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Getting shot through walls

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So, I was at the NW airfield earlier this evening. Over the past couple of days I had successfully found some awesome loot (M4 SD, 870 w/ light, etc) but wanted to find some more SD mags before I headed out go back towards the busier areas. I had met little resistance while being in the area. I only saw a few people, most were friendly and teamed up to take care of a few bandits trying to move in.

I decided to check the control tower one last time before leaving. I went and cleared the top floor and on the way down decided to check behind the stairs. There was a bandit there that looked to be idle, but I didn't want to risk it so I shot him with my M4 SD.

I was rapidly going through his stuff because i didn't need much of anything and I just wanted to get away. Out of nowhere I hear a bullet strike near me, then one hit and i started bleeding and fell to the floor with a broken bone. I tried crawling away but only made it a bout 3 meters when I got dropped.

I had the door closed, there were no windows, I was not glitching through the wall and the only noise I had made was with my silenced rifle. I never heard a gun shot, only the bullets striking and somehow I got shot through the wall.

I was pretty mad because I had been alive for awhile and felt cheated. If I was outside or something that would be understandable, but this made no sense!

Is this a cheater or what!?

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Where did most of the rounds missing you impact, on the floor or on the wall? You could have been exposed to the closed door or have been visible between the gab in the stairways above you. I spotted a bunny zombie covered by a door earlier, but since I had a .45, I just put one through the door.

Concealment doesn't equal cover. Think surfaces provides little cover if someone is standing on the other side with an assault rifle.

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the round hit the wall or stairs. The shots were coming from behind which was the wall and corner behind the stairs. I know no one was above me and where I was standing made a narrow line of sight of someone could somehow see through the door which was closed.

I figured the type of walls in the control tower building would stop round. Maybe he just got lucky or something...

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Is it possible the shots were coming through the small window that looks over the stairs? You can see the top set of steps through that window from the ground, and you can see the lower set of steps from the tower on the other side of the airfield.

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is it possible that someone far away might have not seen the door there because of a distance thing and just saw you?

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not to mention, someone could have climbed the ladder instead of using the main door.

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Most likely story; server desync.

When the server desyncs, individuals continue doing what they were doing before the desync; if they were running forward, they'll continue running forward. If they were standing still, they'll continue standing still.

The thing I noticed, which absolutely blows, is if someone shoots your desynced self, the impacts affect you after the server resyncs.

So the guy who you shot who was apparently afk? Probably desynced, in reality he was running around, or looking left and right, and suddenly when the server resynced, he died, probably pissed that someone shot him out of nowhere.

So someone, or that very bandit that you killed, shot you while the server was desynced, hence sudden bullet impacts against your body out of nowhere, and your death.

How do I know this is a likely situation? It happened to me, twice, in the past two days. And characters do not resync all at the same time, but pretty damn close, which could explain your delayed death.

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^^or desync

Took a look in the editor and the walls look too thick indeed. My guess would be through the door, with the dead guy ghosting on teamspeak, but I can't tell anything for sure.

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yeah, I didn't think about desync. I'm 90% sure that's what it was.

I got dropped from the server a few minutes after I died.

I guess the only thing now is to start over! Love this mod!

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I've seen this also lately but when it happens shouldn't the little red chain icon pop up indicating it?

When it happen to me I was in a airfield hanger, guy comes around the corner I pop 3 into his back with my AK. Next thing I know I'm dead, never saw him fire a shot or even turn my way, and as I lay dying he goes down too so I know I hit him.

Another time I met up with someone and it looked like he was lagging all around, he would glitch in and slide all over. I had a 16ms ping on the server and his was fine also. I asked him if it looked like I was gliding all around lagging and he said no, but his character never caught up for me it was always un-sync. Still never saw a red chain icon..

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Just want to point this out. Arma 2 simulates material penetration. A brick wall will not necessarily protect you from a heavy round, such as the .303 used by the enfield, or 7.62mm Nato MG rounds. I have seen .50 cals go trough two buildings in a row at times.

So unless somebody is hitting you trough multiple walls with a pistol, it´s likely not a glitch at all.

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