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Cap'n (DayZ)

You mess with my friends, you mess with me.

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This is a story of my first three player kills (all at once). Enjoy:


With eight of us all in teamspeak and trying to locate each other, it was quite hectic. We decided on Balota, and every single one of us converged on it from a separate direction. Skat3, the first to enter Balota, gets trapped in a house surrounded by three guys. I move up- slow and quiet. They yell over direct chat "We're gonna get you boy!" "Come out, come out, wherever you are!". His life in danger, and outnumbered three to one, I take matters into my own hands. I break into sprint, scale a short fence and quickly take them by surprise. The first guy with a kitchen knife takes a swing, misses, and I take a good chunk out of his shoulder with my hatchet. I proceed to wack the second, an Asian fellow with a fire extinguisher. He backs off, and the largest of the three charges me with a shovel. We get into a nasty brawl, and he lands two hits on me. But alas, he is no match for my superior weapon. I dispatch him, and turn around to see the Asian rear back with his fire extinguisher, ready to strike. I wack him twice, and he falls over dead. The final thug is crawling away, broken legs and bleeding. I stroll casually up to him-




And finish him off.


And that is why you don't screw with my friends.

Edited by Cap'n
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