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Pvt. Hudson

Gettin' Yo Blood Back Yo!

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Not new to DayZ at all, but with SA being a "whole new game", does anyone have any good tips, outside of a blood bag and eating more?


Looking for indicators in game to know how much I have left, if there are any. Tips on what gives the most blood back, what is most effecient, if IV bags help bring it back faster etc.



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Apparently when you have sufficient energy and water your character will start regenerating blood and then health.

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Blood will regenerate slowly if you are full of food and drink. For all those saying this doesn't work, you have to be FULL. When you start the game you are just about starving and almost dehydrated. You have to drink and eat a good deal to get tot he point where you are regenerating blood. So now my first priority is to eat at least 2 full cans of food and drink at a water pump until it states I am really full. Then I run for less traveled areas to find more food and drink so I can maintain the level constantly. 

Saline will bring your blood level up but not as effectively as an actual blood transfusion. That however requires a lot of gear. You need to either take some of your blood for later and let it regenerate while full or test someone else and yourself so you don't kill yourself by transfusing the wrong blood into you. This will give you the most blood but will subtract it from someone else so your best bet is to take blood while you have a lot of time and food/drink to regenerate and hold onto it for an emergency. 

Eating alone restores nothing, you have to be full and WAIT. ;)

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That was the impression I was under, I don't know that this is 100% accurate. I have no warnings, nor indicators, that would say I am low on food or water, and I have been playing for about 2-3hrs with a gray/blurry screen with no improvements.


... I just don't want to lose my can opener damn it...    :*(

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just eat drink and find a place to chill...im in the same spot ATM so im holed up somewhere just waitin on my hp regen but now im freakin sick and gonna have to find a hospital

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Also once you've eaten just take a break and sit back and relax in a safe area.  Press F3 and make sure you don't have anything in your hands.

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Well its about impossible to keep your thirst up. You can be fine then two minutes after drinking you are thirsty again. 

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Well its about impossible to keep your thirst up. You can be fine then two minutes after drinking you are thirsty again. 

This certainly isn't true. I find it incredibly easy to keep drink up, find a water pump and drink your fill and you won't be thirsty for a long time.

Wait, do you sprint everywhere and not stop when your avatar starts gasping for air? Because that would do it.


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This certainly isn't true. I find it incredibly easy to keep drink up, find a water pump and drink your fill and you won't be thirsty for a long time.

Wait, do you sprint everywhere and not stop when your avatar starts gasping for air? Because that would do it.


I jog and he gets thirsty withing a minute or two.

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I jog and he gets thirsty withing a minute or two.


That's because you're just letting your character sit at around 30% fullness. Have you tried actually eating and drinking until you get a green message that says "You are full" or "You feel well fed"? Because if not, that's the problem. Fully hydrated, you should be able to jog around for an hour or so with no problem.

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When you start the game you are just about starving and almost dehydrated. You have to drink and eat a good deal to get tot he point where you are regenerating blood. So now my first priority is to eat at least 2 full cans of food and drink at a water pump until it states I am really full. Then I run for less traveled areas to find more food and drink so I can maintain the level constantly. 



I jog and he gets thirsty withing a minute or two.

Seriously, you have to drink a LOT. You will get a message that says you are not thirsty, but that doesn't mean you are not still dehydrated. Drink MORE. Once it states you are feeling full then you can run for a long time just like SalamnderAnder just stated.

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Have you been hit by zombies? 


From what I can tell getting hit by zombies leaves "infected" wounds. You need to find antibiotics or alcohol to clean them. Over time you get messages saying "your wounds feel cleaner" etc. and eventually a green "your wounds are clean" message. I think if you have these you won't regen health. 


Also Saline IV kits are the blood bags from the mod. They will basically regen you fully if used on you by someone. 

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Ok this is the info I was looking for! Thought there was more to it other than just waiting it out and becoming a glutton.


Yes I have been hit by zombies a few times, I figured I only needed to clean wounds if I was infected and the like. Is this still possible to do even after having bandaged? This sounds like it may be the reason for no blood regen.


Also, how long does the saline IV kits take to work? Do I have to sit around for like 15 min with someone administering it to me? Or does it go through right away and then I regen tick over time back up to 100%?

Edited by Pvt. Hudson

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Saline is instant but you need someone to give it to you. 


I was surprised by the antibiotics / wounds thing too. I don't think it matters if you bandaged first / i know it works for anti's afterwards. Not sure how using clean bandages instead of rags affects it, or whether alcohol could be put on after bandaging (I'm not actually sure its in the game, I haven't seen any). 


I was actually surprised by the antibiotics. I took them because I was sick. And it popped up "your wounds feel cleaner". I was all like WTF? But it was nice to have a positive message from DayZ for a change :). It takes quite a long time, maybe 30 mins or so, before you get the green clean wounds message. 


Not 100% sure still, its hard to tell at night, but I definitely wasn't regenning health before I did that, and seem to have afterwards. 

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Apparently when you have sufficient energy and water your character will start regenerating blood and then health.


that is a romours! and i tryd - doesnt work at all!


to recover all use saline IV

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Im blurred for 2 hours straight.....my thirst indicator is broken or something because i havent had a sip of water in past 1 hour and my character doesnt message anything at all that he is thirsty. I only get hunger messages and i eat regulary to stay without indication that im hungry.


But that drinking is bugged for me i think. First 1 hour after blood lost i eat and drink like pig....then i had to stop and i went 1 hr now without drink and my character is running like a mad man without any indication of thirst XD. which would be great if my vision wasnt blurred..... so fk.

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I think thirst hasn't been working since they took out exhaustion. You can be full and drink but you never get RED thirst messages anymore. I don't think there are negative effects from it at the moment, but may prevent you from regenning. 

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I dont get any thirst messages at all....... like literally not even those system ones "i feel thirsty" and that indicator in inventory doesnt show for thirst at all. Only hunger. Like i said up there its has been an hour without a drink and i havent had any indication of thirst....

Edited by ValterZz

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Yersteday I was about to die from sickness when I found antibiotics; after taking three pills it began to say "Your wounds begin to hurt you less." or somthing like that. But asides from that I am still black and white. I've received the "You are full" several times but I had no progress evolutionating like the TVs :(

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that is a romours! and i tryd - doesnt work at all!


to recover all use saline IV

Actually, it does work, it just takes time and patience. Judging by your post you likely have neither and so wouldn't see it. 

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For what it's worth, the inventory screen now has "temporary" thirst and hunger color coded meters. It's just to the right of the avatar model.


Like others, I've found that once you have your fill of food and drink (the color coded meters will disappear), you'll be good for much longer.


But yeah, I think the whole process needs tweaking. It takes too much drink at least, once you are quite thirsty, to be fully quenched. Four or five cans of soda is a little much IMO. And with loot spawning a little wonky, I just find passed over damaged cans of food.


But I like the SA overall.

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Assuming I can find a suitable vessel for filling with water and drinking from (canteens only?  An empty plastic water bottle does not work.), once I get the water, am I risking infection if I cannot yet boil or purify it?


(Dunno if boiling water is a "thing" yet - I am going by the mod. boil thing.)

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Four or five cans of soda is a little much IMO. 


While it isn't true that soda or caffeine will dehydrate you it is true that it will slow rehydration down by diverting some of the body's fluids into processing the sugars and in pushing you to urinate without otherwise having to. So pound per pound, ounce for ounce, soda is less hydrating than water. The SA actually has Soda add both some hydration(not as much as pure water) and some calories so it counts as a good amount of fluid and some food. Some food adds in water. I kept alive when dying of thirst by constantly eating sardines and tuna as I think they both might have some "hydration" amount if not very much... I almost died but I didn't. :)

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