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Server Tags Demystified: How To Find The Right Server

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Hello everyone,

I notice there are players still unsure of what server has what game settings based on their name. With the updated naming scheme the dev team has put into place, things have become much easier to find what you're looking for. You just have to understand what that is. ;)

Table Of Contents

1) Server Location

2) Server Version

3) Server Difficulty

4) Server Time

5) Additional Information

Throughout this guide, I will be using my server title as an example.

DayZ - US 10 Chicago (v1.7.1.5/Beta 93965) [VETERAN 3DP:OFF][GMT-6] dayzmod.com - hosted by RageCageGaming.com

Server Location

Okay first off is server location. This can be determined by the country code at the beginning of the server title

DayZ - US 10 Chicago (v1.7.1.5/Beta 93965) [VETERAN 3DP:OFF][GMT-6] dayzmod.com - hosted by RageCageGaming.com

Because this server has a country code of US, it is located in the United States of America. This server is also using an optional code to further describe the location of the server. So from the title you can determine that the server is in the United States of America in the city of Chicago, IL.

A list of countries and their related codes are here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2

The number that comes after the country code is a server identifier for the devs as well as the players. It is unique to each server. In this case, the server is the 10th US server (not necessarily the 10th one to ever exist in the US, just the 10th US server in the dev's server documents).

Server Version

The second part of the server name is the server version. This tells the user what version of DayZ it is running, as well as what beta version it is running.

DayZ - US 10 Chicago (v1.7.1.5/Beta 93965) [VETERAN 3DP:OFF][GMT-6] dayzmod.com - hosted by RageCageGaming.com

So in this example, US 10 Chicago is running DayZ verison and is running the beta version 93965. You MUST have the same DayZ version on your computer as the server you are connecting to. Keep in mind, that if a server is running a beta version it is IMPORTANT that your client has the same version or greater. Server admins should be enforcing this, but some do not have a required beta version set (which is a no-no).

Server Difficulty

The most confusing part of the naming system is the server difficulty tags.

DayZ - US 10 Chicago (v1.7.1.5/Beta 93965) [VETERAN 3DP:OFF][GMT-6] dayzmod.com - hosted by RageCageGaming.com

In this example it means that the server is running the Veteran difficulty, however, the server has also changed some default settings of the veteran difficulty and put them in as additional tags to describe what those changes were. So for this server, 3rd person mode has been turned off.

To help you understand the default values of each difficulty, I've compiled a list:

Regular Defaults

  • Armor: On
  • 3rd Person: On
  • Auto Aim: Off
  • Tracers: On
  • Nameplates: On
  • Crosshairs: On
  • Death Messages: On

Veteran Defaults

  • Armor: On
  • 3rd Person: On
  • Auto Aim: Off
  • Tracers: Off
  • Nameplates: Off
  • Crosshairs: Off
  • Death Messages: On

Mercenary Defaults (aka Expert)

  • Armor: Off
  • 3rd Person: Off
  • Auto Aim: Off
  • Tracers: Off
  • Nameplates: Off
  • Crosshairs: Off
  • Death Messages: Off

If we were to use another example (this server does not exist), let's say:

DayZ - US 12312 (v1.7.1.5/beta 93965) [REGULAR 3DP:OFF CH:OFF][GMT-6] dayzmod.com - hosted by yourdomain.com

This would mean that the server is running regular difficulty defaults and has altered third person and crosshairs to both be off so the difficulty values would be as follows:

Fictional Server US 12312

  • Armor: On
  • 3rd Person: Off
  • Auto Aim: Off
  • Tracers: On
  • Nameplates: On
  • Crosshairs: Off
  • Death Messages: On

The red text being what actually differs from the normal regular settings.

Here are the possible tags for servers:

3DP - Third Person

CH - Crosshairs

NP - Name Plates (unconfirmed)

WP - Waypoints

DM - Death Messages (unconfirmed)

Server Time

Server time is expressed in GMT which is 0 offset at Greenwich, England. This allows for easy time conversion from your timezone to the server's time zone. As a side note UTC = GMT.

DayZ - US 10 Chicago (v1.7.1.5/Beta 93965) [VETERAN 3DP:OFF][GMT-6] dayzmod.com - hosted by RageCageGaming.com

This means that the server time is GTM -6. Let's say you lived in Paris, France. Paris is GMT +1 so that means your local time is 7 hours AHEAD of the server (counting the time zone difference would be 0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6 which comes to 7 total).

A list of major cities and their respective GMT time offsets are listed here: http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/info/timezone.htm

Additional Information

Not all servers are following this naming scheme. However, they should as this is the nomenclature that the dev team has specified for all servers to use. If you do not see a server following the same format as the examples in this post, then this guide cannot help you determine what that server may be running.

If you have any questions feel free to post them here. Bumps are also appreciated. I want to make sure people have access to this information. :)

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Added an example for server difficulty to help clear up any possible confusion. Should I continue to support this guide? Not sure if it's been helpful or not to anyone.

I also want to sit down at some point and write a quick PHP script that helps assist server owners in generating a server name with the correct nomenclature. Should be pretty easy to do if it's necessary. I still notice a lot of servers out there who aren't using the naming scheme in the right way, and I want to make it as simple as possible. :)

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This should be stickied...

*Spits on the back of this post, and sticks it up on the wall*


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A few things:

Note on time: "UTC = GMT" - Many servers express time in UTC.

Other Difficulty Levels Used:



Other server options:

- Way Points (WP) - see "Germany 4" for example.

- Peripheral Vision Markers (could be PV?) - None have this listed, but is on or off on many servers.

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Will add that UTC = GMT (maybe I should throw in ZULU for good measure. I kid :P)

Expert and Hardcore should = Mercenary. I'll update the post to reflect that. Technically hardcore isn't a stock arma difficulty afaik. So that is something that isn't following the naming scheme.

I'll also add all the tags I know to the end of that section. Good call Skint. :)

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May I ask why would anyone care for server geo time-zone?

What most people DO care when looking for server to join, is server game-play time (i.e. night or day).

If we assume that server will provide same game-play time as in its geo-location, than we can easily calculate it, and decide if we want to join it or not. But now many servers have set game-play time different from their actual time-zone (e.g. servers in UK may provide a night-time on their maps at 12:00 UTC), and it can take quite a few tries to find a server with proper day-time, which, probably, loads a central node as-well and takes a lot of time from players.

So my suggestion is to use the time-tag to specify a game-play time on a server, which will make a life lot easier for many players.

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Nothing that I didn't already know. Cheers for the great guide however and I hope new players (and oldies!) will understand the server tags fully from now on!

Having a hard time finding normal configured servers, meaning not altered ones. Expert servers are the best, hands down. :)

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As far as I know' date=' spawns chances aren't affected by difficulty.


I do actually think they do. Everytime me and my friend logs in to a regular server when we are at a military area, there are rarely any good loot but when we log on to a veteran server, we almost everytime find at least one weapon such as the AKM and lots of ammo.

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Everytime me and my friend logs in to a regular server when we are at a military area' date=' there are rarely any good loot but when we log on to a veteran server, we almost everytime find at least one weapon such as the AKM and lots of ammo.


RNG. Randomness does tend to have that kind of effect and lead to erroneous conclusions.

Difficulty does not affect spawn chance.

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May I ask why would anyone care for server geo time-zone?

What most people DO care when looking for server to join' date=' is server game-play time (i.e. night or day).

If we assume that server will provide same game-play time as in its geo-location, than we can easily calculate it, and decide if we want to join it or not. But now many servers have set game-play time different from their actual time-zone (e.g. servers in UK may provide a night-time on their maps at 12:00 UTC), and it can take quite a few tries to find a server with proper day-time, which, probably, loads a central node as-well and takes a lot of time from players.

So my suggestion is to use the time-tag to specify a game-play time on a server, which will make a life lot easier for many players.


The time zone listed is in relation to the server time. Not it's physical time zone. So the GMT will tell you what time of day the server is running at (assuming there hasn't been major de-syncs). So for example, my server is in Chicago. It runs on central time, but if I wanted it to run in a time zone in Europe, I'd set it to that with the system clock and change the tag to something like GMT+1.

Nothing that I didn't already know. Cheers for the great guide however and I hope new players (and oldies!) will understand the server tags fully from now on!

Having a hard time finding normal configured servers' date=' meaning not altered ones. Expert servers are the best, hands down. :)


Thank you :)

Everytime me and my friend logs in to a regular server when we are at a military area' date=' there are rarely any good loot but when we log on to a veteran server, we almost everytime find at least one weapon such as the AKM and lots of ammo.


RNG. Randomness does tend to have that kind of effect and lead to erroneous conclusions.

Difficulty does not affect spawn chance.

That is indeed correct. RNGs are a harsh mistress.

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The time zone listed is in relation to the server time. Not it's physical time zone. So the GMT will tell you what time of day the server is running at (assuming there hasn't been major de-syncs). So for example' date=' my server is in Chicago. It runs on central time, but if I wanted it to run in a time zone in Europe, I'd set it to that with the system clock and change the tag to something like GMT+1.


Ok, if you insist I can collect list of servers (I play mostly SE UK DE RU EU LU servers) to prove that MANY servers just ignore this guideline. :/

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I unfortunately have no control over that. It's up to the server admins to following the naming convention. :(

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MANY servers just ignore this guideline. :/

Unfortunately it doesn't affect only the servers who don't follow the naming convention. Like HowIChrgeLazer pointed out, most servers that have been running for a good while will suffer from some sort of de-synch, time will be off. The host might not notice and it'll remain until the next restart.

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I have a few questions about difficulty, the answers to which might be good to add to the first post.

For Mercenary, what is the setting for Peripheral Vision? Are there different levels for PV or just ON/OFF?

Second, what does the armor setting mean?

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As far as I know Rymdkejsaren, PV is always on. I don't see a value flag for it in the difficulty settings. In regards to armor, Bohemia Interactive put this in as a comment:

// Gives you improved body armor, tank armor etc

I assume this translates into be able to take slightly more punishment bullet wise. The exact difference I've never personally calculated.

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Thanks for the reply. I was sure I had played on servers without PV, or at least where it was "turned down" i.e. did not show people that are hundreds of meters away and behind a wall.

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I have a question; how does one set up the server so names-tags are noticeable using spacebar/scrollwheel, but not noticeable when scanning the environment?

I've been on the search for a week with this question and have not found an answer yet.

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Ultranoob question: under the filters, what does ARMOR means?

Takes more bullets to kill players IIRC.

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I have a question; how does one set up the server so names-tags are noticeable using spacebar/scrollwheel, but not noticeable when scanning the environment?

I've been on the search for a week with this question and have not found an answer yet.

I think the desired effect you want is FriendlyTag=0; in your difficulty file. This won't draw the hand thing anymore, but it'll still show the name of the item you cursor over. I could be mistaken though.

It doesn't seem like there are flags for people name tags and item name tags. I think it all groups under FriendlyTag (because survivors are all on the same team).

Also apparently disabling crosshairs disables FriendlyTag according to the wiki?

FriendlyTag=1; // Displays information on friendly units. ONLY WORKS WITH 'Weaponcursor=0', eg crosshair on.

Ultranoob question: under the filters, what does ARMOR means?

Orcworm is pretty much correct from what I understand. The exact definition of armor in the comments is as follows:

// Gives you improved body armor, tank armor etc

Edited by HowIChrgeLazer

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I have been playing in two different servers right now and I have 2 different characters. How can I see for sure which the legit server is? Both servers look pretty legit with all the descriptions and stuff.

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