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DayZ Christmas/New Years sale on the horizon?

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Like everyone else, I was mildly surprised by the price of $30. I wasn't expecting it dirt cheap given the quality of the game, but I would prefer something cheaper for my own needs.


Does it seem likely that this game will go on sale for the holidays? It may be a long shot since it just came out, but I want some honest input from you guys: Buy it now without a doubt of future regrets or wait it out?

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30 bucks for a pretty solid game as is.


And when I say Solid I mean already pretty well done.


Stop being cheap.


30 dollars isn't very much.

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Like everyone else, I was mildly surprised by the price of $30. I wasn't expecting it dirt cheap given the quality of the game, but I would prefer something cheaper for my own needs.


Does it seem likely that this game will go on sale for the holidays? It may be a long shot since it just came out, but I want some honest input from you guys: Buy it now without a doubt of future regrets or wait it out?


give the quality I'm experiencing 30 to 45 USD seem apropriate...

Given that SA hasn't released yet (only an alpha has) this was the only preorder I have ever made, and I ever will. I don't regret a thing but if you have doubts you should wait a couple months more because there is much to be fixed and added.

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This may be speculation, don't quote me.

I think the price right now being $29.99 USD/CAN will be the buy into Alpha pre-sale price. As it will then go up around $49.99/$59.99 USD/CAN once the product is polished and released.

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People only complain because Dean "God" Hall said that it would be around 20 dollars before it released.

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30$ is a fine price, it's not just for the alpha, but for beta and the full game.

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Okay... None of you answered my question about Christmas speculation. I thought I made it clear in my original post that I don't feel entitled to a lower pricing, but I guess the recent trend of whiners has caught on so much that any notion of batting away this sickening mentality is futile. 


Since no mention of a Christmas sale has been announced, I guess I'll just wait until tomorrow to see what games Steam will announce on sale (The Christmas sale starts tomorrow). It'll be bought either way I guess. ._.

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