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Mine fluctuates quite a lot: between 60 (vsync on) in the open and 30/20s in cities, though I've been getting a lot of massive lag spikes/freezes. I think it's something to do with my hard drive, as it would go randomly to 100% usage whenever there was a lag spike - only happens on DayZ. Though this seems to have stopped or happen less frequently recently as opposed to yesterday/earlier today.


I'm playing on Medium/High/Very high


8GB DDR3 @ 1600MHz

Intel i5 3570k @3.8GHz

GTX 670 2GB



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pretty acceptable in the woods, and in the cities annoying stuttering. i wonder if optimization is of any good there. to me putting 600 million skyscrapers right next to each other sounds a little much for the tiny arma 2 engine. we`ll see.

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pretty acceptable in the woods, and in the cities annoying stuttering. i wonder if optimization is of any good there. to me putting 600 million skyscrapers right next to each other sounds a little much for the tiny arma 2 engine. we`ll see.


Stuttering is your harddrive most likely.. put DayZ on a ssd or RamDisk. I have the same issue.. getting a ssd soon.

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i7-3930k 4.2GHz / 64GB Ram

Asus GTX 670 4GB




Objects very low

Terrain very low

Clouds disabled

Shadows very high



AA very high

Alpha Disabled

Edge Smoothing SMAA very high

HDR very low

Ambient disabled

Postprocess disabled


[ FPS: 40 - 50 Stable ]

Edited by DeadLight

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fx 6300 @ 3.5 (turned the boost off)

gtx 660 oc

8gb corsair vengeance


objects: very low

terrain:very low

clouds:very high

shadows: normal


AA: high

Alpha: All tress and grass

Edge:FXAA low

HDR: low

Ambient: diasbled

PP: disabled



27-34FPS in citys 45-70 in rural areas

Edited by -RGG-Allan

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i7quad core

evga nvidia 560

8gb ram

win8 64


rendering at the 114% resolution (idr wich one it was)

UI resolution of 1920x1080



I run graphics on Normal/High in most games to allow for better performance. I always take performance over graphics even though I can run most games on high/ultra.. I have not checked my FPS yet because I have yet to notice a real FPS problem with this game unless I turn the 'rendering resolution' all the way up. If anyone is having FPS problems you may want to check that option and turn it back down closer to 100%

Edited by BLFonsworth

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pretty acceptable in the woods, and in the cities annoying stuttering. i wonder if optimization is of any good there. to me putting 600 million skyscrapers right next to each other sounds a little much for the tiny arma 2 engine. we`ll see.


Optimisation is literally never done in alpha. It would just have to be done again later on. Expect better performance once we're into beta and then the final release.


Stuttering is your harddrive most likely.. put DayZ on a ssd or RamDisk. I have the same issue.. getting a ssd soon.


The stuttering is a bug caused the clouds. Disabling them fixes it.

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Interesting. My system: i5-4760K, MSI GTX760 TwinFrzr, 8 GB Ram

Inside cities: 40-50 fps (incl. Cherno), out of cities: 60 fps (max since my TV refresh rate is 60)

Everything MAXED OUT graphic wise, except motion blur and bloom, which I can't stand at all.




Note that in the Arma series, it is often recommended to up your graphic settings since running stuff on low will usually use resources from your CPU, while running stuff on high/very high will use your GPU power. Same thing with Arma 3 and iirc with Arma 2, so DayZ shouldn't be an exception. I only upped all my graphics before joining a game since I thought I want to downscale if performance is bad. Well, no need...


Maybe 40-50 fps in towns when you got your objects details on very low!

i5 4670k , GTX770 OC , 8gb 2.4ghz ram, SSD i never drop below 50 in any town including cherno and elektro, but i always set object details to very low before going there, other then that, custom settings, 

object details : normal 

terrain : very high

clouds : very high

shadows : low


Video memory auto with texture detail and filtering on very high

Rendering : antialiasing on low with all trees + grass , others are disabled because those are just eating frames or dont have effects on game at all!

With this settings never bellow 70 frames outside towns, when i go in towns i change objects to very low never bellow 50 frames!


Edited by serb8

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Maybe 40-50 fps in towns when you got your objects details on very low!

i5 4670k , GTX770 OC , 8gb 2.4ghz ram, SSD i never drop below 50 in any town including cherno and elektro, but i always set object details to very low before going there, other then that, custom settings, 

object details : normal 

terrain : very high

clouds : very high

shadows : low



You should disable clouds. They are causing the stuttering at present.

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30-50 generally maxed out. 


i5-3770k - z87

GTX - 760 

16 GB ram (upgrading to 32 GB down the road for a game). 


Saw a guy with 64 GB of ram above. That would be nice. 

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30-50 generally maxed out. 


i5-3770k - z87

GTX - 760 

16 GB ram (upgrading to 32 GB down the road for a game). 


Saw a guy with 64 GB of ram above. That would be nice. 


You don't need 64Gb RAM. 8Gb is plenty and 16Gb is more than enough... Most games will only use about 4Gb at present.

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