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A few questions

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Ok, so Ive been playing DayZ(mod) for ages now and also breaking Point on Arma 3 and I have a few questions regarding my initial experience on Standalone Alpha:


1) Im in the UK and I cant for the love of buggery find a way of joining my US/Canadian gaming clanmates as I can only see European servers listed. Any workaround for this? or is it really that shit at the moment.


2) How do I regen health?  Eating food seems to do f*&k all.


3) Why is my character constantly whining about wanting to eat/drink or take a f*&ing nap? Seriously, he wants a drink or food about 2 minutes after he apparently "quenches his thirst/hunger". It's annoying as shit. 


4) I found a map, but cant seem to use it (is this because its damaged?) If so, how do I "repair" it, and if you cant fix damaged maps, why the f*&k are they even clogging up the game?

Slightly frustrated at these points, but meh, I know its only just been publicly released ;)

Edited by Counterfeit79

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1: Change your filter options.
2: being well fed or iv or blood transfusion

3: The faster your moving the faster you become hungry and thirsty other effects like sickness as well.

4: Maps need to be added to your hotbar then the hotkey to be pressed.

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1: Change your filter options.

2: being well fed or iv or blood transfusion

3: The faster your moving the faster you become hungry and thirsty other effects like sickness as well.

4: Maps need to be added to your hotbar then the hotkey to be pressed.

Thanks dude! :)

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