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Tips for zombies

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Ok so I'm a noob and zombies are really annoying me. I know bushes act as force fields if you hide in them and that the Line Of Sight mechanic is terribly broken. But how can I take steps to stop them from annoying me so much and avoid them? Seems like I can't cross a street without them being alerted(even when I crawl, which I usually do) and when I'm looting places they tend to sneak up on me occasionally. And usually I don't even have a hatchet and when I do the thing misses 80 percent of the time, it seems. So any tips?

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Well eventually you'll lose them if you just run. 
They're pretty easy to run around, so usually you can just lure them into a building where they walk and then slip around them.
Crowbards,Hatchets, and Machetes serve as Melees aswell.
If you press Z and go full prone you're hard to spot, which you said you still get spotted but that's helpful.
Bushes and Pine Trees work well to sitting in and waiting for them to walk far enough away that you can make a get away.

Hope it helped. :)

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You'll miss the hatchet. You need to master on it. Don't use the hatchet after long runs.

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Ok thanks guys but where is the best place to get a pistol and backpack?


For just basic pistols (M1911, Revlover, Makarov) and backpacks, you'll want to look for residential spawns and supermarkets.  Hopefully you know what the supermarkets look like, then you have the red and orange brick buildings, apartments, the pub or corner store, and the school or office building.


If you're planning on fending off zeds with a pistol, be sure to always get headshots, as they do piss poor damage when hitting the body.  I also find it's a good policy with the pistols to never try to deal with a horde larger than 25% of your ammo.  The reason for that is, you assume you'll miss 1/2 of your shots, and chances are you'll aggro just as many with your shooting.  So if you have an M1911 with 4 mags, don't try to make your last stand in a building if you've got more than 7 zeds chasing you, as you will probably end up trapped.

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