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Middle class player looking for a squad / people to play with (Epoch or Panthera)

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Hi, i'm a dayz player with 200+ hours, but steam say 70-80. I have played alot offline and before steam started counting down dayz play hours.

I'm 15 1/2 years old and searching for people to play with, i don't wan't to play with people under 14. Past experience. And i'm from Norway, so i would like to play with people from around there, not to far away "Ping might be a issue then"


If there is anything you're wondering about contact me on skype.

- ICEFraim 


If i don't add you on skype post something down here and ill add you!

Edited by ICEFraim

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Hi, i'm Ruskie 
I'm 17, from England and ive started my own Dayz Epoch and BF4 clan (Dayz mostly)
watch this link as it will show you my recruitment video, its easier to watch that than read this 

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOnchs9m8ak [youtube.com] 

We use a TS3 server to communicate so feel free to pop in and say hi, heres the IP 

Anyone who can speak English is free to join.

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...what do you mean by "Middle class player" ? I wasn't aware that money was an issue when joining a DayZ group..?

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"Middle class player"






Not our level, I say dear Applejaxc!

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