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how hard would it be for rocket to create new cities?

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All the major cities are on the coast. A lot of open land to work with to create a new city or two. Is it even possible with the mod to create some new cities inland?

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I actually like that the biggest cities are on the coast. It's a nice balance: great location for loot, but likely to be crawling with other survivors...

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The only hospitals are along the coast, the only barracks are in the NWAF.

Helicopter crashes are all around the northern half of the map

You spawn in kamenka 95% of the time

This all adds up to reason to go basically everywhere.

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I actually like that the biggest cities are on the coast. It's a nice balance: great location for loot' date=' but likely to be crawling with other survivors...


yet, regions like that would have other big cities in the center or up north, not to mention another hospital or two, finding no other medical center besides the ones down the coast is a little far fetched imo.

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It would be very, very time consuming I expect, since this is the Arma map.

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This is an Arma game base map. He didn't make the map for the mod. However, he has stated that DayZ is modular and that "making it work on another map would only take a few hours of work".

That said, I've never seen any indication that he plans on actually porting it to any of the other Arma maps. He definitely wouldn't, and shouldn't, until we're well in to or past the beta stages.

So adding cities on the Chernarus map? Incredibly unlikely. Eventually porting it to another map? It's a possibility in the far future.

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Full-fledged cities might be a stretch, but adding structures is definitely doable.

Case in point: military tents (like the ones in Stary and Berez) aren't there in the original Chernarus

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I'd like to set up patchwork encampments that could be reinforced, etc.

That would be cool.

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Personally, I'd just like to see other areas added on to the current map, i.e., you go west along the coast and hit another map area, etc., instead of just cluttering up the current awesome map.

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Significantly changing Chernarus is just not going to happen. The best that can be done is to add small structures, for instance the military camp at Stary (which is not a normal part of the Chernarus map, but instead something that rocket added).

Arma 2 bakes a whole map together, so all the terrain, buildings, and even the pathing is all smushed in together. Adding an entire new city would require working on Chernarus basically from the ground up.

For an idea of how map building in Arma works, check out some of the better custom maps out there. It is very possible to make entirely new, very good looking maps. It's just a TON of work, so it doesn't happen very often.

http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8791 - Podangorsk, similar to Chernarus

http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=9150 - Isla Duala, very fun

http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=9861 - Thirsk - the winter version is one of my favs

http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=10792 - Lingor - the most impressive map I've seen, the jungles are insanely nice. Hard to believe it was made w/ the arma 2 engine.

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Full-fledged cities might be a stretch' date=' but adding structures is definitely doable.

Case in point: military tents (like the ones in Stary and Berez) aren't there in the original Chernarus


I would be happy with a half dozen or so military tent cities in some random locations in the wilderness just to have some new placed to explore.

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Full-fledged cities might be a stretch' date=' but adding structures is definitely doable.

Case in point: military tents (like the ones in Stary and Berez) aren't there in the original Chernarus


I would be happy with a half dozen or so military tent cities in some random locations in the wilderness just to have some new placed to explore.

I would prefer tent camps that look like they belonged to survivors and give them civilian loot tables so that military loot would still be relatively uncommon.

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Full-fledged cities might be a stretch' date=' but adding structures is definitely doable.

Case in point: military tents (like the ones in Stary and Berez) aren't there in the original Chernarus


I would be happy with a half dozen or so military tent cities in some random locations in the wilderness just to have some new placed to explore.

I would prefer tent camps that look like they belonged to survivors and give them civilian loot tables so that military loot would still be relatively uncommon.

thats a damn good idea, but it just sucks how we know that the few military places would always have groups in them/ over-watch covering them. just picking off people like they do now.

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yeah i would like to see SMALL encampments across the norther half of the map... there are a couple of clearings offroad where small camps would be a nice addon...

but what i would REALLY like to see are more enterable buildings in the small cities...

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I've been messing around with this idea in the editor, not for DayZ, but for vanilla/ACE Arma 2 stuff. Basically my idea was to make a sort of Chernarus "Urban Sprawl" and expand existing cities and towns.

From what I understand, it is very difficult if not impossible to modify the base terrain of BIS's Chernarus. You can add what you want but you can't remove any of the existing map statics IE Buildings or trees. You can execute a script to "knock down" the trees, but the fallen trees will still be visible in game. This created some challenges, since I couldn't get rid of barns in the middle of my planned residential or commercial areas and I couldn't get rid of trees to make room for a cul-de-sac.

Another big problem is the hills and slopes in the game. If you look at the map, Cherogorsk and Electro are both MUCH flatter than the rural and wooded areas in the game. There are two ways to place buildings on the terrain. The default is for the building to follow the terrain, which if the slope is significant enough, you'll be in a house that's on a 45 degree angle. The other option is to map the building to be upright regardless of the terrain, which solves this problem for closed structures, but in enterable structures, you might get a nice layer of ground coming up through the floor (not too big of a deal in an apocalyptic setting.

Still, I wasn't daunted. MBG's EU Buildings addons basically allow you to place any building or object (more than the editor's default limited selection). So far, I've been able to grow Chernogorsk at least 2-3 times its size by expanding the city in all directions and engulfing Prigorodki.

Long story short, the idea to expand existing cities is possible, but to be able to find a clear and flat enough area to start a brand new city is a pretty difficult endeavor. The only clear enough places I can think of are the barren areas beyond the map border that some people spawn-bug into, but you'll have difficulty using a map in these areas.

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hehe I just started to think about something , like a small village that spawns on diffrent locations on the sever restart . wouldnt it be crazy to go around and then find a city that isnt even on the map ? like a forgotten town. but sadly my idea is almost impossible to mode :(

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I would be happy with a half dozen or so military tent cities in some random locations in the wilderness just to have some new placed to explore.

By "places to explore" do you mean "really easy, safe loot that I could sit and farm all day long with no risk"?

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