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Dynamic Disconnection Timer

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Currently — correct me if I'm wrong — there is a static disconnection timer with a duration of 5 seconds, which was implemented in an attempt to deter players from disconnecting in situations where the probability of dying was high. I'm glad that this issue is being addressed, but I believe that the implementation could be improved (assuming that it can be programmed efficiently and won't further decrease the performance of the servers).

Instead of a static disconnection timer (which punishes players who aren't disconnecting to avoid conflict situations), why not implement a dynamic disconnection timer which determines if a player is being engaged (or engaging) based on the radius of zombies, other players, weapon discharges, and bullet impacts? For example:

(1) Player A is within 50 metres of player B: 15 second disconnection period.

(2) Player A is within 50 metres of player B and a weapon has been discharged: 30 second disconnection period.

(3) Player A is within 50 metres of player B, a weapon has been discharged, and a bullet impact is within 5 metres: 45 second disconnection period.

The above examples haven't been precisely calculated, but the general idea is there. There would also be a fall off based on the radius. For example:

(1) Player A is within 100 metres of player B: 10 second disconnection period.

(2) Player A is within 100 metres of player B and a weapon has been discharged: 20 second disconnection period.

(3) Player A is within 100 metres of player B, a weapon has been discharged, and a bullet impact is within 10 metres: 30 second disconnection period.

Obviously, adjustments would need to be made to account for snipers at extreme distances (upwards of 400 metres), but once again, the general idea is there.

What do you think?

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i'd imagine this is something that would be hard to find the perfect solution for, but it's great seeing the issue being addressed. i like where your idea is going, but there are a lot of variables to consider

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I was going to post something similar, but this seems to be an elegant solution.

I think, importantly, this timer would also prevent re-connection to other servers while it counted down, thus stopping people from server-hopping. Or at least, slow them down some.

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I agree with Haplo, too many things to consider. What if Player A is on a hill and Player B fires up at him from 500 meters away, only to miss, but his round past by Player A missing by 1 meter? Didn't impact the ground, and the Player B is really far away.

10 Seconds? 30? 45?

I've had firefights at well over 500 meters (which is insane, as the ammo wasted makes me regret it afterward).

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