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Disbanded for the time being






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Application: Engel




Age: 17


Prefered Position: Support.


Previous Clans (if applicable): NCR


Time spent playing DayZ: Around 120 Hours.


Timezone: EST


Time able to be dedicated to clan: As much as Possible.


Time spent playing ARMA II: I have around 156 hours currently played.


Special qualities/skills (ex, Photoediting, Videos, etc.):


Acceptance of Clan rules: Yes.


Working microphone: Yes.


Country: U.S.A.


Steam account name: wrts_sniper


Military Background (if applicable):


Why do you wish to become a part of Renegade Corps: I want to be part of an active clan with military structure yet is still loose and fun at times.

Edited by SgtGhostSniper

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Application: (Bloxors)


Age: 17


Prefered Position: Pilot/Rifleman


 Previous Clans (if applicable): NCR


Time spent playing DayZ: around 1 year


Timezone: GMT +8 hours online most of day


Time able to be dedicated to clan: 7 days a week


Time spent playing ARMA II: around 1 year


Special qualities/skills (ex, Photoediting, Videos, etc.):


Acceptance of Clan rules: Yes


Working microphone: Yes


Country: Australia


Steam account name: ThunderCunt


Military Background (if applicable): None


Why do you wish to become a part of Renegade Corps: Because i'm a loyal dedicated player and put alot of time into this game and would like to join a semi serious group.

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Application: Engel




Edit: Interview Completed


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Application: (Bloxors)



Edit: Interview Completed


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Application: Clayster


Age: 17

Prefered Position: Assault/Support

Previous Clans (if applicable):NA

Time spent playing DayZ: 1 year 

Timezone: EST

Time able to be dedicated to clan: Whenever 24/7

Time spent playing ARMA II: around 1 year

Special qualities/skills (ex, Photoediting, Videos, etc.): NA

Acceptance of Clan rules: yes 

Working microphone: yes 

Country: USA

Steam account name: Clay835

Military Background (if applicable): JROTC, doing ROTC in  college

Why do you wish to become a part of Renegade Corps: i enjoy the military strategy part of the game, and being able to accomplish a goal by working with a good squad. I like the structure and fun playing with a squad brings.  

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Application: Dlopez701


Age: 15

Prefered Position: Support- DM, Medic

Previous Clans (if applicable): N/A

Time spent playing DayZ: A little over a year

Timezone: PST

Time able to be dedicated to clan: A couple hours a week

Time spent playing ARMA II: Minimal

Special qualities/skills (ex, Photoediting, Videos, etc.): N/A

Acceptance of Clan rules: Yes

Working microphone: Yes

Country: US

Steam account name: Dlopez701

Military Background (if applicable):N/A

Why do you wish to become a part of Renegade Corps:

Been out of the game for a while and I have been looking for a good, organized clan to join.

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Application: Clayster


Edit: Interview Completed




Application: Dlopez701




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Application: (ElectricWhale)


Age: 21


Prefered Position: Scouting/Sniper/SF


 Previous Clans (if applicable): NCR/SD


Time spent playing DayZ: Since May of 2012


Timezone: US Central


Time able to be dedicated to clan: 4-7 days a week


Time spent playing ARMA II: Since launch


Special qualities/skills (ex, Photoediting, Videos, etc.):


Acceptance of Clan rules: Yes


Working microphone: Yes


Country: US


Steam account name: Blackout2011593


Military Background (if applicable): None

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Application: (ElectricWhale)




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Application: Trevor


Age: 18

Prefered Position: Sniper, Support

Previous Clans (if applicable): NCR

Time spent playing DayZ: 7 months

Timezone: EST 

Time able to be dedicated to clan: As much as I can.

Time spent playing ARMA II: 7 months

Special qualities/skills (ex, Photoediting, Videos, etc.): Calm, good with people.

Acceptance of Clan rules: Yes

Working microphone: Of course

Country: USA

Steam account name: Muff Diver

Military Background (if applicable): None

Why do you wish to become a part of Renegade Corps: Because Military realism is very interested and I am interested in a structured clan. 

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Application: Trevor




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Application: Austin


Age: 14

Prefered Position: Assault

Previous Clans (if applicable): FB

Time spent playing DayZ: About 1.5 Yrs,

Timezone: EST

Time able to be dedicated to clan: About 1 Hr. Per Day On Weeks, 5 on weekends

Time spent playing ARMA II: 2Yrs

Special qualities/skills (ex, Photoediting, Videos, etc.): N/A

Acceptance of Clan rules: Yes

Working microphone: Yes

Country: USA

Steam account name: jkelleher3

Military Background (if applicable): Nope - Im 14...

Why do you wish to become a part of Renegade Corps: I need a clan and I am very skilled at Arma

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Application: Austin



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Great Clan!


                                                                                                                                                                                                                          -Captain John D. Rockefeller

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Application: (Gamename Here)


Age: 21

Prefered Position: Assault/Medic

Previous Clans (if applicable):

Time spent playing DayZ: A few hours (fast learner)

Timezone: CST

Time able to be dedicated to clan: Most days (work schedule is a bit wonky)

Time spent playing ARMA II: very little (mostly only combat/target practice)

Special qualities/skills (ex, Photoediting, Videos, etc.):

Acceptance of Clan rules: Yes

Working microphone: Yes

Country: U.S.

Steam account name: Xynate

Military Background (if applicable):

Why do you wish to become a part of Renegade Corps: To be a part of a fully organized team

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Application: (Gamename Here)



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Application:Prof. Fart Sparkles


Age: 20

Preferred Position: Support/Assault/Sniper.

Previous Clans (if applicable): NCR/Apex

Time spent playing DayZ: I've played the DayZ mod since 2012.

Timezone: PST

Time able to be dedicated to clan: I'm able to dedicate 2-4 hours daily to the clan.

Time spent playing ARMA II: I've played ARMA II since 2011.

Special qualities/skills (ex, Photoediting, Videos, etc.): I'm able to record/edit videos.

Acceptance of Clan rules: I fully accept the clan rules, and plan on following them to the letter.

Working microphone: Yes.

Country: US.

Steam account name:Thunder Guppy

Military Background (if applicable): N/A

Why do you wish to become a part of Renegade Corps: I was apart of a previous group called NCR which includes  group members in this current squad, which I'd prefer to stay in a group with these said members.

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Application: Castics


Age: 20

Preferred Position: Assault/Combat Medic/Machine-gunner.

Previous Clans (if applicable): MotD

Time spent playing DayZ: I've played the mod since 2012


Time able to be dedicated to clan:2-4 atleast (Probably more, but i wouldn't guarantee more because of job) more in weekends.

Time spent playing ARMA II: i have played little ARMA 2 since 2012 (Mostly for learning the mechanics) and 100+ hours in ARMA 3.

Special qualities/skills (ex, Photoediting, Videos, etc.):N/A

Acceptance of Clan rules: I fully accept the written rules of the Clan.

Working microphone: Yes.

Country: Denmark

Steam account name: Castics (In case you cant find it Lamm_dk, there is a underscrore between Lamm and dk) 

Military Background (if applicable): N/A

Why do you wish to become a part of Renegade Corps: I have earlier sought membership of a clan by the name of Mass of the dead, but before i could finish the one month trial i quit because i found them lacking in rules. I then found Renegade Corps and i like the way you present yourself and seek a structured clan but with room for fun. Further more i like the idea of roles and objects within a group. 

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Application: Castics






Application:Prof. Fart Sparkles



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Application: (iVoltage55)


Age: 14 (please consider)

Prefered Position: Assualt

Previous Clans (if applicable): TAT - but in for 1 hour or so

Time spent playing DayZ: A little over a year

Timezone: CST

Time able to be dedicated to clan: 1-3 weekdays - 1-8 hours weekend

Time spent playing ARMA II: A little over a year

Special qualities/skills (ex, Photoediting, Videos, etc.): Videos

Acceptance of Clan rules: Yes

Working microphone: Yes


Steam account name: iVoltage55

Military Background (if applicable): None

Why do you wish to become a part of Renegade Corps: I'm a experienced player in Arma and Dayz

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Application: (iVoltage55)


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Application: (auqamatt)



Prefered Position: support (combat medic)

Previous Clans (if applicable):  NCR.

Time spent playing DayZ: New to DayZ but been playing tavianna as long as NCR was up.

Timezone: Pacific

Time able to be dedicated to clan: as much as needed accept i do have school work and such.

Time spent playing ARMA II: A few months

Special qualities/skills (ex, Photoediting, Videos, etc.): Making special brownies. (ask engel)

Acceptance of Clan rules: I axxept and will follow them.

Working microphone: Of course!

Country: M'erca

Steam account name: auqamatt

Military Background (if applicable): None existant

Why do you wish to become a part of Renegade Corps: I am familiar with most the members and I mean who dosent love warm gooy special brownies?

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Application: (auqamatt)


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Application: Hollywood


Age: 18

Prefered Position: Sniper

Previous Clans (if applicable): N/A

Time spent playing DayZ: 1 Yr.

Timezone: Central 

Time able to be dedicated to clan: Should be atleast 1 hour a day. I work and have school.

Time spent playing ARMA II: 1.5 Yr.

Special qualities/skills (ex, Photoediting, Videos, etc.): Minor programming, video editing, minor photoshop experience, and game design background  

Acceptance of Clan rules: Yessir

Working microphone: Yessir

Country: United States

Steam account name: Jdbhollywood

Military Background (if applicable): Only family, two grandparents/Marine and Uncle/Seal

Why do you wish to become a part of Renegade Corps: Looking for a serious military based dayz group with consistent player base.

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