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darksoul (DayZ)

Do the early access alpha passes into full game later?

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Hi everyone!

So the question is if i'll buy alpha will it pass later into a full game or i'll have to pay again? Maybe that's a silly question but i don't care at all.

Thanks in advance!

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Yes, if you buy it now you will get the full game- You'll also save some money as it will get more expensive in beta and on release.

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I'm sorry, but this has been asked around 20 times (That I know of) since it came out!

Isn't it included in an FAQ somewhere?

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The guy actually has a point. It's not clear when buying on Steam.


I can kind of see why this keeps getting asked, to those who are not familiar with early access offers. 


Thinking in the shoes of someone new to DayZ and is not party to the forum discussions, and has not participated in Alpha Releases before... 


The DayZ steam page is here and it does not clearly state anywhere (that i can see) that you get access to the full game when released. http://store.steampowered.com/app/221100/


Compare this to other popular Alpha Releases like Prison Architect where they make it 100% clear you are getting the final version when it's ready as shown here http://store.steampowered.com/app/233450/?snr=1_7_15__13


Yes, if you follow the link to read more about general Alpha Releases on steam, it does state you get access to the game. 


Plus, on the BI website it has the two different editions. Only the 'Supporter edition' states you get the 'final game' in its brief description - https://store.bistudio.com/ The basic version doesn't state you get the final game (even though most of us here already know the answer)


I think DayZ could benefit from the same. A few simple text changes will add the clarity.


BASICALLY, they should add a description to the 'Buy DayZ' box on steam like other games do, just to make it clear to potential buyers. My mock up is below shown in yellow.


Here is how some other games look:





And here is how DayZ could look:




Edited by jd85
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