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No loot, or do I just suck?

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Games ARE meant to be somewhat fair.


 Not this one :)




Oh and loot does respawn AFAIK. At least that is what I heard / saw in a stream the other day.

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More loot please. This is a game for people to enjoy, not for people who are trying out for the SAS. OR for people who get

their jollies by fighting zombies semiconcious, wearing beanies and armed with fire extinguishers...or rotten bananas.


Maybe you guys could help everyone out by introducing a "Profanity" weapon. Using bad language at the zombies ?


DayZ weapons training :



Anyone else remember why Easy, Medium and Hard were invented ?

Edited by zaphodity

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Loot spawns at server reset. That's it.


You need to spread across the map, scrounging for what you need to survive.

No more hitting up Cherno and being loaded to the teeth with food and drink.



Good job Rocket, stick to your guns. Less loot is what DayZ needs.



Real men don't eat quiche !!!!

Edited by zaphodity

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Loot spawns at server reset. That's it.


You need to spread across the map, scrounging for what you need to survive.

No more hitting up Cherno and being loaded to the teeth with food and drink.



Good job Rocket, stick to your guns. Less loot is what DayZ needs.



Stick to your guns ?....don't you mean bananas and fire extinguishers ?

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Plenty of gear, not enough food. And no can openers.



I find food all the time, you just gotta be smart. 

Can openers? I give you that one, but you can use a little more common screwdriver, axe, even a wrench to open cans.

I barely find any can openers, so my can opener tool of choice is the screwdriver. Works well and is 2 spaces.

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I found the secret, it's called Balota... found more there in under five minutes than I did after spending over two hours around Elektro and environs. Not just weapons either, food, drinks, clothing, boots, backpack, medicine, masks...


I have never been to Balota, seen it, or even intend to.

Though I might change my mind...

Were there alot of people there?

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Not everyone can play 2 hours just to find watter bottle and an orange. Or 16 hours to find a rifle. Some people have jobs and like me can only play for an hour or two a day. It will suck if I have to spend the whole week to get some gear and then someone just kills me for the hatchet or a pistol..

I work around 70 hours in a week, spent a lot of time taking my dog out and other daily stuff. I also must mention that I started DayZ with SA and never played the mod.


I never died because of hunger or thirst, never ruined a can because of lacking can opener.

Never been killed by a zombie,

Never had issue finding a fire axe.

Never server hoped.

I like the way how rare loot is. But I would love to get a system which cant be abused so easily with somewhat same or less level or loot.

Edited by HellGuy

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Stick to your guns ?....don't you mean bananas and fire extinguishers ?

It's a figure of speech. Loot is easy to get. If you don't like it, go play, Epoch.

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People say to go search far beyond the coast and first cities.


Well, you die before you get there because of you constantly needing to eat/drink.


people say thats how it is in real life? Bullshit, I dont need to eat/drink every 5 seconds. Its a joke. Whoever programmed it really needs to get another job lol. Probably deans work.


Jesus the dayz defenders really need need to remember its just a game and not your wife.

well thats just not true, my buddy got glitched into a room with no exit (after the update when the rest of us got wiped) and it took him over 2.5 hrs to die.

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I killed a man for a can opener...


Ate all of his food and mine. Went unconscious five minutes later. :(

You were probably one of the following:


1) Injured and your health was too low when you set off at a pace

2) Poisoned - some people are spraying food with disinfectant

3) Hit from behind by some creepy guy

4) Eating rotten food?


......maybe....but I wasn't there! Lol

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While I agree that the eat/drink balance is VERY off right now, I can tell you from experience that I can run from coast to about 3k inland without fainting.  If you get a Kamenka spawn, that gives you plenty of time to raid Kamenka and Pavlovo and almost enough time to get to Zelenogorsk.

It seems that DayZ SA likes to spawn me at or near Solnichniy almost every time; I have NO PROBLEMS finding food and water and can sprint/run WITH hands up from the coast all the way to NWAF with only 1 stop for water at any number of ponds and food is never an issue. Upon arriving @ NWAF its bare of course because I am way late from a server reset but there is plenty of "non pristine" loot available if you just look EVERYWHERE; most of the time i am in ok gear before i get there from looting along the way, the key is to NOT stay near the coast and hit as much as you can on your way. Either way, loot isnt really an issue that needs forefront attention nearly as much as character wipes and deaths for no apparent reason.

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