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He actually cooperated...

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serpentine! serpentine!

lol, you seemed pretty eager to be handcuffed there...

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serpentine! serpentine!

lol, you seemed pretty eager to be handcuffed there...

I will admit I was just blown away by the experience, like I had never been held up like that on dayz before so I was really curious to see how it would play out.

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My buddy with the m4 cuffed him because we wanted to loot the hospital and didn't want to deal with someone sneaking up on us. We encountered a wolf mask wearing, hatchet wielding, psycho by the market. After firing some shots at the hatchet to keep his head down for a bit, I ran back and set this guy free because no one deserves to be hatcheted while being cuffed :P.

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Impressive, brings back memories of the first dayz when robberies were common. 


Say is it just me or is your guy holding that gun weird, his left hand seems to be chopping into the rifle?

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Yeah I've had people cooperate twice. It was quite awesome situations, one unfortunately ended with killing the guy, but atleast he didn't combat log as some I tried to hold up, has.

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