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HotBassyx (DayZ)

US - 5293 Official Hive!

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Hey Survivor.


Today i started the new US - 5293 Official DayZ hive server!


Our Features:


Slots            -      50

3rd Person  -      On

Side Chat    -      On

Hosted by    -      HFBservers


There isn't more we'll need.


If you wan't to join -


Play fair and have fun!


Run to survive!

Edited by HotBassyx

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How come that your Server is located in Germany, yet is named "US 5293"?

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How come that your Server is located in Germany, yet is named "US 5293"?


I can answer this one.


All our servers are setup with US prefixes however its up to the client to change it to the actual country the server is setup in if they like.

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