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NWAF= Pipe Dream

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So, I've been hearing about this mystical Shengri-la called "the Nothwest Airfield".

There are legends that say that there are mountains of NVG's stacked on each other and a mystical "barracks" that houses any type of wepaon you could ever dream of and almost infinite ammo for it.

They also say coyote and alices packs just sit on the run way filled to the brim with gps's, compasses and maps.

After hearing of this so called magical land I decided to make my ultimate destination there. Now I had been warned that this land was probably one of the most dangerous places in chernarus and most people died before they even stepped one foot past the treeline. I was undetterred though.

So I make my way there and just scout the area with binocs for a couple of minutes and nothing. No zombies had spawned meaning there were no players in the vicinity. So I say ok, maybe I'm just lucky and I start looting the place.

because of the amount of zombies I had to go prone alot so It took me at least half an hour to search the place. This being the first time I've ever been there, I dont know exactly where the best loot spawns so I assume it must be spawning in those big green hangers.

I check one after another after another and they are all either emoty or just carrying basic loot like flares and stuff. I am a little confused. Wheres all this loot I had heard about?

So after wasting my time with that I tried the fire station and found it too had just basic loot and ammo. Wheres all the good loot? Wheres all the PVPer's? I was in such a state of confusion that I go afk and exit out of dayz for a second to check a loot map of the area.

The map shows a building that for some reason looked insignifcant when I ran by to be the place with the best loot.

I go there and yes there is some military grade loot. I found ONE ma4, just a regular one and two stanag clips for it. There was also a winchester and alot of pellet rounds.

Being that I was already carrying a ak 74 with five clips of ammo that I had found in Stary I decided to leave the ma4.

I was so bewildered. I had been lied to. NWAF is nothing but a pipedream. I found more loot in the ten minutes at stary then I found in a half hour at NWAF.

My advice, ignore NWAF and gear up at stary.

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>thinks that buildings other than barracks yield better loot

>fails to enter barracks


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Found these items at the NWAF.

DMR (Lots of these)

M24 (Few)

M4 (Lots of them, including CCo's SD's etc.)

M9SD (Few)

Mk Mod X (few)

Remington 870 (Lots)

Various ammo, (Lots of Stanag/DMR)

M1014 (Lots)

AK Varients (Lots)

NVG's (1 Pked for it)

GPS (3, 1 Pked for it)

M16 Varients, acog/m203 (moderate)

M203 Ammo Varients (Lots)

Smoke nades (too many)

Medical supplies (Lots)

Food (Lots)


Yeah, such a pipe dream.

Also, Stary isn't anywhere near as safe to scout/loot as the NWA is.

Also overwatching Stary is dangerous.

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nothing's guaranteed

it's just more probable you'll find good stuff there

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Like with all the spawn points in the game it largely boils down to luck. Repeated trips would likely yield more loot, but obviously like you said, it's one of the most dangerous places in the game.

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The spawns are random, sounds like you kind of the got shaft on that run. The vast quantities of loot to be had at NWAF are mostly the result of groups of players camping out and farming the spawns. In my experience if you go through the barracks, the towers and all the hangers you will find 1-2 civy weapons, 2-3 military weapons and a random assortment of ammo and gear. You might have better luck hunting around for crashed helicopters, supposedly there is some primo stuff to be found laying in the grass around them that I've never seen at the NWAF.

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The spawns are random' date=' sounds like you kind of the got shaft on that run. The vast quantities of loot to be had at NWAF are mostly the result of groups of players camping out and farming the spawns. In my experience if you go through the barracks, the towers and all the hangers you will find 1-2 civy weapons, 2-3 military weapons and a random assortment of ammo and gear. You might have better luck hunting around for crashed helicopters, supposedly there is some primo stuff to be found laying in the grass around them that I've never seen at the NWAF.


Found an FAL with 2 mags....great weapon but couldn't trade it for my 249 :/

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Found an M4 with holographic sight and a grenade launcher at the NWAF, and then I found a M4 with a CCO scope and silencer too.

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I'm a player that usually stays at Cherno/Elektro/Balota.

Since i have 2 keys, i'll keep my sniper safe and go on to NW now with my noob one.

I'll post back the results.

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ITT: Player documents one trip to NW Airfield and constrasts it to his entire playtime history of looting Stary.

Seriously though, the NW Airfield IS the place for loot. Sure, Stary is a far higher density of loot, but less piles overall mean less chance for that 1 in 100 roll on NVGs, M4A1 CCO SDs or M107s. The two barracks in the airfield almost always have something in them worth taking, and its up to the player to decide if they want it.

Further to that the level of exposure while at Stary is far higher than that of the airfield. There is always an easy exit strategy from the Airfield... either to avoid other players or drag swarms of zombies to execute them. To me, that is the greatest appeal of the airfield, the ability to flee from danger relatively quickly, into relatively thick cover or a building.

I'll settle for the slightly lower loot speed (lets face it, speed is more important than stealth at Stary) in exchange for not having zombies standing almost directly on every loot spawn.

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>thinks that buildings other than barracks yield better loot

>fails to enter barracks


Cancer, get out

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Stary is a shitstorm compared to the NWA.

I had to murder 4 people who attacked me WHILST THEY WERE BEING CHASED BY ZEDS!

It's like Cardiff on a Friday night!

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i agree with him cause the hangers and comms tower (ive checked those 5+ times they never have anything except flares and stuff)

I think the hangers should spawn less generic loot since they are rare buildigns

military equipment like NVG and coyote backpacks should spawn in hangers.

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Just sayin guys, but the hangars should spawn nothing but helo and car parts. Leave the guns in the barracks...or even better, have a 'armory' on the base like in RL.

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so you hear about the barracks having the best stuff... go there... dont check the barracks... and are disappointed that you didn't find the best stuff?

are you insane?

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Posted by LtChicken - Today 03:09 PM

so you hear about the barracks having the best stuff... go there... dont check the barracks... and are disappointed that you didn't find the best stuff?

are you insane?

Read my OP a lil more closely please. I stated that it was my first time at NWAF and didnt know where the good loot spawns were or even what they looked like.

The barracks just looks like a normal building until you really take a look at it.

Posted by Refried - Today 02:50 PM



my brain just blacked out after that "word"


Yeah I knew I was spelling it wrong but was way too lazy to look up the real word.

Posted by Cartz - Today 02:42 PM

ITT: Player documents one trip to NW Airfield and constrasts it to his entire playtime history of looting Stary.

It was my first trip to Stary too. I honestly just ran down the hill towards those tents and went through them one by one. I was very surprised how much military loot was there and I had no problem with pvper's. I didnt even know about the military tents there.

To everyone else who found something good at NWAF, I salute you, but I probably wont visit there again for awhile. Am currently visiting other places like deer stands and castles.

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It really does just all boil down to luck. And a ton of luck at that. Most of the airfields and military zones are picked over constantly by server hoppers.

On my last 12-day character, I made at least 10 runs to the NWAF, and 5 to the NEAF. I literally not once found a gun better than an AK-74 in any building, on any of those runs. On one run I found an M4A3, held by a dead guy on top of the firestation (I saw the corpse out the window as I was coming down the firestation tower). I have yet to even see a DMR, M24, M107, AS50, FAL, Bizon, M16A4, SVD, or pair of NVG in the game, after probably 200+ hours of play.

I usually play on servers with ~25 people on them. On a couple instances I've experimented with server hopping to try to find good loot, and it has never worked. A few days ago entered a 0/50 server where it was a very dark night out. I ran through the entire airfield and didn't find a single thing. I constantly hit p to see if anyone was joining up, and nobody did. As I worked from the north towards the south barracks, I arrived and found the place lit by a chemlight, so at some point in the past hour you know someone had already picked it clean.

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It was my first trip to Stary too. I honestly just ran down the hill towards those tents and went through them one by one. I was very surprised how much military loot was there and I had no problem with pvper's. I didnt even know about the military tents there.

To everyone else who found something good at NWAF' date=' I salute you, but I probably wont visit there again for awhile. Am currently visiting other places like deer stands and castles.


Castles don't have anything worthwhile really, and because of their compact nature you are quite likely to run into people at them. I would avoid them -- risk reward ratio isn't worth it.

The only real problem with Stary is that none of the tents spawn a silenced M4 or Night Vision Goggles, where as a barracks does. If you can live with that, Stary is easier to scout and the loot is all very close together. Again though, people tend to camp the area, you are bound to run into someone at some point.

What you really want to do is scout around fields outside towns for crashed helicopters. Some of the guns that spawn around them can only be found on those sites. They shift around after each server restart so keep your eyes open. Because of the randomness of the locations, I would say the risk-reward is the best it can possibly be here. People still camp them, but there are multiple sites at a time so in all likelihood you will be ok.

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It was my first trip to Stary too. I honestly just ran down the hill towards those tents and went through them one by one. I was very surprised how much military loot was there and I had no problem with pvper's. I didnt even know about the military tents there.

To everyone else who found something good at NWAF' date=' I salute you, but I probably wont visit there again for awhile. Am currently visiting other places like deer stands and castles.


Castles don't have anything worthwhile really, and because of their compact nature you are quite likely to run into people at them. I would avoid them -- risk reward ratio isn't worth it.

The only real problem with Stary is that none of the tents spawn a silenced M4 or Night Vision Goggles, where as a barracks does. If you can live with that, Stary is easier to scout and the loot is all very close together. Again though, people tend to camp the area, you are bound to run into someone at some point.

What you really want to do is scout around fields outside towns for crashed helicopters. Some of the guns that spawn around them can only be found on those sites. They shift around after each server restart so keep your eyes open. Because of the randomness of the locations, I would say the risk-reward is the best it can possibly be here. People still camp them, but there are multiple sites at a time so in all likelihood you will be ok.

Ok so I found my first downed Heli in a field guarded by ten zombies. This was after leaving NWAF.

I slinked to the chopper and my reward was...........

Nothing! 0 Zilch Goose egg

Then I go over to the other side and see a gatling gun in mid animation firing. I remember reading somewhere that helis that are like that are bugged and have no loot.

Another pipedream! Just call me the unluckiest guy in DAYZ.

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This isn't true. Every single Heli I have found like that has that animation, and every single one has had some form of loot. It isn't actually in the Heli, it's on the floor around it, and it can be quite difficult to spot. I know people have said they haven't found anything at them, but I genuinely haven't come across one that doesn't at least have something.

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This isn't true. Every single Heli I have found like that has that animation' date=' and every single one has had some form of loot. It isn't actually in the Heli, it's on the floor around it, and it can be quite difficult to spot. I know people have said they haven't found anything at them, but I genuinely haven't come across one that doesn't at least have something.


Maybe I was just too stupid to see it, but I dont remember seeing any loot on the ground. I honestly thought the loot was in the chopper. Durr.

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that was corrected on page 2 bro

but yeah isn't it jarring how wrong that is? lol

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