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SA is better, it just takes time to getting used to it.

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I didn't like it at first but once you work out the changes it is much better. It does feel like a bit of a side step in a way though, where they've just replaced one clunky system for another, I guess this is just all early base work for something more polished though. When I first started playing I was like "I hate this", now I've been playing non stop since release, I'm loving it.


The UI takes the most time to get used to, it works better than the original UI but it is rather clunky and broken atm. There is a lot of dragging stuff to your hands and back and wondering why you cannot refill bottles (they have to be in your hand) and wondering why stuff is staying on your action bar even though you dropped it. All this stuff works, it's just not automatic like it would be in other games, for me now I like it as it means it takes time to manage your inventory, which really leaves you open to risk when looting like the original inventory UI.


I noticed lots of people complaining about being unconscious randomly, this obviously isn't random. People are used to running forever without eating or drinking, having gotten used to it, when you see a message saying you need to eat or drink, always do it right away, never ignore it. You can also have one can of drink or a banana and it doesn't instantly fill you up like the mod, you have to keep eating and drinking until green writing pops up saying you're ok. This isn't ideal, but collapsing unconscious isn't random, you just have to get used to this system until they come up with something better... though I kinda like not having a boring UI bar you have to keep topping up. I think the best system would be what breaking point does where you hear your stomach rumble or you're out of breathe which indicates needing food or water.



There are a few things which are broken though...


- Zombies do not roam

- melee is just horrible, even worse than before

- zombies/loot doesn't respawn.


I think personally these are the things that need the most attention. 


I also do not like how you can right click to aim, but it makes you walk instead of run, you can also press space to do chance stance between running and walking and you can press c (I think) to switch your pace too. This is too many buttons and at first I was always wondering why I wasn't running any more and clicking through all the buttons. I'm used to it now and have worked it out, however for the average joe, they'll get frustrated, say the game is shit and quit. I cannot blame them as the controls are still very clunky, even for an alpha, they do not need to work this way.



Walking through buildings is a lot smoother, you wont be getting stuck on door frames any more, however you'll probably get stuck trying to go up stairs a few times. I tried to press space for jump (which tbh it should be) but it's V, only v has two purposes and sometimes it vaults you and sometimes it jumps... it's a bit weird and I can never tell which one my character will choose. 


Vicinity is a bit broken too, you can be looking right at something and it just wont appear. Pressing F as an action button, in itself is ok, I just find it a bit annoying though as a lot of the time the icon will not show when trying to climb up a ladder or open a gate. This happened in Dayz Mod too, however in that I just used the mouse wheel and it would find the option I need, In the SA since it changed to the F key, all mouse wheel tends to do is want to change my weapon or ammo instead.


The new items are amazing, the lighting is amazing, sadly night time still sucks, basically you have to gamma everything up because you know everyone else has done that and you cannot be at a disadvantage..... this ruins the game at night time. The servers also seem to be all set to the same time zone, which is annoying as night time is rather unplayable due to the gamma exploit....



Overall it is really good, it does need vehicles though, but Dean said they're coming, I just hope people cannot hog them all and hide them in corners of the map again like the mod. I'm enjoying it more than the mod though which is good, it just takes time to get used to it.


For me the biggest things that need fixing straight away are the 3 things I listed... No respawns, horrible melee and zombie A.I.




What I really love is no one is shooting on sight any more which is great. I'm sure this is due to the game being new and people just getting used to it, however I really hope it stays this way as it reminds me of what Dayz used to be, before it turned into a Death Match COD game.

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The KoS wont disappear and tbh i dont want it to. Reason no1 shoot you is they dont have a gun. But there is a slight grace period ive noticed. People are more prone to communicate. I prefer lone wolf or with my friends. dont trust random people

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You don't need to turn gamma up, you choose to turn gamma up.

The loot spawning mechanic isn't broken, it's realistic.

Lots of other problems are just apart of the alpha, and are on their way to repair.

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I'm not a fan of how clunky the compass is, pressing K was much better than having to stop, double click 3 and then go back to First person. 

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You don't need to turn gamma up, you choose to turn gamma up.

The loot spawning mechanic isn't broken, it's realistic.

Lots of other problems are just apart of the alpha, and are on their way to repair.

It is broken, look in the known issues post. Don't use "realistic" in a video game.


The unconscious thing is also broken, I ate and drank constantly but still I got blurred out vision and unconscious even after a message that I wasn't hungry.

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The dayz-mod in the current state is hard to beat. Dayz SA beat it in many points.

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It is broken, look in the known issues post. Don't use "realistic" in a video game.


The unconscious thing is also broken, I ate and drank constantly but still I got blurred out vision and unconscious even after a message that I wasn't hungry.

Oh, I'm well aware that the knockout bug is fucked up, but that just comes with Alpha. Yes, we could use more zombie spawns. But loot spawns? No those are not broken. Those are more or less realistic.

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My only complaint about loot spawning is it never spwns in apartments from what I noticed, but I know it will be fixed in futur updates so I'm enjoying all the usable features the game has to offer. If I get bored I can just hop back onto the mod and do more.

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