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Nibiru (DayZ)

Weird Mouse movement DayZ standalone.

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hey all,


So i just purchased DayZ on steam. First of all i want to say that i know it is in alpha,

And that im not crying about anything , i just wanna know if there is a temporarily fix for this.

Oke lets get to the point. I have this weird Mouse movement , that my head goes up and down really fast.

and left to right very slowly. í've tried practically everything, making the x axis faster, y axis faster etc.

I just cant solve this issue, I asked other people in my steam list and they say they arent noticing any problems with it.

I doubt theres a problem with my mouse since it's brand new , and no problems in other games. ( Roccat XTD )

So can someone help me out? Thanks.


PS: never had this issue in the old DayZ, Arma2 or Arma3.



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I was experiencing exactly the problem you are describing. It was really annoying and made the game unplayable for me. 

Let me guess: do you have a controller plugged in? If so, try unplugging it from your computer. Worked like a charm for me.

Please tell us if that solves your problem too, so I can confirm it was caused by the controller (mine was an Xbox 360 controller) and report this bug so the devs can fix it.

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I have this same issue with the mouse sensitivity and I don't have any controllers plugged in. Its not the end of the world and It definitely didn't stop me from playing for hours last night but it is some sort of bug.

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I dont have a controller plugged in either, but still thanks for your reply. anyway i still didnt solve it. i guess its a bug for only some people.

which is pretty strange. I tried a different mouse this also didnt solve it ( what i already expected ). I disabled the mouse smoothing etc in 

documents / profile. Didn't work either. So the only thing i can possibly think of is that everyone has this issue but some people just dont notice or care about it?

I like to have everything perfect. Anyway... if anyone knows the solution. pls share. 

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Hello there,


You're not alone. I also find this mouse control annoying.


I'll try to more accurately describe the issue:

- X and Y axis have seriously different default speed. Hopefully this can still be tuned with the sliders

- for some reason, I can NOT turn mouse acceleration off. Button stays on "On". I assume there's some .cfg trick, but I havent tried yet !

- last but certainly not least: there seem to be a mouse speed "cap", which is what makes it the most unbearable for me.


I know these might seem "light" issues, and I don't know if it's just how the game is coded or if it's an issue that only affect a few people... but they are what prevent me from playing the game without wanting to kill kitty cats (zombie kitty cats though, don't you worry!)


I also have no game controller plugged in that could be conflicting with the controls (first thing I checked !)






Oh, forgot one last point: reticle has that weird freedom of movement on the Y axis, while X axis is fixed. Makes the whole thing even weirder!

Edited by Callyste
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Callyste, I totally have the same issue. im glad other people are experiencing it too. Hopefully they will solve it soon.

Maybe we should share our system specs?, might be some hardware bug. ill start:


Intel i5@4.5ghz  (2500k)
12 GB DDR3 
Nvidia GTX 760 TF MSI OC 
Roccat XTD 
Roccat ISKU keyboard
SteelSeries MousePad 
2x Iiyama HD 
Maybe if we got something in common , we can solve this issue.
(though i dont think it's hardware related but it's worth a try) 
Edited by Nibiru

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Well, I too don't believe it's hardware related. We have absolutely no piece of hardware in common I see :p


Let's hope this issue won't be overlooked for being seemingly benign, as it can be seriously uncomfortable to play for some of us. I'm a long-time DayZ enthusiastic player, but I did not manage to spend more than 10 mins in the Standalone because of this.


May the Beans be with you.


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Thankyou for your reply. And yes i also didn't spend more than 10minutes in the game because of this. 

Lets hope for the best. 



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Why do the newer generation of gamers not know what mouse acceleration is?

Edited by Freek314

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hey guys. maybe i can help you. had the same problem and i found out, that it was related to some graphic settings.


turn off: ambient occlusion, anti-aliasing and inportant: post processing to "low" .. (this setting, which makes the world so blurred)


so i get good fps and a smooth mouse movement. after you notice, that your mouse is fixed you can try to enable some settings again if you want and look if the mouse will be buggy again.

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Hi Fieber, I already tried this. but that doesn't work either. its basically still the same but without the blurriness etc.

My fps isn't a issue, i use gpu max frames ahead =1. and turned off post process, anti aliasing etc etc.(my fps between 80-125) Anyway

this still doesn't solve the mouse issue , at best it only masks it. Still unplayable for me. i guess its worse for some people.


I am seriously starting to think it has nothing to do with my settings or computer. as well for the rest of the people.

some people simply care less about this issue, and are just having fun playing while others can't. I'm quite a perfectionist

when it comes to my settings in gaming , and i can really feel somethings terribly wrong here. Might be more realistic,

But definitely no fun to play with. 


If its really game related , i suppose they could add a option : 

Realistic mouse settings : On

Realistic mouse settings: Off


Because this obviously annoys a lot of people and not only me.



Edited by Nibiru

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  On 12/18/2013 at 8:46 AM, Freek314 said:

Why do the newer generation of gamers not know what mouse acceleration is?

it has nothing to do with the mouse acceleration at this point freek. 

Maybe don't reply when you haven't got anything useful to say. 


I am pretty sure 100% of the people that replied here know what

mouse acceleration is. 


Ok back on topic.

Edited by Nibiru

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  On 12/18/2013 at 8:46 AM, Freek314 said:

Why do the newer generation of gamers not know what mouse acceleration is?


- Aint related to mouse acceleration

- Aint from the newer generation of gamers


Hope that helps.




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its arma 2 mouse feeling and its not nice. Please update to Arma 3 mouse mechanics.

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Incorrect, this doesn't feel like arma 2 at all. If it would be the same as arma 2 i would be playing right now , Unfortunately it isn't.

It's a totally new concept that has to be reconsidered. Or like i said , at least add an option in the menu to switch between realism settings.



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Try disabling "smoothing" (drag it to zero).

Please reply if it worked/already tried.

I've also turned "aiming deadzone" down to zero, not sure if it makes a difference (could google it tho...).


Also in ArmA2, I remember I adjusted the x/y ratio, making the x faster than y because the screen is 16:9, wierd solution, but it helped.

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No , i and others did already try this. didn't solve it. mouse movement is still strange and far from something that is supposed to be realistic.

Im waiting for a game update that is going to solve this issue so i can finally go play dayZ standalone. 



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I have what it looks to be negative X-axis acceleration. I am using a SteelSeries Sensei RAW on 1260 CPI (sensitivity) as a first step and 810 as a second step (switch button on mouse for on the fly changes), with a pooling rate of 500 hz.


If I move the mouse REALLY slowly, it would turn more or less decently. The faster I move it on the X-axis, the slower it turns. Snapping the mouse for a fast 180 will just move my aim by VERY little.



I do understand this is Alpha, but it would be nice to have 1:1 possibilities, specially from a FPS type of game.


Question: Is it working, or a -nomouseaccel setting for launch options exists?

Edited by Just lil me
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The issue you are experiencing is Unfixable on anyones side but the coders.


This issue is called "Negative Mouse Acceleration". I've already posted this to other threads that are experiencing this. This is an unavoidable issue at the moment that pretty much everyone experiences. Those who say they don't didn't know what it was and got used to it.


If you point your mouse at a spot, turn your mouse somewhat slow and do a full 360, try to do that same 360 but as fast as you can, you will probably move about 40 degrees if lucky.


This causes for squirly feel when you try to navigate through the game and precision aim.


Negative mouse acceleration is caused by poor coding and needs to be fixed on their end. This has nothing to do with "mouse acceleration" not turning off as that makes your aim move faster the faster you move the mouse.


FarCry 3 is known to have this issue and thats with mouse acceleration toggle working.


You know now that I think about it. I haven't tried turning up mouse acceleration to the max to see if this can counter negative pull. I doubt it does but I need to try that next time.

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Is it too late to ask for a "raw input", or "Windows direct input" option into the game? Or Arma 3 mouse movement, at least?

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Its been asked since the mod. If it isnt fixed by now, It wont be. regardless how many times people will say alpha. I'ts just something thats never a priority in every game I experience it in and never gets looked at.

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