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Dayz ENB thread

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Hi again, mates!


Its nice to hear about alfa release! Cant wait for the moment to order my copy!


However Rocket mentioned plans for future modding support for this game, so I've decided to point your attention to russian programmer - Boris Vorontcov and his ENB-series mods for different games.


If you are interested in possible development mod for Dayz, plz vote here: Dayz ENB poll



If you've never heard about enb-series mods:

"ENBSeries is 3d graphic modification for games like TES Skyrim, GTA 4, GTA San Andreas, Deus Ex HR, FSX, and many others. It work by modifying render functions calls of the games and applying additional effects." - official desc


by using this mod players were able to achieve unbelievable look of their desired games.

some examples that useses ENB with custom postproessing effects

Fallout NV


TES: Skyrim


Deus Ex: HR

(theese are bmp, so i'll just link em)






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after some testing with different "mod families" we've discovered that game or possible VAC block's any dll wrap



i understand that anti-cheat protection is one of the core features, however is there anyway to pursue programm that im not going to inject any malware into the game???

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DX injectors work (i.e SweetFX) and they are NOT .EXE INJECTORS

i've just tested SweetFX, however i get same result - there's 2 outcomes:

1. the issue is somewhere in my VGA drivers/windows/dunno what's else

2. VAC really blocks anykind of .dll injectors

who else can test theese: http://gsngaming.com/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_id=1374 (classic ARMAII sweetFX package) and http://enbseries.enbdev.com/forum/download/file.php?id=994 (default enb wrapper for tests w/o any features)


i was running both of them (and clean game itself) on my 7970 - maybe this failure is cause by my old AMD drivers.... testers with Nvidia - welcome


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