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Most Memorable Moment Thus Far?

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With the servers having issues for the majority of today to help keep me occupied can some people tell me some cool and memorable moments they've had so far playing the standalone??? 

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I ran across a guy.  We both were armed with axe's.  Waved from a distance met up, he said he was on low blood and had a medkit.  So I attempted to help him but collected his blood accidentally so he went unconscious and died basically.  


I came across another with a Mosin on his back and a pay day mask.  Got the drop on him as he came out a building.  He surrendered.  But didn't speak English.  Handcuffs told me I couldn't handcuff due to him having 1 percent health or something of that nature.  So I shot him once in the head with an m4.  Couldn't chance him having rounds for the Mosin and shooting me in the back later on.   

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There were two situations, one of them is funny and the other is epic.


Situation numero uno: I was on the Balota Airfield, looting the military base, I got good gear, an axe and supplies, but as I was looting the last building, a man came out of nowhere with a little hammer, and saw me with a giant axe, he couldn't hit me for shit, he was running around me and I started hitting him, he was bleeding like a motherf---r, bleeding a river, so he ran away.


2 minutes later he comes back for another round with his little hammer and started running towards me, he can't hit for shit again, so I finish him off! I laughed so hard, the guy coming back with his little hammer.


Situation numero dos: I had good loot, an axe, a Mozin with a scope but no ammo and a chest holster with a pistol (Also no ammo), but I wanted more military loot, so I ran to Balota again and saw at least 10 bodies, all around the Airfield. So I start looting, when I was in the middle of the airstrip, I look at the hangars and I see 2 players, they both have M4's and body armor, so I lay prone.


But they saw me, when they aim at me I start running, I hear them shooting and the bullets hitting the ground next to me as I run. I almost died. For some reason that was SO awesome.

Edited by DiscordWhooves
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I was on top of a building and two guys came up. I had a motorcycle helmet and that was it. They started trying to punch me and I was able to punch them both to death 2v1.

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I have three situations to regale the forums with:


One, I freshly spawned in Prigorodki and spent about 5 minutes looking around, testing the new spawn system and writing it down for my friends who are interested in buying the alpha. After finding a hatchet and a shirt which I promptly tore into rags (I figured they would be bandages), I went to the train station and was held up by a man with a Mosin Nagant. After declaring I was friendly, we both motioned to each other and met up. We chatted with each other for about 3 minutes, discussing the alpha, when he decided to gift me an empty handgun in the spirit of Christmas, then departed Prig towards Cherno. However, after raiding a barn, I spotted a bandit charging him with a hatchet, so I called out for him to watch out, but to no avail. He was murdered. I charged after the bandit, who just managed to take everything from the survivor and killed him with my hatchet. I then took everything from both bodies and mulled around Prig, hoping the friendly would return, but he did not.


Two, my brother and I were holed up on top of the Cherno firestation when suddenly my brother said he saw a flashlight moving around. We went prone and spotted a survivor searching around the firestation. So, I went on direct chat and verbally warned him twice that we were armed; he should go away. He ignored our warnings and proceeded into the firestation, up the tower. When he finally stood still and was scanning for us, we both stood up and took him down with my Mosin Nagant and my brother's handgun, then quickly fled the scene, fearing that everybody on the map heard the Mosin fire.


Three, my brother and I went to Balota airstrip and went into the ATC tower to look around for supplies when I spotted a dead body in the middle of the airfield. My brother offered to search it while I covered him, but as he exited the building, a well-armed player with an M4 emerged from the darkness and searched the body. I quickly aimed and fired twice, putting the man down quickly before he could see my brother. As my brother moved in and fired 5 shots into the still figure, the figure stood back up and started readying his M4. I shot once again while my brother emptied the rest of his magazine. When the figure once again fell to the ground, his body disappeared. An Alt+F4'er. <_<

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First 4 hours of playing, I had already died once to dehydration and was on my way to meet up with friends for the first time in Nadezhdino. As we are gathered around the water pump in town consolidating loot one of my buds passes out from dehydration. Having already died from the extra long pass out timer I knew what was at stake. Having never tried it before and not even knowing if it was functional, I wip out my first aid kit and prep a saline injection. Tense seconds pass after I finish the animation, then miraculously my bud gets up and is conscious again. I haven't felt so relieved in a long time. In fact his character is still alive several days later.

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On some roof with a friend. Going down the ladder. Friend with good gear hits "V" instead of "F". So he vaults down to his death. :P

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I was chasing this dude yesterday, And i was hitting him constantly with a crowbar ...

Now, (after about 15 mins of chasing) While he was running forward I turned into the forest and took another way ........
After another 15 minutes I found him again, bandaging himself on the road...

So I RAN TO HIM Screaming "SURPRISE MUTHAFUCKA!! Remember me ?!" 

And well He ran away .......... I think he is still running .

He will never enter a city in Dayz EVER AGAIN .


Yeah that was funnier atm .. ;D

Edited by TheRegliz

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Met a guy at Cherno new apartments(we didn't know where we were).


Standing on the roof of one of the buildings we were just looking about to figure it out, and he fell. I cried telling him I was coming, ran downstairs to save him... he was dead.



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1) I came upon the new apartments shortly after a server reset, and they were (comparitively) crawling with zombies. I didn't have any weapons except for an empty mosin, so I started sprinting as fast as I could. Everywhere I turned was another Z waiting, and most of them kept chasing me. I ended up running into a house and vaulting out a window to get away

2) I met up with 3 of my buddies in Msta. We grouped up outside the church, and started dumping our food onto the ground because only one of us had a can opener. As we're standing around waiting for the food to get opened, someone with a mosin opens fire, hitting me and taking me out pretty much instantly. My buddies ended up chasing him down and putting some rounds into him, but he hid. They ended up finding him in a nearby bush and finished him off with a hatchet. Now we know to never stand around in the open xD

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Was going to meet up with my friend at a huge black building on top of a hill in the distance, upon arriving I heard my friend in direct chat telling someone he was friendly and wouldnt attack.  I move up in the bushes to see my friend being backed up into the base of the black building my 4 enemies with guns and axes.  They then ran and cut him down.  I crawled up close to the building just below a window to see them beating and looting his body.  I then worked my way around the back of the building to a ladder up to a second story roof area. I climbed up it and waited seeing if the other survivors were going to leave.  After about 5 minutes I decided to start crawling back down the ladder to check through the window again.  Upon arriving at the bottom of the ladder I turned to be met by the players with M4's pointed at me.  I climbed back up the ladder scrabbling across the roof to the other side.  They moved back up on a little hill to get sight of me and started firing.  I had no choice but to jump, thus breaking my legs.  I crawled to a nearby shed and waited inside, waiting for them to eventually find and shoot me.  I saw one run past the door then run back to the black building nearby.  I slowly crawled out and across the road next to the building, trying to hurry and not be seen.  I got to the side of hill and rolled down it all the way to an airstrip.  I crawled for probably 45 minutes.  I threw myself up some stairs into the top of a tower to see other players killing people on the runway,  I crawled staying out of sight looting bodies in look for morphine.  Eventually my friend showed up but didnt have morphine and had to put his axe to my head. All in all it was an amazing experience.

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This one time, I looted a hospital, and then I walked out of a window, and then I died. 

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Saved an unarmed player from two zombies with my wood axe, for some reason he couldnt hear me in voice chat so he just talked to me and followed me around a while. He seemed cool so I left a baseball bat for him to take for protection... stepped out of the building and he beat me to death from behind... I will never trust again.

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Being at the north west airfield with no one in sight, looted all that i could carry. 

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I don't think I'll ever forget the first time I spawned. I was in Prig. I managed to find a screwdriver but found it didn't work. As I left a house I saw a man running and after him were two guys with hatchets saying "Where do you think you're going?" and such. They looked at me but I immediately turned and ran North.


I went through the apartments around Cherno, found some stuff, then made my approach to the city. I wanted ammo for my new Mosin. As I'm moving through the town I see an aggro zombie chasing a player, who goes into the fire station. I carefully made my way around and found a dead body behind the building. When I entered the building, a man with a hatchet came in after me and got a swing in, but I managed to side step his follow up attack and struck him multiple times in the back, killing him. At this point, my screen is blurry and I'm bleeding all over myself. Then another guy comes in and starts punching me while I am bandaging myself. I told him in direct chat to kindly fuck off, and ran for my life.


My adventures continued for a long time after that. I made it all the way to the NWAF, got fully geared along the way, and overcame an illness. I even made it to the shipwreck on the east coast with the same character. Shortly thereafter I lost my character due to the patch.

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I was looting the barracks at Balota and noticed a closed door had become open. Inside was a man with an axe, bleeding profusely. I was going to see if he was friendly and offer some assistance, but saw through the window that he had found some bandages. 


After he had vacated the barracks, I proceeded eastward along the fence opposite his direction. On the runway was another player who was unarmed. I decided to make contact with the unarmed player instead of retreating back towards the axe man. He asked me to please not shoot him and warned me of a player with a pistol in the ATC tower. I wished him luck, but as we were about to part ways, a player with a rifle appeared to be looting a corpse by a military tent. 


I covered the unarmed player as he approached the man looting. He did not sound friendly, so I advanced to the sandbags with my weapon out, but still lowered. He offered my unarmed friend the loot from the corpse, but then threatened to kill him and me only moments later, and admitted to killing the man with the axe, who was no threat to anyone. 


The unhinged killer ordered me to walk towards the Hangars or be shot in the face. I amicably agreed, and made my cautious advance towards seriously advantageous cover. He was obviously very smart, and had thought this through. 


I had a brief debate about what I should do next. Ultimately, I decided that the murderer was still a threat to my new unarmed friend, so I placed a few well aimed shots on target, and down he went, leaving two inventories worth of gear, already neatly sorted by the murderer, for the kind soul who warned me of danger. 

Edited by Doctor Zed

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my most memorable moment is the "Wait for Host" message i keep receiving


I'm with you there. I'll never forget it. See, while I was waiting for the host I got to thinking - what does that mean? In a wider sense? Obviously in the game you're supposed to wait for the server to respond, but what if there's some deeper meaning to it, and I'm supposed - me, personally - I'm supposed to wait for... but what? I picture a kind of spiritual insect, like a cockroach, with one of those chitinous exoskeletons, and it basically descends on my head and burrows into my brain, and the exoskeleton covers my body and it's like suddenly I'm the host. It's just that I haven't been born yet. "Things you call dead haven't yet had a chance to be born", in the words of a very wise man.


So, yes. There's the host. There's me. We're waiting to see what happens. Will he turn out to be The Thing? I mention this because there's a theory going round that Childs is definitely a Thing, 'cause you can't see condensation coming off his breath, so obviously he's not human. Perhaps at that point he realises that there's no point trying to assimilate a race of beings that are prepared to kill themselves rather than be taken over. That's the message I get from The Thing. Humanity rocks because it would rather die than lose control. Kurt Russell would rather die than let the rest of the world become One Of Them. Thank you, Kurt.


Or perhaps we're trapped in the waiting room of a dinner party at the end of the universe, and the host hasn't turned up yet, so we can't make a start on the food. We're stuck with the canapes and aperitifs. Not often you see those two words on these forums, eh? Vol-au-vent, there's another word. I'm put in mind of Abigail's Party mixed with Waiting for Godot plus zombies. Maybe the host is dead. I keep wondering if I'm just supposed to press enter or something.


Perhaps the host is waiting for me. Perhaps the host is God, but he died long ago.

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Last night I was killed in NW Airport.  After I respawned in Balota I headed to Balota Airfield to quickly gear up and move on.  Ran into 3 guys with axes.  I had a pipewrench.  They laughed at me and said...


"Yo foo, you don't want to mess with us."

I said..."Bring it.  I have nothing to lose."


So they brought it, all 3 of them died due to my luck and their bad aim.  As soon as it was over another guy came running down the road at me and says...


"Dude did all 3 of these N****** attack you?" (N word, yes all their characters were actually black in skin color.)

"Yes they did."

He says "F*** N******.  Kill em all!"


At which point I turned around and nailed him with the firemans axe I looted from one of the corpses.  As I did I said "Racism sucks dude!".


He of course says "F*** you N***** lover!" while I was looting his corpse of all of his gear including a 300 round box full of ammo, 2 double sided 30 rnd stanag clips and his rifle that had some nice mods all in pristine condition as well as his pack and clothes.  I said "Thanks for the gear." and moved on.


The lesson?  Racism sucks.

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