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Interview with Rocket! PsiSyndicate's livestream chatroom

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From today'z chat room session on PsiSyndicate's livestream (Featuring Rocket2Guns):


These are all of the responses given by rocket to the endless torrent of questions that came across the chat room.

I tried to find the questions when it seemed absolutely necessary to understanding his response.



the vehicles will be completely different. built from parts, based on the attachment system we have for weapons now


the M4 has over a dozen different attachments


 the gun variety slowly increases

probably each week there will be new items and weapons


 I really hope that people WAIT before they buy the standalone, and be sure they are happy to join in first


 base building is on the roadmap


 the roadmap will be shown on release


 I think someone should only buy the game if it looks exciting and like a good buy

watch the streams, then decide


 im eating dinner 


 I think we spend so much time problem solving that you dont really realize lots of people are going to see the results


 erm. deepthroating cow udders is not currently supported, sorry


 but ah. I think farming simulator was released on steam. maybe that has it


 PZ is really great. glad others see that!


 Farming is planned for standalone


 I miss NZ heaps!


 modding is possible but we will have to release the keys to allow signing of mods

 that means not on release (we have a lot of work to do on security, first)


 bitcoin is pretty cool i think


m4, mosin, fnp45, sks, shotgun are all currently 100% ingame


 yes actually, riot gear is one lot of items being worked on right now


 dayz standalone will cure world hunger, solve the soverign debt crisis, and create peace in the middle east



?__Rocket2guns will the dedicated server be like bf4, or will there be dedicated Server file release ?

good questions about dedicated servers: but we can't provide info for that until we have confirmed 100% what we are doing for it


not really thought about story

hard to think about story when performance still needs work


 I have 800 hours in steam already


 yes we are planning a group system, but there is nothing finalized yet. its something we must think careful about it


 I think DayZ would be quite likely for consoles. But only after the masterrace is finished with it, shall the dirty peasants pick from the scraps



we will see what antihack we need to do beyond VAC after release


 maybe include some BE too, if needed


 best thing to support dayz is to: - support the streamers. - support the youtubers. - support those who make mods - support those who run community websites, clans, etc...


supporting those people is supporting gamers


yes I like pie



VAC initially, then whatever we need to

the initial release will give us an idea of vunrebilities

we will look at securing once we identify the remaining areas

 the best antihack involves solving architectural issues, not slapping on middleware


 Im most excited about the inventory system. I think it dramatically changes the way the game is played.


 I made DayZ because I wanted to play something like it


 yes I will be at pax again, i think


?__ Rocket, Have You Ever Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?

 @Lorenzo0852... I still cant believe I said that 


 we have a new artist working on new zombies as we speak

 he is making custom military zombies


 I dont have herpies and I drive a skoda

actually, someone hit me on the weekend. scraped the door



 military weapons will be endgame loot

and require maintenance (not finished yet though)



desync hasnt seemed much of a problem because of the network bubble


 i want to do barracding like in TDL

placement could be part of that


 there will be hackers and we will just use that experience to learn how to improve the security


 my main concern is server 


 SSD makes quite a difference, or a RAMdisk if you have the tech knowhow


 PZ for the win!

 buy it now on steam guys


 bit late for me here. Big days these days so I got to get to bed!\


but bro-op when standalone comes out?


 right im going to head off. Thanks for having me and talk soon!!

hope it didn't disrupt things too much


 cya guys! lets game soon






And THIS was bullshit he had to wade through.... *sigh*

 Rocket are your laps longer or shorter than the retard olympics?

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Nonsensical read but good enough.

Psi is likely to post a video anyway. MLG...

Edited by Machiavelli09

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wheres the actual podcast ? i like the way rocket often answers totally different questions not asked :lol:

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The wall of text in the chatroom was moving way too fast to find the questions he was responding to.... I was just satisfied that I managed to get each of his responses...


If you read it through slowly there's some pretty interesting and entertaining responses!

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