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SalamanderAnder (DayZ)

We need bookmarks.

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So I'm unconscious, and it turns out you can read books while unconscious, if they are on your quick bar. I'm reading Heritage of the Sioux to pass the time. Unfortunately it doesn't save your place when you close the book. Judging from this unconscious state, I'm going to be making good use of these books. I'd like to see some way of adding a bookmark to a page, or even written notes, similar to the way the map system worked in DayZ mod. Then, when a player takes your book, they could read all the notes you left in it.


Also, the book needs cleaning up. A character seems to be replaced by question marks, making weird sentences like "Applehead was not so easily beguiled?especially when she proceeded to form a violent attachment to the little black dog..." Other books may have other specific ebook format issues, but I figure nobody else is going to take the time to point this out.


I've been unconscious for almost an hour now. Seriously, the unconscious state needs some kind of maximum. I'm all for hardcore games, but this is a bit much.

Edited by SalamanderAnder
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Thats called dedication. Why complain about being unconscious and rage when you can read a book until its over :)

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Haha, I was carrying three books when I went unconscious. One was french, the other was War and Peace. I wish that one had been in my hot-bar. It's been on my list for a while. :P


And yes wolf. They are full books. You have to put them on the quick bar and press the number to read them.

Edited by SalamanderAnder

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Well I was eating and drinking just fine. I think I might be a little sick from some kiwi I ate. I thought it might give me super-natural powers or something.


It only does that if it's green on the outside too. The hairs should be at least 3 cm long.

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