did next, hiding in a building watching you search for me out the window whilst insinuating over the direct chat that your mother was rather promiscuous with a wide range of sailors, farm yard animals and vegetables. I have little evidence of this and I am sure she is in fact a classy lady.

I did consider trying to attack you but as my only weapon was a pen I am not Jason Bourne I decided against it.

It was nice to see how the whole rifle fire thing attracted those zombies that attacked you.

Switching to that baseball bat was a very good idea for the whole stealth option although post rifle fire it was probably a bit late for that.

For reference it also seemed to distract you as that other player came running in with a fire axe, I saw you try and change back to the rife but that really didn't help much.

He looted the rifle and probably all your other good stuff but hey I got a baseball bat and a can opener so I came off pretty well really.

So the morale of the story, don't fire rifles in cities, don't shoot first then ask question's and also tell your mother to call me.... :)

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Lol. the last part is exactly what happened to me. But the Player didn't miss me. :D It was really funny. 1 Shot, headshot - "You are dead". And then he shouted at me "ON THE GROUND!" - well, I was dead. :D

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how is this an apology haha

Well its not really :) Just a funny way of telling the story and I hope that sometimes the other person will read it and think holy crap that was me :)

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You should have attacked him with the pen, you coward.

I quickly checked and it was only mightier than the sword and not the rifle. :)

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Haha so nice...what should i say...he earned it... :lol:


it's still really no difference than the mod...except you have to pay for it now...

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Haha so nice...what should i say...he earned it... :lol:

it's still really no difference than the mod...except you have to pay for it now...

I wouldn't say that, the pen wouldn't have been in the mod and the building I hid inside would not be open able. I think the mod had hit its limit in terms of potential while the SA may have started at the same level but the potential is huge.

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