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What do people want to have in a epoch server?

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I am in the process of purchasing a epoch server, but I am also curious on what people are looking for in a epoch server. I don't want the server to be plain like all the others, I would like to make it stand out, so I can get a stable player base. Basically all I am asking is what do you guys look for in a server?  Would people like it if the server had no additional scripts? or do people love scripts? Just leave your suggestions below :) Thank you all!



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What do people want of Epoch servers? Less of them.


There are over 3500 showing on Dayz Commander atm (mine is one of them, usually empty btw) and unless you already have a bunch of players lined up, it won't matter how you set it up. I wouldn't waste your money. Especially considering SA release seems imminent.

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I think no self blood-bag would be nice, AI bandits and missions would be cool. No added buildings, only one or two safe traders (starry cannot be safe) not alot of vehicles but if i wanted a car i could find at least 3 in berezino. If you can find anything better than a beat up dirt bike in Cherno its too many vehicles.

an OK starting load out, like a Winchester and revolver. ( personally i like a nice starting loadout in epoch, but normally I play vanilla dayz, on the public hive)

If you listen to what people want its bound to get a good population right?

lets hope

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I am now most likely going to be releasing a Vanila DayZ, No Self BB, Maybe AI, Kinda A classic DayZ Server, What do people think of this?

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Day Z plus! lol no just kidding....


if you're going to rent I would just repeat what the lads above are saying - theres tones of Epoch servers already, try hosting a mod that has only a few servers for - Namalsk maybe?

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