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Cap'n (DayZ)

Some various ideas & suggestions for Standalone

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I've had a couple of ideas I wanted to share, and I very much hope someone working on the project might have a gander. Here they are:


When you gut any kind of game, it's common knowledge that you hang it up first before you cut it. It's a hell of a lot easier IRL, and it'd feel a lot more authentic if we had to drag our freshly killed deer & boar to a shed and hang it up for cutting.


If your weapon doesn't come with an attachment rail, what if you could duck tape a scope to it? Or make a makeshit bayonet that degrades faster than a normal bayonet.


To add increased attachment to your gear, you should be able to engrave on the weapon itself. When some one picks up that weapon after killing you, they engravings carry over.


With the addition of Utes off of Skalisty and no vehicles on release, why not make a bridge from the mainland to Skalisty to Utes to make the task a little less daunting?


Also, to add increased difficulty, why not spawn military weapons in pieces? Say, if I get lucky and score an M4 receiver, I need to find the rest of the gun parts for it to function properly. Some guns could require less parts, like an AK. Others, such as the M4, would require a good deal of parts to assemble.


Also, because we are playing in CHERNARUS, why not implement CDF camo instead of the US gear? It doesn't make sense why we're finding US tactical shit in a former Soviet state, aye? CDF smocks shouldn't be hard to model, you already have the camo pattern in ArmA 2.

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1. Would be very cool, if youve the choice, hang it up for better results or be fast and only gather 30-60 percent.
2. I think this already exists in some way(watch the livestream).
3. Would be really epic, i think of a situation where you kill somebody and find the weapon you carried a week ago :D.

4. I think this would be too much effort for to little results.

5. Dont like this idea, maybe if you can find parts but also a already completed weapon. Or for example, you can find the pieces in low loot areas and the whole gun only in top tier zones.

6. Why not both?

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With the addition of Utes off of Skalisty and no vehicles on release, why not make a bridge from the mainland to Skalisty to Utes to make the task a little less daunting?


Maybe, but I kind of like the idea of Utes being secluded.



Also, because we are playing in CHERNARUS, why not implement CDF camo instead of the US gear? It doesn't make sense why we're finding US tactical shit in a former Soviet state, aye? CDF smocks shouldn't be hard to model, you already have the camo pattern in ArmA 2.


I like this, nice idea.



Also, to add increased difficulty, why not spawn military weapons in pieces? Say, if I get lucky and score an M4 receiver, I need to find the rest of the gun parts for it to function properly. Some guns could require less parts, like an AK. Others, such as the M4, would require a good deal of parts to assemble


As far as I know, the military tends not to disassemble weapons unles they're being cleaned. Not a big fan of this idea. Maybe only certain guns would be disassembled, and all the parts would be on that military base, you just have to look for them?



If your weapon doesn't come with an attachment rail, what if you could duck tape a scope to it? Or make a makeshit bayonet that degrades faster than a normal bayonet.


That doesn't exactly work with scopes. It's already really unrealistic that scopes are instantly zeroed in for your gun when you attach them, I think it would be laughable to duct tape a scope to it. I like the bayonet though.



When you gut any kind of game, it's common knowledge that you hang it up first before you cut it. It's a hell of a lot easier IRL, and it'd feel a lot more authentic if we had to drag our freshly killed deer & boar to a shed and hang it up for cutting.


I'm not a big fan of it being forced. Maybe we could just get more meat if we hang it up?

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Duct taping attachments is already in there and so will pieces of weapons instead of the whole rifle be.


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