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Is duping officially allowed?

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Duping is duplicating items that have been picked up already from one of the various loot spawn location' date=' effectively replicating one item withouth having it spawn normally in game.


what i thought, there is not much else it could mean then.

still, thank you - a useful post instead of brainless flaming, not too common these days.

You're quite right - finding the bug is not cheating. Abusing it for your own gain' date=' ho-yeah, that's cheating.


i will agree, despite i admit now i am guilty of abusing bugs to avoid death caused by other bugs.

like, lets say, a zombie randomly spots and hits me through the wall, and all of sudden the house is full of zombies. then i will reconnect to deaggro. but i won't do it in pvp, or if the aggro was "legit" or if i could avoid death in a legit way.

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Some people just don't have the required skills to play this game(or any other), which makes their ego low and have to resort to exploiting and cheating.

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Honestly, I don't care if a person abuses bugs/exploits/glitches to high heaven, as long as they give a detailed report on the bug forum afterward.

The mod is an alpha, and it is important that people try their hardest to break the game in any way they can so that those bugs/exploits/glitches can be stomped out before the game switches over to beta or release.

The problem is more that a lot of folks don't do that. A good number of people (like the group the OP mentioned) are just using and abusing these flaws in order to gear up and lord it over other people in game.

It's one thing to hammer on the game as hard as you can to root out bugs for the devs. It's another to say, "We don't care if you kill us, because we can fully regear in five minutes with duping."

Saying the former makes you a good little tester. Saying the later makes you an ass.


I didn't know that duping and such was a super common thing, nor did I know that you could make copies of gear spawn in one loot pile apparently, so these exploits that you claim everyone is using aren't really being used by everyone.

The only sorts of duping I was aware of was pack duping bugs and tent duping bugs. (because I had the pack dupe bug happen to me, and when I went to report it I saw the tent dupe bug)

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It's one thing to hammer on the game as hard as you can to root out bugs for the devs. It's another to say' date=' "We don't care if you kill us, because we can fully regear in five minutes with duping."

Saying the former makes you a good little tester. Saying the later makes you an ass.


Continually reproducing the same bug over and over again for your own personal gain is not "good testing." Once you have found the bug and established the steps necessary to reproduce it, you move on. "Hammering" on one bug over and over after the initial research phase does not help the engineer fix the problem any faster. Come back after a fix has been implemented and test it again.

If I asked one of my testers what he was up to and he said "Oh, just playing with that bug I found 7 days ago." I would probably say something like "Okay, stop fucking around and get back to work."

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I would love it if rocket came up with some awesome trolling mechanism for duped items. It would probably be more work than it would be worth. But find a way to recognize when items are duplicated, and have the players doing it:

-Start twitching when aiming, like with painkillers but it can't be stopped.

-Night-vision is defunct and keeps flickering and showing static blackness like it's dying

-Blood transfusions make you sick and don't heal much health

-Magazines jam after a shot or two / get stuck in the gun and can't be reloaded

It would be even more hilarious when they all start coming in reporting bugs, outing themselves as the idiots they are haha

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This server and all players known to be duping should be permabanned.

No excuses, no exceptions.

They are low life cheaters.

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their argument actually makes sense: it's an alpha and it's our job as testers to reveal and exploit bugs so they get fixed sooner.

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Its funny to me that anyone can even try to justify it. I hope that rocket has an easy detection method for duped items and duped item creators so he can ban repeat offenders :)

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I can dupe death!

haha, dying in so many ways, I'll never told anyone how to, special receipe!

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This server and all players known to be duping should be permabanned.

No excuses' date=' no exceptions.

They are low life cheaters.


idk. I think some people are talking things a little too seriously.

Would you rather them keeping bugs to themselves? Not telling anyone when they find a dupe? Because that is what will happen when you start banning people. It's better to spread the knowledge so it has a better chance of getting the dev teams attention.

Besides... do you think the dev team really has time to shift through hundreds of cheat reports, or answer all the appeals from people that have been banned?

Just sit back, relax, and enjoy playing DayZ. Report the bugs you see. Dupe if you want to... don't if you think it's wrong. It doesn't really matter because all we are needed for right now is to report whatever the latest build has borked.

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Hey new to the forum, just thought i would ask, is there any way to know if i am using a duped item at all? ie if i looted 1 off a dead body for example, as i remember killing a group of 3 or 4 guys 2 times in a row very quickly at the south airfield and each time i engaged them (same guys) they all had the same gear, i took some loot like food water C backpack etc, died since and lost it ofc, but was just wondering if there was a way to know if its duped and if i cant, will i get screwed if i picked some up?

At the time i didnt think much of it just got big eyes of "loot loot loot loot" but after reading this thread, a little worried lol because i dont want to you know, use that stuff even accidently yet alone as the old man says "thats a paddlin". (hyper paranoid guy btw :p)

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Its alright because I can do it... DERP DERP DERP... look here.. so easy... its alpha so I can abuse every bugs... yaaaaaaaaaay!

*stupidity drool*

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The fun part is looking at anyone fights anyone else without even figuring of what they are talking about (probably because most ppl reads only the post titles).

There's a big confusion about "Item duping" and "Loot piling".

Item duping: it's when you use an exploit to duplicate an item you already own. In example using a bug with the tents, with the backpacks, or with the disconnection procedure. So in example you have one NGV and then you have two of them.

Loot piling: is when you move the loot out of its spawn point (it doesn't matter if then you keep it, or you just drop it away) so new loot can spawn again. It is an exploit as well, but it's how the game works, it cannot be classified like the previous one, because most ppl keep the stuff.. then go away.. then may return to the same point to find new stuff again, there's no timer to say: "if you return after 30 minutes it's legit.. but if you do it after 15 then you're exploiting". Honestly i find myself many times to return back to (example) a deer stand that i visited already like 30 minutes before, to find new stuff inside it. With "loot piling" you aren't duplicate an item (so it has nothing to do with this thread), you're finding new loot.

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You could kill and loot people lagged out in the debug forest before they actually spawned in game. Perfectly repeatable, perfectly within the game mechanics. Cheating, hell yes!!

There is also a bug that allows for players to run scripts client side. It is perfectly with in the game mechanics of Arma. Is it cheating in dayz? Hell yes!!!

It's the same with duping. Just because you can do it does not mean it is not cheating.

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I find myself duping because everyone else on the teamspeaks I visit are. I dont see why I should be at a disadvantage to at least 50% of the other players on servers. Im not hacking, but I am exploiting a weakness in Arma. IMO this issue needs to be at the top of the list and I will be very glad to see it gone for good. Also on that day all player's kits and loot should be deleted and we all start again.

I like the idea of every useful item having a unique serial number. How much resources thit would take, I have no Idea, but it sure would be hard to beat.

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The only thing you're allowed to dupe is water and wood.

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why I should be at a disadvantage

That isn't justification for cheating. Not even nearly. You cheat because you want an advantage over other players. Hope you still find the game rewarding.

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I tried to fill water my water bottle yesterday but it doesn't seem to work( probably server lag) so i keep right clicking and "refill water" suddenly half a minute later i have 3 water bottles! Umm... yay? :|

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IMO, duping is borderline ok and borderline cheating. It is NOTHING like script hax, as duping is available to everyone.... Heck there are many a forum on how to do it. Azrail has a point. While I disagree with his "its a core mechanic" theory, I agree that its pretty much the same type of exploiting running zeds through barns. THIS IS NOT A FEATURE, therefore it is a bug, therefore you are bug exploiting. I feel it boils down to moral standards. Smoking is legal, it practically kills anyone who is around you, but it is legal. Same with duping. It may be harmful to people around them (and yourself if you get caught), but it your choice. I personally don't like playing with dupes, as it takes much of the survival part of the survival game away, but heck, if its there and you wanna use it, then do so at your own discretion.

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Duping defeats the purpose of the game and is a bitch tactic. If you want über leet gear from the start then go and play BF3 or COD

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ive been snitched on before when i was being nice and it made me rage inside.

Seems like they got the job done.

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the fact people have to ask this question (this is an old thread) just shows that some people have no concept of right and wrong

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