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So Wait for SA or buy ArmA 2 in the meantime?

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So I've been following DayZ for more than a year now, because I'm in love with it, but I didn't have a computer to run it on, now I do have a computer that can run it, but here's the question for all of those that might have a realistic estimate on the SA release, should I buy ArmA 2 now with all of the sales going on to play in the meantime before DayZ or just wait for the SA?


I honestly don't think it's coming out on december, but I might be wrong,  the update rocket put up gave me both happiness and disappointment, happiness because it sounds like it's coming out soon, but disappointment because it made me think it wasn't going to be out before 2014, but who am I to say when it's released? Who knows, maybe rocket tomorrow comes out and says the SA has been ready for weeks and they've just been trolling the community a bit, and it comes out tomorrow....


So yeah.... Wait or A2? And by wait I mean like if you think it's going to come out this month or in like february, so I'm not wasting my money on a game that I'm going to play for a month before the SA comes

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Wait; UNLESS you explicitly enjoy the Milsim genre, buying 2 games just for a mod that's already divided into 9000 million empty, laggy servers running useless scripts with shit admins when it's going to be outdated by the end of next year (I hope) is silly. ArmA 2/OA is a lot of fun in singleplayer/the editor/et cetera, but you're better off spending your $10 (or whatever the sale is for) on a game you're going to enjoy longer. Metro: Last Light and FC3 are on sale. *shrug* You can also get those on... certain websites that involve peer-to-peer file transfers that doesn't explicitly require purchase of the products to be obtained... ;) 

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No one has ever bought dayz at any point in time!

If you want to buy arma2 and aram2 OA and only play the dayz mod then you can but I think if you dont want to play arma2 single player and stuff then just wait for standalone.


But it is kinda worth it for 10 bucks I got all the dlc and the main game for 8 or something

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quite literally doing the exact same thing lol. Tired of just watching this game go on, I spent $1500 on a PC to run the game :D 

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It really depends. On the recent updates Rocket has given us, I honestly think it could come out pretty soon. It really depends, I don't want to tell you to get it and you spend your money and the the SA comes out a week later. But we don't know, you could have the game for a whole month before SA comes out. No one knows. I would suggest not. DAYZ mod is... really not a star. The game is filled with laggy servers and a bunch of jerks who will KoS you even if your not armed. You might disagree, but I think the SA will come out in December, not looking for an argument about it, but thats when I think it will. I've been following DAYZ since the last time he dissapointed everybody. He didn't dissapoint me. I knew it was WAY too early for it, but I think what by what he stated, he was going for a foundation to build on, I think its very close to that point. My advice would be just to wait.

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The game is filled with ... a bunch of jerks who will KoS you even if your not armed.


Something not likely to change in SA...

Edited by Zero3ffect

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No one has ever bought dayz at any point in time!

Which is why I sais buy ARMA 2 you see.....



should I buy ArmA 2 now with all of the sales going on to play in the meantime before DayZ or just wait for the SA?

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It's an expense, so has to be a personal choice.  I've been playing for about 18 months and still play every day.  I can't image just waiting for the standalone. I'd have gone mad or exploded by now if it weren't for the mod!  Of course, I still can't wait for the SA and may still burst with excitement!

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Keep in mind the people telling you not to waste your money already own the game and most have played literally hundreds of hours of it.


If you're low on cash, I wouldn't, otherwise go for it. Even if the standalone is out in a week, you could have played a lot in that week. Also, the standalone is very alpha right now, the mod has had a lot of development, and has a lot of mods if you don't enjoy the vanilla dayz. If you buy the standalone and dislike normal dayz, you're essentially screwed until modding is introduced.

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You're in love with a game you never played before eh. If you waited this long without playing why bother now.

Purchase the real game as it will soon be released. Have a nice day.

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Many of us fell in love with this game before playing it.  That's how it ended up with millions of players - youtube! :thumbsup:

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