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Radiix (DayZ)

Server files?

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:thumbsup:Yes please tell us


the price to rent one is laughable I cant believe that they would allow the GSP to hose us like that

Edited by HeyMan

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I agree with you. We are hosting for more then a year an official dayz server (DE 635) ... fair enough to give those who do this official hosting to get a chance to host it ... 


kind regards


AdminZ - DE 635


Have to agree here. Been running a official dayz server (UK 25) for close to 18 months.

supporting rocket and all with there DayZ mod. Helping to make Bohemia Interactive 100.000's of dollars

and have not been included in providing a server for the standalone.


Yet when asked by the players on the server if i'm going to host a standalone server, i can't give them a answer,

and i bet i'm not the only public server provider who feels very disappointed and let down by this.

After all the support you have gotten from us.


Would be good if we the public server providers could get a clear answer as to why we have not been included in the alpha release regarding running a SA server for you like we have been doing with the DayZ Mod and continue to support Razor and all for all there work they continue to do on the mod. ??



Admin UK25

Edited by Faz
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Have to agree here. Been running a official dayz server (UK 25) for close to 18 months.

supporting rocket and all with there DayZ mod. Helping to make Bohemia Interactive 100.000's of dollars

and have not been included in providing a server for the standalone.


Yet when asked by the players on the server if i'm going to host a standalone server, i can't give them a answer,

and i bet i'm not the only public server provider who feels very disappointed and let down by this.

After all the support you have gotten from us.


Would be good if we the public server providers could get a clear answer as to why we have not been included in the alpha release regarding running a SA server for you like we have been doing with the DayZ Mod and continue to support Razor and all for all there work they continue to do on the mod.



Admin UK25





Agree 100%


UK410 & 418 - Still supporting the mod, we hosted the (imo) first 100 player dayz server, well, its 80 now as the fps was horrid!


Well said Sir.



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You all do not read anything do you? Why in the hell would they release server files when they aren't even ready?


Oh yea i forgot you all can't comprehend that THEY AREN'T READY! The only reason you see private servers is because people have been testing and messing around with the dayz.exe... and adding in their own code and parameters.


If you want a server so bad go buy one for 92 US Dollars... or wait like the rest of us.


Quit whining!

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we put a private server up with loot working ok and stuff but when the 173772 patch was released they closed it off again.


We had the server running 100 man full no issues.


Mind if I ask what hardware your server was running on? 

Edited by snagglefox

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You all do not read anything do you? Why in the hell would they release server files when they aren't even ready?


Oh yea i forgot you all can't comprehend that THEY AREN'T READY! The only reason you see private servers is because people have been testing and messing around with the dayz.exe... and adding in their own code and parameters.


If you want a server so bad go buy one for 92 US Dollars... or wait like the rest of us.


Quit whining!

I not whining, I'm asking a question.

Plus why would I go out and Rent a server from a provider, when I like many others brought a dedicated box

to help run the DayZ mod for the community.

Also i'm not on about running a private SA server, I'm on about running a public one like the one I provide

for the mod.

Edited by Faz
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I not whining, I'm asking a question.

Plus why would I go out and Rent a server from a provider, when I like many others brought a dedicated box

to help run the DayZ mod for the community.

Then quit acting like you should be provided the server files when the game is released... plus it's in alpha...

I think there are plenty of servers for you and your friends to play on until they do decide to release any information or files for servers.

There are 100's if not 1000's of people like you with a Dedi Box wanting to host a DayZ SA Server including myself... But we all know that we have to be patient. You coming on here and posting things like "WHY DON'T WE HAZ SERVER FILES ON RELEASE, I HAVE A DEDICATED BOX SO GIVE ME THE FILES!"... It doesn't work like that dude. Sorry.

Edited by Surf3rDud3

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wow some one is on there high horse considering my post was the first post i've made on this subject

regarding the server files.. :)

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I'd be interesting to see if they would release the server files to a few for even more testing purposes. It will have to happen eventually. 

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They will most likely be waiting for server data in order to verify stability, security, and scalability. 

Server files won't be ready until they are ready.  Just be patient.  No need to post demands, or nonsense.

At least they are not like EA - disallowing private hosts.  We are grateful, but with that comes patience.

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They will most likely be waiting for server data in order to verify stability, security, and scalability. 

Server files won't be ready until they are ready.  Just be patient.  No need to post demands, or nonsense.

At least they are not like EA - disallowing private hosts.  We are grateful, but with that comes patience.

You missunderstand well for someone that has been here a short time from your post count.

My post wasn't demanding anything just asking a question, and I think myself like many others

who have been here from close to the start of the DayZ Mod could of been informed on the process

via our emails as to where we stand.


Maybe read between the line of what I posted you may understand it better.

us long time DayZ server providers and players know the process of what is involved in a alpha build.  ;)

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Tbh having the server files by request would have been a nice way to do it like we used to do with dayz mod.You put your request in you get the server files and get you server whitelisted.


I am sure that most communities that went through that process b4 wouldnt mind passing info on from the dedicated box they run.


At the moment the problem with gameserver providers hosting it.They are just doing a job they go to work at 9am and finish at 6pm, when patches get released like the other night at say 9pm. We all download the patch automaticly through steam yet the server side is still on the old patch till the providers are next at work.


The other issue i think is that the providers who got the files are being little bit cheeky asking for 91dollers for a 40man server which as people keep saying its only in alpha. If this is the true way Dayz want to go and keep servers say ranked and unranked like BF.Then give more providers the files so the prices are a little more realistic.


Last thing Rocket you are doing a great job you made The great Mod and Now you have made a great game!!! thanks.

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Then quit acting like you should be provided the server files when the game is released... plus it's in alpha...

I think there are plenty of servers for you and your friends to play on until they do decide to release any information or files for servers.

There are 100's if not 1000's of people like you with a Dedi Box wanting to host a DayZ SA Server including myself... But we all know that we have to be patient. You coming on here and posting things like "WHY DON'T WE HAZ SERVER FILES ON RELEASE, I HAVE A DEDICATED BOX SO GIVE ME THE FILES!"... It doesn't work like that dude. Sorry.

Kid, take it easy.

If server files arent ready, why there are few service provideres ready to sell Dayz SA servers?

Second day and second time I cant join any server because they are full or bad version.

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Yes with servers all the trouble! I'm from Siberia to play everything, or ping either busy with all the normal server! I have even suggested their machine to the server on the game area VsemTeam.ru Very convenient for players from the center of Russia and the far East!

Sorry for the translator!

Edited by dennez545

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We pay a shitload for a server but we cant play together on it because it is always full.

Cmon rocket this is really sucking donkeygrease.


Atleast let us lock the damn server so we can use it as we like instead of looking at a full server!

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We pay a shitload for a server but we cant play together on it because it is always full.

Cmon rocket this is really sucking donkeygrease.

Atleast let us lock the damn server so we can use it as we like instead of looking at a full server!

Locking a server will lead to abuse as it's happened in the mod. You'll be the only one on the server and can loot away with no risk and then possibly jump to a public server with your full gear and kill all the freshspawns.

It's not different from cheating, as it's giving you an unfair advantage over other players.

And I think you guys seem to be forgetting that it was forbidden to host servers privately on the mod last year as well. It only happened because someone hacked theHiveExt.dll and rocket said, that they aren't supported and not allowed.

Let's just keep it to that for now, as noone asked you to host a server and there are plenty out there the community is not paying for and it will eventually become cheaper.

We're paying 56€ / month, which isn't too far away from the prices in the early state of the mod, as it's hard to deal with, as it's new and there's no experience yet.

And even though you might seem to think the hosters are updating very slowly - just take a lookat how many servers there are to update. You obviously would be quicker to update your server, but try doing it as fast as the providers with 1,000 servers.

Give it time, you'll get around to be able to host the servers.

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you can talk so much you want against releasing server files, in few dayz/weekz they will release it or in few months there will be private server hives.

Edited by snajdan

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No room in UK servers

Not enough servers to player ratio


Cannot join any sessions yesterday . :(

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had no problem! not all servers are full! even though they show as 40/40...



if you host a server you should have a right to play on it! maybe by being the first in the queue and then givind the last joined non-member a message that they will be kicked in 4 minutes because of a member! that way they have time to find a safe spot!

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