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Jimmy McNulty

Freeside trading co.

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A smart bandit, or group, isn't going to just waltz in and tear up the place. IF they're smart, they'll take their time, scope out the place, maybe send a few people in to do some trading to get the lay of the land. How many guards are there, what's their routine? Maybe send a couple of people to attack just to see how they react. What's their response time? Do they send people out to run around the camp looking for bandits?

I see my group & I having fun with this. I definitely won't be attacking them for some time. Let them build up a cache.

This is exactly what this game needs. More organization. More playing run "trading posts". It adds a whole other dimension to the game.

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A smart bandit' date=' or group, isn't going to just waltz in and tear up the place. IF they're smart, they'll take their time, scope out the place, maybe send a few people in to do some trading to get the lay of the land. How many guards are there, what's their routine? Maybe send a couple of people to attack just to see how they react. What's their response time? Do they send people out to run around the camp looking for bandits?

I see my group & I having fun with this. I definitely won't be attacking them for some time. Let them build up a cache.

This is exactly what this game needs. More organization. More playing run "trading posts". It adds a whole other dimension to the game.


Even though I'm part of the Trading group, these are the kinda things I hope to see eventually. Whether I'm guarding at the time or out scavenging with the away team. I'd love to see something like a well-organized group manage to sack the post. With a car or something to fill up as much as they can as fast as they can and then get away.

Though the Traders aren't just going to let them escape. Maybe forming a hunting party to locate the vehicle.

Things like this are awesome and really add to the over all allure of this mod.

Like previously stated, it's much more intelligent to wait for a while for us traders to get setup. More and better loot you might be able to steal.

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Go ahead try, I work with these people as a guard, I will have you know there are 30+ guards.

Besides that, this isn't a group of willy-nilly survivors. They are tough, organized, and they are very secure. Most of the people are very experienced too. Try to kill one, make you're time on that server a living hell.

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Me and my team are bringing some rocket launchers and are gonna have some fun with these guys.

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So' date=' I leave you all with this.

BRING IT ON! :cool:


"A leader doesn't go looking for a fight, but is prepared for when a fight finds him"

Meh, they would come whether I 'Invited' them or not. I am merly stating that if they attack the Traders, that we are ready and willing to repel them with deadly force (and steal all their stuff).

Here's whats most likely going to happen...

Bandits that read the forum will get there 3 - 4 buddies on and see what happens when they attack... This will go on for a long time and will be reletively easy to defend against. What the Traders need to worry about are the 'Bandit Clans' with upwards of 20+ people. They are the real threat. The Location may be lost a number of times to these groups.

After the initial (however long) constant combat period. Most will get bored, the Traders will flourish and become stronger as a whole thanks to the constant combat and the lule in fighting. Allowing them to be heavily equiped. Once word spreads again that the Traders have worth while stuff the 'Bandit Clans' will come back. Only this time the Traders will be much harder to push around.

Self-fulfilling prophecy.

A tragic circle of endings and beginnings. Really, since they can simply keep coming back, any attempt at organization will be disrupted to some extent. This is why outright banditry is truly an evil, and potently disastrous force of chaos. So long as an angsty fourteen year-old boy can re-spawn, there will be no rest for the just. Not that I'm saying it's a fool's endeavor, I'm just saying that it will never be easy, ever. Petrification of constant anarchy.

Go ahead try' date=' I work with these people as a guard, I will have you know there are 30+ guards.

Besides that, this isn't a group of willy-nilly survivors. They are tough, organized, and they are very secure. Most of the people are very experienced too. Try to kill one, make you're time on that server a living hell.


I will now give you a premonition... You will fall. Not once, but many times, until people get tired of coming back, or go rogue on this merchant convoy. It will happen, I promise. A stone can only suffer the ever constant wearing tide of the ocean for such a sweet, short while. This is the nature of things, do not fight it.

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I would not necessarily agree Nerd, for the very simple reason that no endeavor of free cooperation on this scale outside of large clans (Who limit their membership in any case) has ever been tried before in the game. Should something like this become established and run for even a short time, most participants will realize that this is...essentially...more fun than anything they've done before. Having played in survivor groups, I can tell you that once you've participated in a group working towards a specific goal in the game, lone-wolfing it afterwards will seem boring...even deadening, in comparison. The challenge and resulting excitement of maintaining and defending a cooperative trade outpost will outweigh even the repairs of vehicles such as the helicopter (The current pinnacle of group cooperation in the game).

So both bandits and survivors will keep coming back, because if this goes well, anything they do afterwards will not be the same. Nobody wants to crawl around in Cherno stalking newbies, or run up to the North in an endless, fruitless grind to get better gear before dying and ending back up on the coast, after dying in defense of a collective trade outpost. No, they will return to that trade outpost and try to start things up again, even after multiple deaths, because dying in the name of a worthy goal is much more entertaining than surviving endlessly without purpose.

And it would be in your best interest, bandits, to let this happen, unless you also enjoy killing newbies in cherno or running around in vehicles up in the North hoping to find someone to kill or good loot to grab. Why would you enjoy such things if instead you can throw yourself against organized opposition in a tooth and nail fight over potentially valuable trade goods?

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Well said Lysin, ultimately the aim of this freeside thing is for people to be able to work together and have fun doing so. Running around on your own in this game can get boring but working as a team with others makes the game fun and gives people a new approach to the game. We just want people to be able to feel apart of something because this game feels either so empty or it feels like everyone is going to backstab each other.

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I'm pretty sure everyone in the Trader group is fully expecting to lose a few battles. Not to, would be simply naive delusions.

Also, I agree with you, to some extent at least. There will be people that leave, there will be some that betray, there will be some that stay through it all. Such is the way of society.

To use your own analogy, that one stone, would indeed, be easily swallowed up by the mighty ocean. However, several together can form a mighty dam and block that ocean. (well, not the ocean but you get my meaning) :P

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[..]and people like you are why we dont spawn without a gun.

but we don't not spawn without not having no gun.

wow, and i thought double negatives were bad...

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I know this is an old post, but we've actually effectively defended operations many times now and easily from bandits. Only hackers are really a problem for us now.

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