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Items you want to see in the SA

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I'd would prefer Mosin carbine over SKS (in game). A lot more skills demanding game.

Considering there is already an M4A1 (and likely will be more assault rifles), an SKS is still going to demand more 'skill' than a lot of other guns.

Also keep in mind that the SKS perfectly fits the setting and scenario.

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More weaponry, particularly more appropriate weaponry considering the area Dayz is supposed to be set in. They should make some really nice AKM, AKS, AK-74 and AK-74U models as well as a couple of hunting rifles, including the famous CZ550 from the mod. I'd also like to see a few more handguns, especially the CZ-75, Makarov, Tokarev TT and Nagant M1895 Revolver. Maybe a couple more shotguns as well, an under-and-over double barrel and a pump like the Molot-Bekas, Remington 870 or Mossberg 500. Finally a few more melee weapons, notably a small hatchet, a machete, a hunting knife, a folding knife, a couple of kitchen knives and a hammer. Maybe a sawn-off Mosin variant as well for lower weight and better CQB at the cost of accuracy.


Aside from weapons I'd really like to see some work done on clothes, particularly headgear. Make the Payday masks rarer and add some more other headwear. I can think of construction hard-hats, firefighting helmets, balaclavas, boonie hats, police helmets (maybe intruduce entire sets of police gear and riot gear) and deerstalker hats. I'd really like to see some kind of multi-purpose shemagh, which when you right click on it in the inventory it comes up with the options 'Use as headscarf', 'Use as scarf', or 'Use as field dressing'.

Edited by ruarz
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Lawn mower


Parachute for base jumping


Sledge/snowboard (they could work on wet grass)


Skateboard/rollerblades/skates for making those long walks down roads a bit quicker.


Fireworks/small rockets for attaching to rollerskates to make rocket skates :lol:

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As someone else suggested, some sort of firework that you could set off as a distraction. 


Watches that you can attach to your wrist.


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A flare match. Works in the rain (that has yet to come).


Signal Pistol. Drawing Zeds attention and can used for distraction...giving away your position. Maybe we could use it to light something (a pool of gasoline?) up from a distance.


Coffee. Gives you more stamina maybe? Donno exactly what its benefits have to be.


Can. For the coffee


GPS/GPS-Tracker. Makes no sence until we got cars, but at that point it would be so cool if I could hunt down the guy that stole my jeep with my GPS and a machete in hand :)


Hidden holster. Can carry a pistol hidden.


Hand-made bow. A bow that is craftable. Maybe even with the posibillity to use different quality materials as you pass by them. For example: Wire instead of some kind of rope. Or karbon instead of wood.

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I think they should add kits to repair damaged objects that will be used combined with other items like:

Cloth reparing kit- Used with rags to repair damaged clothing.

Gun repairing kit- Used with gun parts to repair guns.

Tools repairing kit- Used with wood/metals (or something else that can be created) to repair tools such as axes, can openers, shovels and such.


This way there will be an option to repair your items after getting hit by zombies/getting shot.


Hope you like the idea,


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I know some aren't items but I'd rather post here than make a new thread on a topic that will probably see way too many new threads.


  • sewing kit to repair ripped clothing
  • hollow points or soft nose rounds to vary ammunition
  • rat poison (poison food in your pack, trick people, force feed people, jam pellet into tip of a .45 JHP round = bleeding)
  • dog food, cat food, livestock food
  • split water between bottles to share or not waste pack space
  • whistle, megaphone, airhorn (noise making mechanic)
  • ruined m4 parts + duct tape = better than ruined, duct-taped part
  • use unattached scope as monocular
  • varied civi clothes
    • hawaiian shirts
    • fur coats
    • fur hats
    • stupid branded t shirts
    • singlets
    • shorts
    • pink running shoes
    • women's shoes
    • jandals, with distinct running sound
    • childrens school bags
    • suitcases
    • purses
    • life jackets
    • tracksuits
    • construction worker helmets
    • welding masks (almost iconic to fallout 3 now though)
  • all that good shit
Edited by dut
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I know some aren't items but I'd rather post here than make a new thread on a topic that will probably see way too many new threads.


  • sewing kit to repair ripped clothing
  • hollow points or soft nose rounds to vary ammunition
  • rat poison (poison food in your pack, trick people, force feed people, jam pellet into tip of a .45 JHP round = bleeding)
  • dog food, cat food, livestock food
  • split water between bottles to share or not waste pack space
  • whistle, megaphone, airhorn (noise making mechanic)
  • ruined m4 parts + duct tape = better than ruined, duct-taped part
  • use unattached scope as monocular
  • varied civi clothes
    • hawaiian shirts
    • fur coats
    • fur hats
    • stupid branded t shirts
    • singlets
    • shorts
    • pink running shoes
    • women's shoes
    • jandals, with distinct running sound
    • childrens school bags
    • suitcases
    • purses
    • life jackets
    • tracksuits
    • construction worker helmets
    • welding masks (almost iconic to fallout 3 now though)
  • all that good shit


Really nice ideas, I think the sewing kit should work with rags combined and maybe instead of repairing a gun with duct tape, make a new item called gun reparing kit or whatever that will be able to fix guns with duct tape+metal/gun parts?

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I want to incapacitate a threat rather than just killing them, so :


Tazers (already mentioned by Rocket I believe).

Rubber bullets (or bean-bag shotty) like the anti-riot cops use.

anaesthetic dart pistol or/and rifle as used by animal control.

hoop on a stick thingy as used by dog catchers, (could be used to move infected around, collect 'em maybe).

ability to build man traps either the rope from tree type or maybe a net from above.



When vehicles come in:

spike strips


improvised tank traps.


for fun:

a water pistol. (although this could be nasty if filled with something caustic).

a bicycle horn. (parp parp).

Edited by Lord Snapcase
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  • chocolate bar - lot of energy/rare ("om nom nom")

alcohol - disinfection, few sips = good for cold nights for a while,  / more sips = oposite + some other effects, you know(instead of going straight you going around, dehydration, vomiting, blurry vision, no fear of zombies and pain, etc) ;)

flyers with bandits on them - survivors that kill other survivors a lot have their portraits reproduced by those that survived their attack all around the map ... if you find such flyer you could have option like "memorize that  face" on flyer(it will consume the flyer) = if you meet that person later somewhere you can recognize him at distance of x meters(more/less? further with scope/binoculars) game will mark him as possible threat for you everytime you will be at the range so you will know that you should be careful - if you kill such person(marked as threat-you memorized the flyer) the game wont start spawning your flyers

non-lethal weapons as mentioned above - "anaesthetic dart pistol or/and rifle as used by animal control."

strong sleeping pills - you can mix them with water (bottle/canteen) and let that bottle/canteen behind you .. whoever who finds it and drink it will be sleepy have blurry vision for some time then there is chance of falling into unconsciousness state for 2 minutes or so if no precautions taken ..... just for the fun of it ;)

pitchfork, katana/sword, sledgehammer (you wont be running fast, but it has some punch in case there will be implemented breaking of the locked doors, especially good for some solid doors)

flare/flaregun - showing your position at night(to all around ofc) (can be even used as a single shot short range weapon-not much dmg/bad accuracy)/ military illumination flare (very rare, good at night if you really need to see some bigger area-someone shooting at your position from oposite side of airfield/hill/whatever and you cant a see anything - lets light it up a little bit with this thing)

Edited by per2

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Cigarettes (could somehow be a currency?)

Bows (would be nice if you could craft one rather easily, than find them)

Glass/Cups to share drinks (or even use empty cans etc)


hy would cigarettes be a currency? I also don't get why they often are used as money in movies and films(and in RL too,for example in wars)

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hy would cigarettes be a currency? I also don't get why they often are used as money in movies and films(and in RL too,for example in wars)


Because smokes are addictive and the harder they are to get the more they are worth (prison, apocalypse or war). Addiction is something that hardly ever works in a videogame though.

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Because smokes are addictive and the harder they are to get the more they are worth (prison, apocalypse or war). Addiction is something that hardly ever works in a videogame though.

So people who don't smoke would have an advantage?


It doesn't make sense in a game like DayZ to have any form of fixed currency. It is all about gear.

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I want a shirt which is impervious to bullets,allows you to run at supersonic speeds and jump buildings....




However it has a bad habit of not allowing you to catch or kick things properly.

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I want a shirt which is impervious to bullets,allows you to run at supersonic speeds and jump buildings....


However it has a bad habit of not allowing you to catch or kick things properly.


I can just see the ozzys holding each oher up for AFL team gear now, "Done shewtim, ew'll reek eet, ya gala"



So people who don't smoke would have an advantage?


It doesn't make sense in a game like DayZ to have any form of fixed currency. It is all about gear.


Yeah that sort of stuff doesn't work in a game. In reality, yes the person who doesn't smoke but hordes cigarettes can trade them for chocolate, alcohol, coffee, rations, sentry duty or work detail, they are also a hated member of the team.

Edited by dut

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.22 carbines

Ruger mini 14

CZ-75d pistol

9mm guns

Multi-purpose knives

38 snub revolvers


But most important, even better than the SVT....what DayZ needs to be realistic is..VODKA (and ak's)

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