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One town as the last stand of human race...

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Hi there,

I just got an idea to make one city in whole map as zombie free as a last heavily protected last stand of survivors.

Instead of zombies spawn within wider borders of such place some soldiers with good weapons and let survivors trade/sell/buy there their stuff which is not useful for them (actually everything can be traded, right?).

Money is not needed, in such critical situation people would start a barter as a method of exchange. You can make one NPC in some building or close to some truck which sell one bandage for two/three cans or drinks, etc.

Also the murderers (let say 5+ murders committed) can't enter such place as AI will try to kill them as soon as they will be spotted.

Just my idea, dont know if someone already came out with it.

Second - think like in every village it should be possible to find all stuff used for healing (bandage, morphine, painkillers) as it is possible to break your legs by house entrance or doors, and if you are far on north without it and alone you cannot help yourself at all.

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Been suggested, been rejected.

AI soldiers wouldnt work, any bandit group could just snipe them from a distance. AI in arma 2 is that amazing.

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Cherno and Elektro are those, there are hundreds of people murdering those all poor zombies. No AI soldiers, Though.

On the other hand I think too many of the residents of these cities are from the USA, as you can see people shooting on every corner.

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Why not ?

But no AI soldier.

There should be a way to secure place.

A large group of survivor suould be able to do that and hold a city.

If successful... zed spawn only outside town. And try to get in !

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I rather see a failed Hunan last stand location.

We see the remains if it through notes ,journals, and dead bodies along with barriers broken through as if to show signs they were over whelmed.

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Whilst a safe zone would be interesting I personally prefer Logan's idea of a last stand location which failed, ultimately ending in the deaths of those who tried to hold out. If not told through journals or something similar perhaps a road sign that's been changed by survivors then as you get closer you see birds circling overhead until you reach the town edge and see the bodies. As you make your way through the town you would find the bodies of people in houses grouped together perhaps surrounded by zombies, a smoking campfire and other things such as this that suggest the town was recently 'alive'. It would help create a sense that all of humanity in Chernarus has collapsed, not that we really need it due to the whole zombie situation, however to find small stories like this would be an interesting thing to see. I know some will find me comparing this to Fallout 3 a bit jarring but you would often find scenes such as this in that game, a skeleton holding a pistol and whiskey or the famous skeleton in a bath clutching a toaster. Now I'm not saying we should have things identical to this but similar things, and that's my long winded opinion on the matter that I probably could (and should) have condensed into a paragraph.


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Naah, wouldn't work.

You'd need a survivor enclave. (basically a walled town with no zeds and no weapons kinda like a besieged township from a medieval siege or something, food and water gone, people starving and diesased)

You know.. spawn in a walled town and you can freely starve to death or eat your neighbours. The only other option would be to get out and take your chances.

..Hmmm...actually if this is going to be a commercial game eventually that might work.

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I think it is not so hard to make just one town like this in whole map... even without AIs... Vybor is good fit as it is not built in a valley. It is quite flat area there not to easy to get in without being spotted. It will definitely be a battlezone as it can be seized by bandits too. (but they risk they will kill each other at any time...)

Also the idea of making such place surrounded by zeds will work as a challenge if you want to get in and out...

Just my few cents.

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I think it is not so hard to make just one town like this in whole map... even without AIs... Vybor is good fit as it is not built in a valley. It is quite flat area there not to easy to get in without being spotted. It will definitely be a battlezone as it can be seized by bandits too. (but they risk they will kill each other at any time...)

Just my few cents.

Why bother, If you are the survivor of a siege you probably won't have too much ammo food or anything else left. Why would it turn into a battlezone?

You wouldn't have anything to start with and the immediate area would have either dried or been destroyed.

That would be kinda interesting actually. Instead of spawning people on the edges of the map, fuck them up a bit more and lump them all together in the middle with no resources. To survive they'd have to branch out and to do it successfully they'd have to communicate.

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Sure Jim, but there can be other players too and fully equipped. I mean why they should go back there? There must be something which will attract them to come back and resupply (ammo, blood bags?) Also if you allow to respawn all people there, also bandits will be respawned there. At least people with many murders on their account should not be spawned there.

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Why? No reason what so ever.

I'm only thinking of a new spawn scenario.

I'm not really suggesting some kind of morality system but more an ecological consequence of medieval type siege warfare. (basically the same thing) with the added bonus of being surrounded by hordes of zombies.

Everyone would be screwed, the surrounding area would be completely decimated, there'd be no food no weapons and even if there were you'd have to go outside to scavenge ammo.

Your newbie friendly area would consist of people either eating rats or the dead, you'd be safe from the zeds if you wanted to think of it that way but food scarcity means you wouldn't have much choice.

Survive long enough outside and you'd maybe have something to come back into the siege zone to trade if you had the skills and means to do so.

.. honestly I'm not being particularly fair here. Medieval siege warfare was some of the most horrific shit imaginable but I'm trying to extrapolate scenarios since I suspect dying of hunger whilst being surrounded by a hostile 'army' would be pretty enemy independent.

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This isn't fallout' date=' we don't need safe zones.


What kind of game is Fall Out?

A Post apocalypse simulator right?

and what game is Day Z

oh yeah seems like they are very similar

we dont need safezones? im sorry but there are zombies and bandits on your ass bro.

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