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loot decreases running speed(weight system)

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I think of a system when alot of loot or mags that weight alot reduces your movement speed forcing you to aprouch zombies more carefully or puting one or two mags in them making military loot spawns ALOT more viable. Also the melee system that will be implemented can be used to melee them of when not having mags left or not wanting to use mags.

what do you think?

this will make zombies a actual threat and not only a small aspect of the game wich would add to realism aspect.

leave suggestions :)

Edited by Snowly10
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i think this should be implemented when we have a permenant spot to put our things. so we can take what we need, like 2 mags, 1 food and drink and that sort of thing. and if we take any more, then we risk becoming slow and what not.


but yeah i agree, but only when bases or whatever are in.

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I'd also like to add to this weight system is a way to increase your endurance after a duration of time holding equipment on your character so in that way you won't be so tired so easily as long(But may burn more calories = being hungry/thirsty more frequent depending on climate weather/temperatures) as you have a balanced diet and enough rest to handle it all..


While we're at it, why not just add exercising like doing push-ups with all that gear? :)

Edited by TIC321

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I might have an idea regarding the weight..will take some time because the guy who made the system i know stopped playing ArmA. It's not a system like A.C.E offers though...

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Wouldn't mind it being affected by things on person a swell.

Things in hotbar appear on person??

This may make one team member the pack mule/ support as he is slow and only comes in during emergencies with his big bag and 5 guns slung over his shoulder pushing a shopping cart of food and medical supplies.

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Epoch currently has this system. It is an annoyance and pretty awesome all in one.

In Epoch they bumped up the size of the backpacks and got rid of things like Main Rotors and Engine Parts taking up extra slots. So you could literally put 60 Main Rotars in your backpack in Epoch... Then take a couple steps and pass out from the strain. What tends to happen is the extra slots get used up on light weight items(so to speak) like 1oz gold bars, bandages, and such. You tend to plan your running around based on where you will be and what you will be doing. It's all good and fine to carry 2 guns in Vanilla but when the extra weight for a second gun and second set of ammo can push you over a threshold so  you get winded and exhausted faster It might not be worth it, especially if you are going somewhere to loot even more items and end up even heavier.

You don't want to drive vehicles up to loot areas, but you want to pick locations that are nearby, with good cover to and from the area. So the construction site on the edge of Cherno means parking up on the hill to the East and running down into it. We then lug cinderblocks and such up to the vehicle and split up the weight between us. Even so just the short distance sometimes finds us doing a run from cover to cover with pauses where we catch our breath and let our hearbeat fade so we don't pass out. 

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A buddy who is a big Epoch fan added the Epoch weight system to his Sahrani server, he didn't like Chernarus and found Sahrani amazing after i showed it to him...he was faster in adding it than i was suggesting him to do so. Didn't know Epoch had such a system if all that passing out is true it would be awesome one thing i dislike is that you can pack even more stuff, i laughed at a buddy when he sprinted around in A.C.E. and forgot he had like six .50 ammo boxes...then he suddenly laid flat on the ground unable to move.

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  On 11/26/2013 at 1:23 PM, Enforcer said:

A buddy who is a big Epoch fan added the Epoch weight system to his Sahrani server, he didn't like Chernarus and found Sahrani amazing after i showed it to him...he was faster in adding it than i was suggesting him to do so. Didn't know Epoch had such a system if all that passing out is true it would be awesome one thing i dislike is that you can pack even more stuff, i laughed at a buddy when he sprinted around in A.C.E. and forgot he had like six .50 ammo boxes...then he suddenly laid flat on the ground unable to move.


My first introduction to it was, "OMG! Main Rotor! Large Fuel Can! Engine Parts! Scrap Metal! I can't believe I can carry all this. With that toolkit I am picking up I have everything I need to fix a Chopper!" I run out of the industrial spawn, agro 3 zombies and think, "Ah, I'll run em off through the bushes." I passed out right in front of the bushes and they killed me. After the, "WTH was that?!?" moment I went and reread the wiki and figure out what went wrong and why having some extra space in the backpacks was just fine. 

I find myself planning routes based on what I am carrying and the distances I need to travel and how fast I will have to cross those distances. In towns I keep in mind my next "safe" area where I can hole up and catch my breath. 

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