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Radiix (DayZ)

Server files?

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Gief server files please!


Or atleast tell me what i need to do to get those files!


I will do anything



It only just released. Calm down. It will come eventually.

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planning is key !

ppl will be wanting to play on dedi server sooo

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In the beginning of the mod it was only trusted hosters and very restricted.


What I was trying to say: Don't run around not even an hour after release screaming for the files. It will come eventually. As usual: patience is the key.

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unpacked the server_data.pbo and it looks pretty similar to the @dayz_server files we have seen before.


Just need mission files and the exe

Edited by player

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unpacked the server_data.pbo and it looks pretty similar to the @dayz_server files we have seen before.


Just need mission files and the exe



In the beginning of the mod it was only trusted hosters and very restricted.


What I was trying to say: Don't run around not even an hour after release screaming for the files. It will come eventually. As usual: patience is the key.



It's also not the only thing you need. What about the DB? Do you know anything about that? The connection to the database? DB-connection whitelisting?

Edited by kichilron
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We waited for a very long time to finally be privileged to run the DayZMod Public Hive.


And still to this day and beyond we will run UK410 keep her running and updated.


If/When the files are here for SA, I will yet again pop my request in the queue and happily wait.


Time, Patience and a little bit of Tea will get you very far.



Edited by Drunkie
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if there is no server files, may be developers will install more servers? I would like to host own server, but for know I'm trying to connect for 1 hour. All servers are full :(

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yeh private servers is needed for the community to kickstart this awsome game,better sooner than later in this case id say

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+1 for the release of the server files. Or, BI should host a big bunch of servers, because now it's just impossible to play the game. It's kind of disappointing to buy the game and not being able to play it.

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I tried it as well but all I get is:


20:28:36 FAILED: SteamGameServer_Init(0,2495,2302,2316,3,)


What did you do to succeed the steam server init?

When I try to connect to my local server it says "Disconnected from session".

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Maybe you can start the DayZ.exe with the serverflag, but it don´t work whitout the hiveconnection. No Database, no Server.

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+1 for the release of the server files. Or, BI should host a big bunch of servers, because now it's just impossible to play the game. It's kind of disappointing to buy the game and not being able to play it.


Lots of us want (and have capacity) to host but until the chaps can get the backend stable and secure then we just need to wait it out.  Rocket has said its something they are intending to do, we just need to hope its an item relatively high on the priority list.

Edited by {SAS}Stalker

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Most annoying is the fact, that every user can see in the server list, there are privat server!!!


And this server, are the same, wiche have a pay to win system in Dayz Mod.


Answers with the notes: "is new ... please waiting ... or see here" are not helpfull.


Where the owners have the files ago?

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Lots of us want (and have capacity) to host but until the chaps can get the backend stable and secure then we just need to wait it out.  Rocket has said its something they are intending to do, we just need to hope its an item relatively high on the priority list.



It's just way too easy to manipulate and the problem is that many people abuse it and thus everyone thinks any administrator of a Mod-Server is abusing it, because of the people that comes with.


I am happy with the system and that we are hosting servers we can't do anything with. Gives me the time and ability to actually play the game.

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It's just way too easy to manipulate and the problem is that many people abuse it and thus everyone thinks any administrator of a Mod-Server is abusing it, because of the people that comes with.


I am happy with the system and that we are hosting servers we can't do anything with. Gives me the time and ability to actually play the game.


Don't get me wrong, I really don't want to go back to the difficulties of being an admin during the mod but I would hope that the SA hive has things in place to prevent the sorts of things that you say are to easy to manipulate.  My issue with the current system isn't control, its cost based coupled with the fact that we have a 24gig / 16core dedi box sat waiting to run this on and I object to having to pay a GSP overly inflated slot prices for something that we are more than capable of hosting already.  That said I appreciate that its early dayz (see what I did there).

Edited by {SAS}Stalker
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Don't get me wrong, I really don't want to go back to the difficulties of being an admin during the mod but I would hope that the SA hive has things in place to prevent the sorts of things that you say are to easy to manipulate.  My issue with the current system isn't control, its cost based coupled with the fact that we have a 24gig / 16core dedi box sat waiting to run this on and I object to having to pay a GSP overly inflated slot prices for something that we are more than capable of hosting already.  That said I appreciate that its early dayz (see what I did there).


I agree with you. We are hosting for more then a year an official dayz server (DE 635) ... fair enough to give those who do this official hosting to get a chance to host it ... 


kind regards


AdminZ - DE 635

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We would never had setup a server tbh if the server providers were not charging silly money per slot.Also when the patch came out and I contacted them to do the patch it took 15 hours for a response. Which the reply I got was not really helpful at all "what update has there been a patch, we are currently sorting out our control panel as it dose not like dayz" mmm great help

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Im currently hosting a Public DayZ Mod server, and one of our community members has Rented a DayZSA server.

The support isnt great, im not going to name the GSP, but as soon as the files are ready for application, i will be in the queue!


Gona call it UK410!



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