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Dev Team is doing a great job, keep up the good work! Cut them some slack guys.

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I wanted to make this post to help with the overall morale about the current problems.


Just wanted to let the dev team know that they are doing a great job with this alpha. As far as an early access alpha goes with a lot of traffic going in and out of the game, and the fact that this kind of game with the mechanics and goals behind it are pretty new to the gaming world, I think its been pretty successful.This is probably the best alhpa ive seen in quite some time and the future looks very promising.


There have been a few major/minor bugs, but the dev team has been speedy about fixing major issues, and also informing the community about updates and announcements. I have to say i am quite impressed with what they have done, with the resources they have. This game is a whole new world of possiblities, and i would say the path they are laying down is looking good.


Keep up the amazing work, Dev team.  Hope we as a community can do what we can to support you and the game.

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Yep they are :),  Unlike Ubisoft & EA whos games cost alot more, are finished releases and stay broken for ages (cough cough Fifa 14 & Rome Total War 2)

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I agree. When I bought the game I kept having to tell myself "okay, its in pre-alpha, be ready for anything". But after playing and experiencing all the bugs and whatnot, I am happily suprised with how much BETTER it is than I thought it would be. Watching Rocket stream is nothing like actually playing the game, I am very exited to see this game develop.

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They need a donate button.


I'm pretty sure they'll get some generous donations from their community.


For the most part the launch has been pretty good compared to other games -cough Bf cough-

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I agree that it's impressive to recreate the entire mod as a standalone game, and it gives them a good foundation to build on. However, at the moment I have Steam and cannot log into the game. So check back in 12 hours and we'll see whether I feel better about the game.  :D

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Damn with Ubisoft and SEGA. I dont know how s**pid Ubisoft pricing their games while they are broken for ages...

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@ £19.99 too,  I thought they could have charged more tbh.  I played the mod for a good 6 months, was a bargain

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Another thing too, steam is what is causing the problems with the servers right now, not actually the game itself. Hopefully steam can get thier stuff together soon. :D

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You've got to be kidding right?

The standalone at the moment, need I remind you released as an ALPHA a year after it claimed it should be completed, is as bare bones and bad off as the mod was when it originally released. Sooo my question is besides making a few of the graphics look better and placing loot under tables and on top of dressers what were the dev's doing for so long?! Why was such little progress made in the last 8 months since E3??

If anything the dev team should be thanking us, the fans, for shelling out $3 million dollars in the first 12 hours of launch so that we could play a dress-up running simulator. As of now the free mod is infinitely better than the stand alone, and with how disappointing the progress has been I don't see the stand alone ever reaching what the MOD currently has.

Few things we were told they spent a lot time fixing:

#1. Zombie chase and collision system. (You mean when they run through buildings and fly from out of the ground to hit you? Ohhh its because you actually have to strike the zombie with the axe now...)

#2. Revamped Inventory System. (Great, thanks. Hey Dean have you played Arma 3 at all? That inventory system, as bad as it is, puts the stand alone to shame.)

#3. "Built from the ground up" (My ass. Your virtually running the same source engine from the mod.)


My biggest disappointment was the amount of faith I put in Dean Hall to make a worthwhile advancement on a product he put out a year ago. NOPE. We all just spent $30 to buy the original MOD with extreme resource draining pretty graphics. But hey, at least there is all these clothing variations!

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You've got to be kidding right?

The standalone at the moment, need I remind you released as an ALPHA a year after it claimed it should be completed, is as bare bones and bad off as the mod was when it originally released. Sooo my question is besides making a few of the graphics look better and placing loot under tables and on top of dressers what were the dev's doing for so long?! Why was such little progress made in the last 8 months since E3??

If anything the dev team should be thanking us, the fans, for shelling out $3 million dollars in the first 12 hours of launch so that we could play a dress-up running simulator. As of now the free mod is infinitely better than the stand alone, and with how disappointing the progress has been I don't see the stand alone ever reaching what the MOD currently has.

Few things we were told they spent a lot time fixing:

#1. Zombie chase and collision system. (You mean when they run through buildings and fly from out of the ground to hit you? Ohhh its because you actually have to strike the zombie with the axe now...)

#2. Revamped Inventory System. (Great, thanks. Hey Dean have you played Arma 3 at all? That inventory system, as bad as it is, puts the stand alone to shame.)

#3. "Built from the ground up" (My ass. Your virtually running the same source engine from the mod.)


My biggest disappointment was the amount of faith I put in Dean Hall to make a worthwhile advancement on a product he put out a year ago. NOPE. We all just spent $30 to buy the original MOD with extreme resource draining pretty graphics. But hey, at least there is all these clothing variations!

Mod isnt free by the way. Requires arma 2 and operation arrowhead to work which costs roughly the same as this game right now. Currently the standalone is a work in progress, and issues will be fixed, but if you insist on having a negative attitude and not being patient for an actual good game to be released, unlike most popular titles right now, you can choose to not play/buy if you want. You are entitled to your opinions, but you dont have to be so negative about it.

Edited by Ulysses404

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DayZ the mod was entirely free. You're right in that Arma 2 and OA were not but they weren't solely DayZ; there were countless features to those games that had zero to do with zombies. You can say this is negativity, but I call it being realistic. Your right in that no one wants some Call of Duty piece of garbage thrown out there but can anyone tell us what they have done in the last year? We all knew it was no where near complete but I don't think anyone predicted just how bad things really are.

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Yep they are :),  Unlike Ubisoft & EA whos games cost alot more, are finished releases and stay broken for ages (cough cough Fifa 14 & Rome Total War 2)

RTTW is Sega.

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Yep they are :),  Unlike Ubisoft & EA whos games cost alot more, are finished releases and stay broken for ages (cough cough Fifa 14 & Rome Total War 2)

I wouldnt really call TW2 broken, other than the weirdness where some people had graphics issues at release the game actually functioned how it was supposed to. BF4 would be a better example where the game actually stopped working and crashed loading between maps. 

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DayZ the mod was entirely free. You're right in that Arma 2 and OA were not but they weren't solely DayZ; there were countless features to those games that had zero to do with zombies. You can say this is negativity, but I call it being realistic. Your right in that no one wants some Call of Duty piece of garbage thrown out there but can anyone tell us what they have done in the last year? We all knew it was no where near complete but I don't think anyone predicted just how bad things really are.


You clearly weren't here for the beginning, saying the SA is in the same shape as the mod on release, if anything you've just discredited yourself. Then again seeing as you think they're running from the mod source its also abundantly clear you have no idea what you're talking about either.


most of the people crying about the state of SA have grown so acustomed to playing things like Origins/Epoch etc no wonder they think the SA is behind. The SA is miles ahead of the mod in almost every catagory, you're also forgetting they completely redid the architecture specifically for dayz for the SA, thats not exactly a quick/easy task. What people forget is the mod was actually nothing more than a proof of concept, running of an engine etc built to be a military simulator not a survival apocolypse game. 

Edited by Sickerthansars

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