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Microphone - ( Can't Speak But Can Hear Other Players )

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Hey all :)


 Just got a quick question if any of you have the same problem. Let me begin by saying I am relatively new to DayZ but have so far gotten the hang of it control-wise. 


I notice my microphone does not work when others are near me. I can hear other players talking all around me but whenever I say "Hello" or "Can you hear me" they never respond back. How can that be, if I can hear them, but they can't hear me? My microphone works perfectly fine in all other games.


Let me know of any suggestions. Thanks!


- Cgunner91

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It's a bug.  Seams to force open the player(s) mic(s) when they connect to a server at random.  Honestly I'm not even sure if the affected person is on the same server (happened to me on a nighttime sever and one of the guys said something about it being daylight).  I'm calling it the NSA bug.

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I knew the NSA was up to no good. Haha alright thanks I appreciate it.

Edited by Cgunner91

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