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Add a Food/Drink/Blood meter please

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The biggest problem I have with the current system is that no amount of polish and adjustments will fix the messages indicating my status. On a realistic standpoint, who's bright idea was it that a little voice telling me I'm hungry every 2 seconds was more realistic than a visual gauge of how full I am?

This is one of those topics where Rocket wanted to make it "Realistic" but ended up going over the line and sacrificing gameplay for authenticity. That's a bad move, and needs to be remedied. Fast.


Now, I think a combination of the two systems would work for the idea of diseases and such. Food water and maybe a health meter on the side, with the occasional "I feel like throwing up..." every few minutes or so.


That might work, but "I'm hungry." "I feel like eating something." "I want to eat." "I'm thirsty." "I feel like drinking something."  every 2 seconds is kind of bullshit.

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Increasingly noisy and frequent stomach growls will do for hunger. 

Gradual greyeing out of vision and/or increasingly loud heartbeat noise would do for blood loss.

Not sure what non-icon/text solution could be used for thirst, but I'm sure some creative person could sort that out. Maybe an increasingly raspy breathing sound.


Immersive survival game is superior to walking cyborg simulator with blinking icons and floaty text all over his field of view. I'm completely in support of a minimalist UI.

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I'm torn with regards to meters. On one hand, removing UI elements is something I can only agree with. It helps my immersion, it feels more like ArmA and less like... well, just about everything else.


On the other, I would IRL have a constant nagging feeling of thirst. Not just little blips of it either, but a consistent, dry, mouth. I thought the icons used in the mod worked well to this effect. 


Hm, perhaps one way it could work is that when you're "full" or "fully quenched" you see no UI elements. The bar/symbol/whatever only kicks in when you as a person would begin to notice it; when you're hungry, thirsty, etc. The 'icon' gradually increases in depth so you see it much more clear and presently, whilst if you've only got a bit of a thirst it's barely visible, but there if you look for it.

Edited by Dares

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I thought the symbols the mod used were great. Usually, in real life, I know pretty much how hungry/thirsty I am all the time. The only difference they should do is to align button "T" for "Tactical view", meaning, the screen is empty, but when you press "T", the symbols pop up. 

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