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Have Walky-Talky=Enable Side Chat

But you can only see/speak on it with a walky-talky.

I don't know if this is an impossible idea, I know nothing of programming, but I think it could be similar to a real life post-apocalypse use of CB radio or something. Friendly people could communicate and coordinate, but bandits could also be monitoring the channel for easy loot. :o

Your thoughts?

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It might be hard to code, but it should be more like there would be like 15 channels for a handheld radio, and you should be able to change to whatever channel you want.

But the radios only go out so far, like 5Km MAX. That's pretty far, so even 2Km would be good.

Text comms and voice comms allowed, but no side chat.

Because the communication isn't encrypted, anyone can listen in, so bandits can track people if they get too close, and other people can meet up without having to use TS, Vent, Mumble, or get absurdly close to what could be a hostile player.

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Love this idea. 2km is generous in hilly terrain or cities.

Perhaps HAM radios could be another option? Takes another slot but would have huge range. Like, whole map coverage. Since they'd be relatively useless, I imagine it'd take low priority, but if you could tune frequencies and talk to strangers all over the place, it could add another level of fun in. I know I'd love to sit on a tall building finding people to chat with.

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