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Game needs to be more fun than fake realism

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OP You may wish to edit the posts in which failed to use the word 'elitist' to describe anybody who doesn't share your opinion.


Seriously though, If you are complaining that it is almost impossible to survive at the moment then you have a point, but we all know it's an alpha and they'll be making loads of changes yet, and you know this too so I suspect you're just venting.


I have to say though that one of my fondest memories of playing the mod was when there was a bug that stopped ALL cans of beans and soda from spawning. Me and my brother were forced to find ponds to drink from, we had to carry three canteens a piece and walked miles looking for animals to hunt and eat, and it was FUN. When we met people there was not as much KOS, instead people would share rumours about animals and share locations of the nearest water source, people would band together purely because one may have had matches, another an axe etc. Personally I'd love to play THAT game again.

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Chillax bro. I spawned in Balota and looted a whole bunch of cool shit. I ran up north and ended up passing out forever in a building because of dehydration and exhaustion. Did I run to the forums and bitch? Fuck no, I accepted the challenge and did better my next life.



So instead of providing feedback, you decided not to? also dude, stop trying to be so hardcore, its just a game, how about you relax?


OP You may wish to edit the posts in which failed to use the word 'elitist' to describe anybody who doesn't share your opinion.


Ignorant. i only used that term towards people who said loot is fine, my views are diverse.



This issue may be, that australian servers seem to be on a 24 hour night cycle. I also havent gone to any military places. im assuming most people who say loot is fine, are playing on a day server? and their first run is straight to a military base?

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Havent collapsed once in the 5 hours this avatar is alive. I don't sprint, thats the secret.


I didnt sprint either, still collapsed within 5 hours. i ate and drunk.

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without sprint or run it's not dayz.dayz mod just wiped out the stamina for shot time needed to get where u want without a vehicle,and seriously there is no any vehicle in "alpha" dayzSA.

the food and water is shortage,cuz i cant find anything in most buildings,not only the house  but also the supermaket.

and u know most of food or drink u find is bad.and i donno if i eat or drink them may casue me sick.

most time i finally got unconscious and i donno what has happened.

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See, I went from Cherno to the NWAF. I'm completely militrafied, I have pristine gear, an m4 all decked out with attachments, medicine, food, water, ect. These things are not hard to find. Mostly I got my gear from houses or sheds, TEC buildings, hospitals. I did all of this at night. (granted, my weapon attachments came from the airfield, but I had an m4 long before I got there. I found it on the roof of some kind of convenience store kiosk type thing) Servers are not synced to a player's time zone, and this is apparent because I have switched between other countries and found time of day to be exactly the same. On servers in my time zone, it turns daytime at about 2 or 3 in the morning.


What I'm really annoyed about is the lack of crafting configurations. Over a year with all these items and nobody on the team was assigned to configure item combinations? Really? I even saw in one of the very early alpha videos, rocket attached a gas canister and a can of beans to a gas heater. This no longer works, apparently. I'd like to see those functions, along with animals and hunting, and player condition balance all take top priority for the next update. It's just... boring. There isn't much to actually do, once you get past the new curve of keeping yourself alive.


To keep from going unconscious, you need to watch what you eat and drink very carefully. I mainly drink water only, and I purify it whenever possible. Never eat rotten fruit (obviously) and I also stay away from those damaged or badly damaged food items. Also, I carry around disinfectant and disinfect things like sodas or cans that I'm about to eat. I got mildly sick one time but after a couple uses of antibiotics, I seem to have made a full recovery.

Edited by SalamanderAnder

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No.... You can find plenty of stuff at night, barracks is actually the hardest building at night, because its soo damn dark inside ( obviously)

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So far I had no problem with food/water and loot. My char was running for quite long time without eating/drinking, stopping every few minutes to take a break.


I guess that most people who complain about loot spawns didn't even made it off the shore. It's been few hours now, and I haven't seen anyone in Polana, Gorka, Msta, Staroye etc. All of the houses were never visited before, and the server was full/nearly full for the whole time.


Actually, the only problem I've got with standalone so far is still unoptimised client which makes my framerate ~32, almost all the time, no matter where I am. Also, global voice chat bug is also pretty annoying.


My advice is: plan your survival route wisely and leave the shore as fast as you spawn


And yeah, the game might be pretty hard for newcomers as they don't understand the game mechanics and don't know the map as well as locations of ponds/wells which are quite important source of water.

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Yeah, took me like 2-3 hours to get from electro to stary, because i had to rest and walk (not run or sprint, walk). Else my guy would perma-faint and die. i love holding down the move forward button for hours, with nothing else in sight or anything to do. Compensation for realism needs work.



Yeah, took me like 2-3 hours to get from electro to stary, because i had to rest and walk (not run or sprint, walk). Else my guy would perma-faint and die. i love holding down the move forward button for hours, with nothing else in sight or anything to do. Compensation for realism needs work.

This i really dont understand... I've been to NW airfield on both of the lives i've played (one still alive), and i have NEVER had to stop EVER. I went to cherno got myself a box of tuna and maybe a bottle of water or two cans of soda and just ran north. No resting needed, no stopping to search for extra loot until i got to stary  / vybor at which point finding more food/drink is really easy. Haven't passed out for any other reason than zombies bashing my head in.

Though most of it does need balancing, they should not just increase the amount of loot you find. Also part of the reason theres so little loot is because, afaik, loot does not respawn properly.. Don't quote me on that though, just something i think i read somewhere..

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My first run I found nothing before dying from another player, but I wasn't alive long enough to worry about it.

My second run (both in the dark) I ended up dying of thirst after accumulating a hoody, hunter pants, helmet, fire axe, 4 cans food, 3 of tuna, screwdriver, wrench .45 ammo, hiking boots, dallas mask and a gas canister. All from houses. I died from thirst but would have lived if wells had been working.


Didn't bother me though because this is the second day of an early access alpha release (and it's only a game).


ps. none of your points are invalid, just a little premature, oh and your discussion style of using words like 'ignorant, elitist, snob or fool' to describe others, only serves to make YOU sound immature, nobody else.

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IMO the real issue is the rapid degeneration of hunger / thirst.  Not the commonality of food.  Coastal areas are usually pretty picked clean from what I've seen (to the point that I can never find enough food to make it far inland) and I like that aspect.


But yes I believe the degeneration of hunger and thirst istoo high at the moment.  Now I do understand that it will be a tricky thing to balance, too high and players fight over scraps on the coast (due to some not being able to make it inland).  Too low and food becomes junk tier loot as no one worries about those aspects.


I haven't done the timing yet so could someone break down the average time it takes to go from fresh spawn to unconscious/dead from starvation / dehydration?

Additionally (I still need to test this more) I believe sometimes cancelling the eating / drinking animation at certain times can also consume the item but not let you reap the benefits.

Along with these I believe that unconsciousness is too high atm (bugged or otherwise).  Which would also make the passing out from starvation / dehydration issues more dire.


Finally, Day/ NIght is fine in my opinion.  I also have a job wherein the only time i get to play is at night.  But none-the-less I believe that the 24 hour clock system in place i perfectly fine.  There are European servers if you truely want a daytime experience.  (Barring the bugged rumors I have been hearing about)

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Ive been in over 50 houses in 1 run, i usually find plenty of clothing. Nothing else much, if im lucky maybe an axe, maybe a screw driver. Food and drink is almost unheard of for me. I cant tell if youre being an ignorant elitist or just geniunely way luckier than me and my 3 friends, 3 runs. (9 runs)


I've done the same, and I'm finding plenty of stuff. I keep dying because I don't know how to take care of myself yet, trial and error seems to be working though. The more I play the more I learn. 

I'm not having any issues finding supplies.. finding it every where.

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Alright update.


Did another run, different direction, perma-sprinted there (didnt faint or anything, maybe the new patch?)
Im completely stocked up, 15+ food, 7+ drink. gun (weird story), med supplies, clothes, backpack.


Honestly, im so confused, first 3 times i found jack shit, now this time im the richest kid out.


Although i got hit and now my screen is blurred, dunno how to fix that, especially since im O+.


So, i guess everyone is having a different experience. Oh also, this time it was daytime, so maybe thats why.


TL;DR experience ive had is either too hard or too easy. GAAAAH

Edited by Mazzar

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This isn't a game is a zombie apocalypse simulator. Zombie apocalypses aren't fun.

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Some uninteresting theory craft.

Our character is surviving and so we face different risk factors.


Let’s take a look at basal metabolic rate. According to Harris-Benedict equation we’ll need approx. 1800 kcal a day for a 75 kg 175 cm 30 years old male. We’ll need to make it double if he’s having heavy physical activity.

So, let’s pretend that we need 5000 kcal for our survivor a day with all this stress and running and fighting zombies. He’s sleeping, let’s say, 8 hours a day and is spending approx. 600 kcal while sleeping (summer, +18-23 DegC at night, for example) and is spending approx. 275 kcal/hour while awake.

Our man has approx. 70000 kcal of inner reserves that can be spent without any serious harm so we can last for days without food, so enough with hunger – nothing interesting here. But we have to mention that we’ll lose blood when starving. Probably it’s not a very good mechanic.


Let’s take a look at thirst. In, practically, worst scenario, our survivor will be losing probably no more than 20 gr. of water a minute. That makes 1.2 L per hour. Our man has roughly 50 L of water in his body.

He’ll lose 1.2% in half an hour and will feel thirsty with his mouth dry.

He’ll lose 2.4% in one hour and will feel sleepy with his reaction times lowered, skin red at some places and body temperature slightly increased.

He’ll loose 7.2% in three hours and will have dyspnea, head ache, no salivation and pricking in arms/legs.

And only no less than in 6 hours he can die due to thirst. Worst scenario, lots of physical activity and stress, sweating like our survivor is in hell. But again, as with hunger, we’ll lose blood if dehydrated. And at which level dehydration starts is unknown, but according to status messages you can be dehydrated even in half an hour. That is not correct I believe.


Let’s take a look at fear. It’s not so easy to translate fear to numbers but it can lead to depression or panic or neurasthenia or it can influence our survivor in other ways so it’s important. Probably, at the moment, it has no impact on our survivor. So no numbers here and let’s move on.


Let’s take a look at fatigue. This one is, probably, our party breaker, to be precise – I believe that overfatigue is the thing leading to unconscious state. It can be caused by physical activity, poor nutrition, fear and a bunch of other factors. I believe we have some conditions that lead to overfatigue and then to unconsciousness, probably it’s mix of energy balance(negative in our case, we receive less calories than we spend), blood level(less blood more fatigue), health level(same as blood) and exhaustion from physical activity(I believe some exponential function). So, it all is added to each other with some coefficients and if it reaches some value we just go to unconscious state. The funny thing is that even in unconscious state our survivor is still can be losing blood due hunger or thirst and he’ll be losing calories as well. Of course our exhaustion will slowly decrease but other factors (hunger, thirst and, maybe, blood and health loss) will be increasing while we are lying on ground in unconscious state. And that can lead to unending unconsciousness.  Probably this mechanic is not correct and should be changed. But we don’t know how it exactly works.


Let’s take a look at cold/heat. Serious factors when surviving, both can lead to death in different ways. I believe, those two are presented by adding some values to energy/water consumption. I think I remember something was said about sun strike somewhere but not sure. Anyway, probably, just modifying consumption rates so nothing interesting I believe.


Let’s take a look at diseases. They are not implemented yet I beleive.


And the last one – loneliness or, in other case, communication with other survivors. Probably has no any impact on character state mechanics.


If someone has better numbers or some corrections/ideas – post it, maybe that’ll help devs to improve DayZ.


TL;DR and conclusion.


We have a non player-friendly game here, so, for example, let’s make all numbers x2 against players. But, I believe, we have to stick to some sort of realism and realistic dynamics. So it’s probably a good idea to change/adjust some mechanics.

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2. If youre going to follow a 24/7 day night cycle, then i shouldnt die from thirst and hunger in afew hours.

This, on the others I'm like meh, sure whatever



2) Just eat, drink and look after yourself.

That would make sense if food and water was more common, but if I need to check every building in cherno to find 1 can of beans when I'm already about to die to starvation, then it's doesn't because if the game is supposed to be so realistic, then a human can be 40 days without food if properly hydrated and about a week without water if properly fed, sooo yeah either more realistic hunger system (meaning I don't get hungry and dizzy in 2 hours, but at least 4-5 hours) or make food more common are the only fixes I see, on the thirst system I don't really complain because it's fairly ease to maintain hydrated, could be a bit less common to get thirsty imo, but I haven't had any water needs, I always find a couple of water bottles fairly easy, and ponds are everywhere

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 if the game is supposed to be so realistic, then a human can be 40 days without food if properly hydrated and about a week without water if properly fed


I beleive those numbers are not very correct, as our characters have lot's of physical activity, but, anyway, thirst mechanic requires too much water atm.

Our daily water needs are around 2.5 L per day, only approx. 1 L from that is received by drinking water. But that is values for convenient climate, weather and normal activity. Ok, let's pretend we need around 2.5 L of water received only by drinking - that'll be 8 soda cans a day, let's even double that - 16 hours of activity and 16 soda cans.


I had two game sessions - first one was 2 hours and second one was 1 hour. Water needs to keep status messages away were like can of soda every 10-15 min and that will be even more than 1.2 L per hour. It can't be true when I spend half of time jogging around, 30% of time resting or standing still and only 5% of time fighting or sprinting.


Edit: A survivor needs around 20 L of water consumed during one day via drinking? Really?

Edited by Homiak

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I'm enjoying the mod but I agree to an extent, there is a fine line between realistic games, and games being realistic to the extent they are just annoying. From what I have read before about things they want to introduce I am not sure - being out in the sun too long will have negative effects, drinking / eating too much of certain things making you sick, having to rest at regular intervals etc. Obviously things are subject to, but I imagine certain things could just be annoying 

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