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Night time way too dark

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You have to remember that there is no light pollution from street lights etc and living in the countryside does actually get pretty dark once you get away from towns, you are all just spoilt with all the full moon night servers.

Dayz for me was the pitch black nights,the suspense of hearing noises and wondering is it safe to turn on the flashlight at all?

Well I live in an area void of light pollution. The only light given is the moon and whatever lights come from a house. This is real life here. Granted the snow plays a large factor with it all but the interior shot is very much what we should have in DayZ. It is fun and all to roll around in fear of the darkness but it gets troublesome when you can't even navigate around anywhere even with a clear sky which holds no realism to actually doing it in real life.




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this is realistic bro trust me


I live in a very rural area with no street lights and at best garage lights and I'm sorry to say its not dark. Even with complete cloud cover you adjust and its not hard to navigate. When I was a teen we would play flash light tag and there was rather densely wooded areas that I had no problem going through even though I had no lights and it was completely dark out.

Edited by Sputter

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I wish I could agree with you but this is where I'm at, full max brightness and gamma, full moon above my head. It's temperamental at best on terms of being able to see or not, seems like there is a variety each time I join. I really do wish there was some more natural realism to being able to see at night. What I see is factually not a realistic scenario.


I envy that, I love it when its pitch black and all you can see outlines of houses and trees towards the sky. Walking around with a flashlight only seeing inside the light gives a more horrific and scary environment. It's especially fun and scary if you're playing with friends, one holds the flashlight and lights the path and the other one has the weapon and deals with any threats.

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I live in a very rural area with no street lights and at best garage lights and I'm sorry to say its not dark. Even with complete cloud cover you adjust and its not hard to navigate. When I was a teen we would play flash light tag and there was rather densely wooded areas that I had no problem going through even though I had no lights and it was completely dark out.

Thank you. Finally someone else who gets what I have been trying to get across. Even if I walk outside right now with my eyes used to a monitor sending light towards my face, I can see perfectly well outside. 15 minutes of being in the dark and I can see as if its day, due to snow, but even if it was fall I can see a helluva lot better than I can in DayZ right now. I can look out my window right now, they are tinted with 5% tint (Yes my house windows are tinted), and still see more than I can in DayZ. It's not really a complaint, it just hinders my experience a bit but it makes me adapt and I like that. Still love this game.


I envy that, I love it when its pitch black and all you can see outlines of houses and trees towards the sky. Walking around with a flashlight only seeing inside the light gives a more horrific and scary environment. It's especially fun and scary if you're playing with friends, one holds the flashlight and lights the path and the other one has the weapon and deals with any threats.

I do agree it makes for a great experience but that's just one side of the cookie I guess. I heard on another thread that the gamma and brightness should be eliminated. I think that actually, if they can fix the night visibility to be more representative of what you can physically see in real life, they should make the only option to be darker. Maybe even just make the standard setting, if night is fixed, 85% of max, to allow some wiggle room for people like me with horridly dark monitors as it is. 

I am playing this game to immerse myself in some realism of roleplay when I play alone. I also play for fun and realism is much less of a factor then but I would definitely like to see this game improve the night mode more. I don't like morse coding my way through the dark, bumping myself from object to object half the time. That doesn't make for a fun game at all, especially when you get chased by a zombie you can't even defend yourself against because only the sound gives you a faint direction of where they are at and then you run into a wall or a bush, get eaten alive, or pass out from running around so much if you do finally manage to get some open room to run.

The game is what it is though and I will gladly take it as that. I paid for the game to be whatever it will be, not for what I want it to be. That's just selfish.

Edited by FireMedic772

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If your nights are pitch black you are having the bug with the cloud settings. Try disabling/enabling the cloud quality in video settings.


Edit: I guess not, it seems to not work in the new patch. Maybe the nights are supposed to have no small global illumination then (had before).

Edited by Vembumees

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Honestly, the night is just too dark to see. It should be quite dark but not as dark as it is now. Even with my brightness and gamma maxed I still have trouble seeing without a flashlight. Anyone else agree?

You think that's dark? you should see Ireland

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No, It's fine as it is. Remember it's a survival game and is pointed to be as realistic as possible. And the night in reality is dark ;)

Ok, they coold fix the fleshlight/headtorch but the reast is fine


lol not its not, that's the problem, what they are doing is not realistic. dont judge what a night is like based on how dark it seems when you come out of your house. when you are in the dark for  a bit you can see far far far better then this game allows you to see.

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lol not its not, that's the problem, what they are doing is not realistic. dont judge what a night is like based on how dark it seems when you come out of your house. when you are in the dark for  a bit you can see far far far better then this game allows you to see.

Beileve me, it is that dark away from civilization.

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Beileve me, it is that dark away from civilization.

Believe me its not. Night stalking far in the wild in Alaska (entry point was Ketchikan) is still not as dark as DayZ is for me. I will try the cloud thing though and report back but outside of pure loss of light, the game truly lacks a good quality night visibility system. You give your eyes time to adjust, no matter where you are outside (yes even Ireland), and you can at least negotiate your way across land. Our eyes are very very powerful things. Only when it is dense cloud cover do things become, but still not as dark, like DayZ (referencing my screenshot). I did play it before and it wasn't as bad. Just seems the lighting dynamics are off. There's no reactivity at all really. A street lamp should light up a full 50 yard circle once you've adjusted to the light. I'll have my cousin in Germany try and play this and give feedback. He's airborne so his background is plentiful on night ops and I've done quite a bit of outdoor stuff with him. Awesome times. Not once, even in Alaska, did we say to each other "well I can't see a thing how about you"

Its all relevant to each person though of course. Some of us can see better in the dark than others. Makes a lot of things moot I guess lol. Still would like some lighting improvements maybe. But its not my game so I just gotta roll with the flow. Makes it more of a challenge which is cool so its a win win for me no matter what. I'm just here to enjoy and give feedback

Edited by FireMedic772

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Won't give my head for this, but I'm pretty sure it's not supposed to be pitch black. Before you could switch clouds options and have global illumination, which was still very dark with mid gamma, but at least you could see (right now at least I, turn gamma up and see some things just being completely black, which looks rather buggy, but I also messed around with .ini settings earlier so it might just be my sided). As it is without it right now (objects not even showing textures without lightning and just being black) and not seeing anything in the new patch notes, I'd say it is a bug or they are just seeing how the feedback is with total darkness mode.

Edited by Vembumees

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" Even with my brightness and gamma maxed I still have trouble seeing without a flashlight"


Probably because you're not supposed to see easily by "cheating" and upping your gamma/brightness thank god they fixed it you start with a flashlight for a reason shocking!

Edited by Sickerthansars

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lol not its not, that's the problem, what they are doing is not realistic. dont judge what a night is like based on how dark it seems when you come out of your house. when you are in the dark for  a bit you can see far far far better then this game allows you to see.

im willing to bet youdont live somewhere as remote as most of chenarus if you've ever been somewhere where there are no cities within 50 miles, you cant see your hand infront of your face without a full moon

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" Even with my brightness and gamma maxed I still have trouble seeing without a flashlight"


Probably because you're not supposed to see easily by "cheating" and upping your gamma/brightness thank god they fixed it you start with a flashlight for a reason shocking!

You are supposed to see textures without using flashlight. I can still up my gamma and see everything, except a bunch of textures. I can still detect another player just by shape as well, the difference is that the game looks fugly and gliched this way. I log in right now to a night server and my character is without textures because of no light, same with farther objects. Ground that has no lighting has textures, grass has textures, I don't have textures. Sounds intended.


Edit: The pitch black thing might have been my sided tho, deleted my settings files and checked back in and doesnt look like this anymore, might just be that its getting to a morning now tho, 3 hours ago in a night server it looked pretty much like that black night screenshot above, can't find any deep night servers atm to check either, all day/reaching day. we

Edited by Vembumees

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this is realistic bro trust me

lol no its not.

I spent 7 years in the infantry, when you get your eyes adjusted almost no night looks like that. Not even close.

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im willing to bet youdont live somewhere as remote as most of chenarus if you've ever been somewhere where there are no cities within 50 miles, you cant see your hand infront of your face without a full moon

That is just nonsense.  I have spent many more nights in the forest away from all lights than most anyone you will ever meet. What your saying is just not true.

The only place I have ever seen that kind of dark  was in triple canopy in Panama.


In every other situation you can see your self easily, you can see the others in your det easily, you can keep your orientation with your surroundings reasonably well. If there is open sky and star light, you can nearly read. 


What this game is doing is nothing to do with typical darkness at night. And if you want "realism" people sleep at night, you dont have to eat and drink all night. 

there is nothing about realism in this concept, and its a piss poor design anyway, if you want a night element why tie it to the actual time of day. 

So working guys can only ever play at night? What an assinine prospect really lol.  Is this the revenge of the grave yard shift or something?

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It isn't fun to play a game when it's constantly either black/white (the gamma solution) or so pitch black that you can't see anything at all. It's wasted graphics (I still haven't been able to see the game in daylight) and very irritating. And using a flash light is a death sentence, people can see you a mile away and hunt you down, so I never use a flashlight nor a head light. If night time lasted shorter, so that I could at least for an hour or two get to play a little in daytime, then I wouldn't complain. At pitch dark you can't see items, making looting almost impossible without gamma switch. I don't use it against other players (thus far, I avoid other players as well as I can) only to get the little food/water I've been able to get my hands on. Because with how quickly you get hungry/thirsty, you have to be on constant look out for food. An example on the visibility, I had the gamma switched up, and still didn't see the zombie before I bumped into him, screaming like a turd :P 


So yeah, I get that nighttime is supposed to be dark, but a little less, so that you can at least move around, and switch more often on day/night so that we who work daytime can actually get to play some in the light too, that would be good.

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Can't rocket just say "fuck it" and give us an extremely narrow range of gamma to choose from? I feel like that's the best option. Brightness doesn't affect visibility in game, it just changes you monitor brightness. It's the gamma that's the culprit, so why not just solve the issue right at it's source. Then we can move on with a reasonable night time setting that won't be so exploitable.


Or perhaps night time could alter the lighting parameters so that only a certain distance around you renders ambient light, so you can actually see something, but that way a player far away from you would still be perfectly hidden in the dark?


And for goodness sake, get those shadows working and give flashlights some ambient lighting so we can use flashlights inside without beaming all of cherno with our miniature pocket-sun.

Edited by SalamanderAnder

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I do agree it makes for a great experience but that's just one side of the cookie I guess. I heard on another thread that the gamma and brightness should be eliminated. I think that actually, if they can fix the night visibility to be more representative of what you can physically see in real life, they should make the only option to be darker. Maybe even just make the standard setting, if night is fixed, 85% of max, to allow some wiggle room for people like me with horridly dark monitors as it is. 

I am playing this game to immerse myself in some realism of roleplay when I play alone. I also play for fun and realism is much less of a factor then but I would definitely like to see this game improve the night mode more. I don't like morse coding my way through the dark, bumping myself from object to object half the time. That doesn't make for a fun game at all, especially when you get chased by a zombie you can't even defend yourself against because only the sound gives you a faint direction of where they are at and then you run into a wall or a bush, get eaten alive, or pass out from running around so much if you do finally manage to get some open room to run.

The game is what it is though and I will gladly take it as that. I paid for the game to be whatever it will be, not for what I want it to be. That's just selfish.

Don't know where you live tho, but I live norway and a bit away from the cities and streets lights and what not and I've got a forest right up to my lawn. When it's dark, its dark. You can't see shit unless you're in an open field. If you're in the forest, you are virtually blind. You can see some shapes of the trees, but thats it.

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I spent time in the middle of nowhere in canada, no towns for miles, and I was able to see more than just black outlines. Our eyes adjust to darkness and are able to pick up small amounts of light. Anyone who says otherwise has never been in the dark, or just enjoys the pain of being blind in dayz.

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Honestly, the night is just too dark to see. It should be quite dark but not as dark as it is now. Even with my brightness and gamma maxed I still have trouble seeing without a flashlight. Anyone else agree?

Hi, i hope the darkness will be authentic enought that every one need a flashlight to see more then just a bit for example. Otherwise u could remove the night time cause my gamma and brightness make it day at night.


Greetings ReDim

PS: Sry about ,my english skills.

Edited by ReDim42

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I don't care what they do, as long as nighttime doesn't follow normal night/day, because that means I'll not get to play in daylight at all due to work. And if they wanna keep it so darned dark, we are going to need to be able to play a bit in daytime, so that we then can find whatever we need to survive night! 

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Don't know where you live tho, but I live norway and a bit away from the cities and streets lights and what not and I've got a forest right up to my lawn. When it's dark, its dark. You can't see shit unless you're in an open field. If you're in the forest, you are virtually blind. You can see some shapes of the trees, but thats it.

Where I live is irrelevant of where I've been. Go hunting or go camping to see for yourself that its no magical fantasy that we can in fact see pretty well in poor lighting conditions. You give yourself a little while to ajdust and you can see objects fairly decently. Do it on a clear sky with the moon full and its like a wonderland. Put snow on the ground with a full moon night and you could see as far as your line of sight goes on for (posted a picture of a snowy night in my locale, it is spot on to what I was seeing through my eyes)

I spent time in the middle of nowhere in canada, no towns for miles, and I was able to see more than just black outlines. Our eyes adjust to darkness and are able to pick up small amounts of light. Anyone who says otherwise has never been in the dark, or just enjoys the pain of being blind in dayz.

This. Granted some people have a tough time but generally we have some decent night vision. Edited by FireMedic772

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Don't know where you live tho, but I live norway and a bit away from the cities and streets lights and what not and I've got a forest right up to my lawn. When it's dark, its dark. You can't see shit unless you're in an open field. If you're in the forest, you are virtually blind. You can see some shapes of the trees, but thats it.


You know I was thinking about living in a cabin in the woods for maybe a week for my love of nature. Speaking as somebody who, despite being 23 years old, can't sleep without some light; you've just completely changed my mind in mere moments. o__O I never thought about the dark... *shudder*

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I don't care what they do, as long as nighttime doesn't follow normal night/day, because that means I'll not get to play in daylight at all due to work. And if they wanna keep it so darned dark, we are going to need to be able to play a bit in daytime, so that we then can find whatever we need to survive night!

I agree with that. I'm about to boot it up so I can finally get some day time in. It does seem rather faulted. They shpud definitely make some sort of accelerated cycle for day and night.

You know I was thinking about living in a cabin in the woods for maybe a week for my love of nature. Speaking as somebody who, despite being 23 years old, can't sleep without some light; you've just completely changed my mind in mere moments. o__O I never thought about the dark... *shudder*

Just don't question the beady red eyes staring at you from the darkness :p

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