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Monitor Suggestions

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Hello, I am wondering if you guys can suggest some good pc monitors for me. I'm finally coming back to Dayz and getting a computer after my laptop died of a mobo failure around 5-6 months ago. My price range is between $80-140(pretty low as I've already overstepped my budget for getting a computer in the first place) It would also be great if it had speakers integrated in it but not that big of a concern as I have a headset(not sure if i can even get speakers in it for this low of a price range). The size can range anything after 17 inches. As I have a VGA cord and HDMI to connect to my 27 inch tv until so. This post may sound noobish but I'd rather have a little help in the search.

The computer I have is:http://www.bestbuy.com/site/essentio-desktop-8gb-memory-1tb-hard-drive/1681287.p;jsessionid=7EC8353736CD7335052E6D27337E739C.bbolsp-app03-194?id=1219059643159&skuId=1681287&st=asus%20essentio&cp=1&lp=2


I'd say I'm decent with computers so I know enough but I'm not all that comprehensive with them so yeah..


I couldn't build my own pc because I'm 17 with no job, no license, and my parents don't understand the idea of me building a computer but its whatever. Even though I'd rather have built one because I could get better for cheaper. But it's near Christmas so they went big because I'm moving out soon so kinda counts as a graduation gift too. I just realized I rambled very far into this but there's my back story. :P


Any help would be much appreciated thanks.  :D  :beans: 


(If I posted this in the wrong area could someone point me in the right direction so I may delete and repost it or have someone move it, not sure with forums)

Edited by Doomsday513

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I run this 15' Spongebob LCD http://www.amazon.com/Spongebob-15-LCD-Tv-Ready/dp/B001CDPMGG/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top/180-6510523-2338464 best purchase I have ever made.



For you I would maybe go with this Acer 23' on sale at new egg http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824009421 its mid range for your price listing sale ends today jump on it.

Edited by Steak and Potatoes
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Hello there


I use a LCD TV as my main monitor, they're cheap too for the size, As long as you dont mind being stuck at 1080 and can cope with the different "feel", I have an old 2nd hand 18 incher as my second and for when im doing my 3d stuff.. 


Worth looking at, but do some research, but TBH as its xmas there's bound to be some great bargains out there.





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