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DayZ most needed addons/changes/fixes (COMMUNITY-MADE)

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DayZ most needed stuff!


This topic is about things you (the community) want to see in the next DayZ build. Remember we're talking about basic stuff, don't too far from the important stuff.


Priorities, we want the basic of the basic first, and then ask for more things to come.


Please comment below on things you want to see, and we will build expectations together and hope developers notice it!


Hopefully when I will see it (or if any moderator wants to add anything he thinks fit / someone else offered and it fits), it will be added to the list! Features marked with a line on them are added features. Let's begin!


The list:


[CHANGE] Spawn with full satisfaction of hunger and thirst.

[ADD] Track the hunger and thirst of your character at a more precise way with the exact status of it.

[ADD] A better debug monitor to show the characters' needs more specificly.

[FIX] Unlimited unconcious with no clue on how to get up

[CHANGE] Have a chance to spawn guns with a magazine (You can just screw around with M4A1 without mags!)

[ADD] Vehicles

[ADD] Industrial Loot Tables

[ADD] Barn Loot Tables

[ADD] Extended amount of items (The current weaponary item collection is very small, and military collection are very small)

[ADD] More lootable buildings (Some buildings don't have loot piles, meaning there's no loot in them)

[ADD] Ability to fill waterbottles at ponds (You just cant do it?!)

[ADD] Add more servers!

[ADD] A way to regain blood alone (Either a short or long proccess, but we wish to have that proccess - because it's annoying!)


Comment with more ideas!

Edited by CharlieAnd1/2

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1. Hunger and thirst system is fine once you figure it out. When you spawn in, you are basically on the brink of dehydration and starving. Keep eating much past the green text saying you are quenched. Basically eat and drink until you are full and you won't have many issues after that.

2. Disaggree. I like the direction of the UI as it is and it basically not being there and babying you the whole way. As it is now, looking at your inventory is a good compromise. The status messages are a little to vague at times though.

3. Yup.


5. They are coming, bugs more important.

6. and 7.  I don't think that is how the loot system should be. Only these things can spawn in these building. Realistically, you can find anything anywhere but in certain places you have better chances of finding certain things. This is something I think will develope as more loot comes along.

8. All in due time.

9. There are some non enterable buildings we would all like to see and better loot spawns but in Time.

10. This isn't an ADD, so much as Bug/Fix, you need to be in first person to drink/fill water bottle at ponds. Water pumps it doesn't matter.

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Pre alpha. Majority of this has been noted and announced...


It can take time until something happens, and some of it might not even get featured soon. It's about the upcoming updates.

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1. Hunger and thirst system is fine once you figure it out. When you spawn in, you are basically on the brink of dehydration and starving. Keep eating much past the green text saying you are quenched. Basically eat and drink until you are full and you won't have many issues after that.




It might be fine but since it's had alot of debate and is obviously causing issue something needs to change.


If it's alright I still would personally like to see some sort of debug screen aswell which shows exactly what my food/water level is so I know how fast it drops and if i'm properly full or not, a green box around Hunger/Thirst isn't great for me.



It can take time until something happens, and some of it might not even get featured soon. It's about the upcoming updates.



Also this, some things need to be pointed out as priority :D

Edited by Smedly

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Oh, I added about gaining blood alone - it doesn't seem to be possible!


To this one: No.


Either die alone or have a friend to help you out.


Lonewolves should not get the power to survive alone in too many ways as that will basically kill the purpose of teamwork and encourage KoS

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I should note that you will regain blood if you eat and drink enough. Note that the "hungry" and "thirsty" warnings begin at a very small fraction of your overall total hunger/thirst, in the neighborhood of 20-30%. So if you have enough food/water, don't just eat/drink until you are no longer hungry/thirsty--do so until the game starts giving you messages like "my stomach is completely stuffed" and the like. Then you can go a lot longer without the game yelling at you.


And yes, these are likely being noted by the devs already, but as long as we keep things constructive this type of thread will be useful for them to see just which features are being missed the most by the community. Can't hurt to give feedback, that is the point of an alpha after all.

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[CHANGE] The way hunger and thirst (and maybe sickness?) go down are too fast! NO, work for me very good, in long term after starting area isnt overrun´d and more buildings are lootable this should not be a big problem.

[ADD] A better debug monitor to show the characters' needs more specificly.

[FIX] Unlimited unconcious with no clue on how to get up

[CHANGE] Have a chance to spawn guns with a magazine (You can just screw around with M4A1 without mags!) I HAVE 210 SHOTS left (within 2hours; withour hopping)

[ADD] Vehicles No need yet, better tents

[ADD] Industrial Loot Tables

[ADD] Barn Loot Tables

[ADD] Extended amount of items (The current weaponary item collection is very small, and military collection are very small)

[ADD] More lootable buildings (Some buildings don't have loot piles, meaning there's no loot in them)

[ADD] Ability to fill waterbottles at ponds (You just cant do it?!)

[ADD] Add more servers!

[ADD] A way to gain blood alone (Either a short or long proccess, but we wish to have that proccess - because it's annoying!) IMPORTANT self regen doesnt work at all

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It might be fine but since it's had alot of debate and is obviously causing issue something needs to change.


If it's alright I still would personally like to see some sort of debug screen aswell which shows exactly what my food/water level is so I know how fast it drops and if i'm properly full or not, a green box around Hunger/Thirst isn't great for me.




Also this, some things need to be pointed out as priority :D


facepalm at you! that is a surviving game! so try to survive and dont tell "GOD" please make my life easier! conform with the situation of low food... and think a bit... ask yourself "where are the biggest chances to find some food"



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To this one: No.


Either die alone or have a friend to help you out.


Lonewolves should not get the power to survive alone in too many ways as that will basically kill the purpose of teamwork and encourage KoS



I should note that you will regain blood if you eat and drink enough. Note that the "hungry" and "thirsty" warnings begin at a very small fraction of your overall total hunger/thirst, in the neighborhood of 20-30%. So if you have enough food/water, don't just eat/drink until you are no longer hungry/thirsty--do so until the game starts giving you messages like "my stomach is completely stuffed" and the like. Then you can go a lot longer without the game yelling at you.


And yes, these are likely being noted by the devs already, but as long as we keep things constructive this type of thread will be useful for them to see just which features are being missed the most by the community. Can't hurt to give feedback, that is the point of an alpha after all.



It seems like the hunger/thirst thing should simply be removed then. What fits is a monitor that tracks the hunger and thirst precisely and, we should spawn with our hunger/thirst status at full satisfaction.




As for the blood regain - there always should be a way to regain blood, either if you're in your mates' company (Which should be a short proccess, EXISTS) or alone (Which should be a longer procces, DOESN'T EXIST).

Survival of lonewolves must be possible and not a recipe of failure (unless you make it one.)

Edited by CharlieAnd1/2

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