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My first murder in DayZ

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I've been playing DayZ for a while and usually I just team up with the first person I see, ((Most of the people I run in are friendly so it's okay)) So  I just got back from the TC ((epoch)) and I got a bike, these two guys came  with an Orange suv. I shot him through the windowglass the guy came out and before he could do anything I started spraying him with bullets he passed out on the ground and then quickly woke up while he woke up I took his gun then I shot him in the head and he died I started shooting at his friend but he quickly jumped in his S.U.V. and ran away . It was an satisfying experience. 

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So satisfying you came here to post it :P

Must have been pretty intense. Congratulations I guess

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Cool, but better watch posting that stuff on General Discussion, you might be mistaken for a bandit!  :thumbsup:   ^_^

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Aaaand breath.


It sounds nice, but it would be even better with some decent punctuation.

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Aaaand breath.


It sounds nice, but it would be even better with some decent punctuation.

I've seen a lot worse on here...  :lol:

Plus it's easily able to be read, so I mean.. It's fine imo. :P

Edited by Zedertone

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Aaaand breath.


It sounds nice, but it would be even better with some decent punctuation.

Yeah, I was kind of ingame. ((This was written 5 minutes after it happened))  So I was rushing to type this I'll probably edit this later

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So you just shot them because thy were there? Did they attack you...sounds like you initiated the attack...damn KoSer.

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So you just shot them because thy were there? Did they attack you...sounds like you initiated the attack...damn KoSer.

There's nothing wrong about that, He could'v lost. It was 2 v 1.

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i came out dead from too many situations with people on a suv..it's something a lot of people don't wanna loose and a lot of people wanna steal..

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So you just shot them because thy were there? Did they attack you...sounds like you initiated the attack...damn KoSer.

I said I was friendly they got out and tried aiming their gun at me. So it was not KOS. 

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