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Sickness in DayZ

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I've had the sickness before twice, and it went away in a reasonable amount of time, and have a few other teammates who have had it (the cough, blood dropping to 10000, and now with the reverted nerf, to 6000).

One teammate who has had it before and gotten over it, has now had it again for several hours of gameplay, and it shows no signs of abating. It has become a serious impediment, as we can't really do any skulking about without his cough telegraphing our position, and if he cops a bullet or two he's as good as dead. We ended up recycling a hospital for hours, (hate recycling, but the spawn rate for antibiotics is absurdly low - 0.22%) and still came up short of antibiotics.

Has it become a permanent thing that's only curable by antibiotics, since After the hospital he even tried manually going back to a 1.7 server to see if he could wait it out, but after an hour in there he's still coughing up blood.

At this point we're in limbo. What do?

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id also like to know how to fix this, although i havent been sick before, it is scary as all i've read about is the lack of antibiotics. So i try to be very vigilante and get warm if my temp goes bellow 37

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I haven't gotten the sickness yet... but it sounds like it can have a very large impact on the future DayZ. Maybe at some point Rocket can raise the spawn rate of antibiotics, because if you get ill, you'd be pretty much screwed. I'd advise that your group get a fire going or find some heatpacks, maybe that will help him get warmer, and it can protect the rest of you.

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That sucks, my friend and I looted a hospital yesterday and found 2 antibiotics, but after a few hours of play, we both ditched them for more inventory space. My temp never seems to go down really...

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Walk with your 'crew' towards a spawn point and shoot him dead; He can keep spawning till he's near and then can receive his gear again.

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Keep your body temp high.

It's not even that hard.

I think my character has always been at 42c since he spawned roughly 4 days ago.

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