testsubject81 6 Posted June 21, 2012 Firstly just want to say good job to Rocket and the DayZ crew. Have been playing Ofp and Arma for years and am glad it is finally being recognised by the wider gaming world. Now I have heard how people are upset with server hopping and disconnecting and these issues need addressing somehow. Another exploit that I have not seen talked about so much is players hiding vehicles off the Northern and Western edges of the map. This is a serious issues that needs addressing I think. It would be all too easy for a clan to find and fix up a Huey (when they were/are in), fly around finding other vehicles using the radar and then proceed to horde and hide said vehicles miles off the edge of the map in the neverending desert of oblivion that no one in their right mind would want to venture... unless they KNEW they would find something.An easy fix for this (maybe it is in, I have not checked) would be to simply make the edges of the map out of bounds and your screen goes black with a warning message to leave otherwise you will be forced to respawn?Now my prefered answer to this would be... a new map. A map made just for DayZ. A large Island... The real Dead Island game. Would eliminate the problem of people hording vehicles off the map if it was endless ocean. More buildings with interiors, cinema, shopping mall, Large urban area in land, skyscrapers? Forest, scary dark bandit swamp etc. Maybe the Island is quarantined and one is killed by military forces if they venture too far out into the ocean??Custom maps that I have played that come to mind are Island Lingor, Isla Duala and Tropica (great job map makers) Now don't get me wrong I like Chernarus and Rocket has done a great job transforming it but we all know it was not made with DayZ in mind. A few other things to consider but probably not at all new ideas.Safe/Save Zones To avoid server hopping you can only exit the game safely in certain locations? Would add tension when travelling knowing you must make it to your destination to survive. Sleeping bags? Maybe you need one to survive/save?? Just a thought. Air/Supply drops by the military - An ai airdrop with some goodies for people to find. The how and the why I don't know. Maybe if one finds a radio and deploys some kind of signal from the ground, flares and chemlights (certain colour and amount needed), fires etc.Infected dogs/wolves/mutants?? would be welcome to spice things up I think. None are new ideas but I hope maybe they will be considered. Sorry for the long rambling badly written thread.All the best to everyone and cheers! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
theboat 35 Posted June 21, 2012 Not entirely sure if this would be entirely possible. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 9 Posted June 21, 2012 Entirely positive that the entirety of the OP is a re-post of the entirety of the suggestion forums.I entirely do not support infected animals of any kind. Feral yes. Infected? Bleh.An entirely new map is a future goal a LONG way away. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZomboWTF 527 Posted June 21, 2012 yeah, i agree to this, but first let them fix basic gameplay stuff before adding new content,fixing zombie behavior and glitchie mechanics is more important Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Haplo (DayZ) 44 Posted June 21, 2012 +1 on all these ideas.i think the sleeping bag idea is great. an animation that takes say 10 seconds to set up your bed, then you can safely quit. on that note i think there needs to be a cancel action button, incase you get ambushed while doing anything basically (is there already? i've never had the need.. i know you can with bandaging and stuff..) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fraguido 1 Posted June 21, 2012 I think clans should be able to hid their stuff anywhere they want. Its not like you are unable to go to these places yourself you just cant find them. It takes a lot of time and group energy to find and repair vehicles so if when you do find one you make damn sure to hide it in a good spot or some lazy lone survivor will find it. Personally i would like to see a few more "fort" complexes or areas that can be improved and used as bases for clans. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spriggan 1 Posted June 21, 2012 An island map would be awesome. Even one with tiny little islands all together but having enough room to allow boats to roam in by. And an airfield on its own island. I can imagine alot of pirate clans and their mass boat army raiding the airfield hahaha Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LT.Sacred 9 Posted June 21, 2012 I think clans should be able to hid their stuff anywhere they want. Its not like you are unable to go to these places yourself you just cant find them. It takes a lot of time and group energy to find and repair vehicles so if when you do find one you make damn sure to hide it in a good spot or some lazy lone survivor will find it. Personally i would like to see a few more "fort" complexes or areas that can be improved and used as bases for clans.I agree, why would we complete a whole vehicle and then log off knowing someone will stroll by it a full complete car? -.- It's not easy to find a vehicle in the endlessness that's outside the border, I have no experience on that... but :/ I accidentally walked off for 2 hours past the border -.- not fun. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fraguido 1 Posted June 21, 2012 Adding to what i said earlier. None of my groups stuff is "off the map" there isn't any real advantage to having it "off the map" because there is almost no vegetation / trees to hide it the only advantage is its super far away but should be fairly easy to see from a great distance Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
testsubject81 6 Posted June 21, 2012 Seeing vehicles off the map can depend on the server weather/fog settings and the players view distance, and ofcourse how far off the map people hide their stuff. I heard stories of people leaving their gear MILES off the edge, unseen. Now picture the poor players searching the map for vehicles that are not there. Or the noob who just spawned and ran off the edge of the map and keeps going... not knowing where to go. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites