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hey, i just downloaded arma combined operations, i then downloaded day z mod from steam + day z commander but i keep getting this error

Addon 'CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E

can any 1 tell me or link me how to fix please?


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Have you:

- Run Steam as admin?

- Started everything once in steam?

- Tried verifying the cache off both Arma 2 and Operation Arrowhead?


You can also make sure with DayZCommander that both Arma and DayZ is udated to the latest version.


Everytime the mod gives me a hard time (not including horrible in game deaths) these things solve the issue. :)

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i've run them both to the menu, i verified the cache on both too & ye im running stream off administrator 

1 thing that may i help i went onto arma 2 oa and tried joining a server it said i couldn't join because my version was like 1.6 and i needed 1.6.1 or something like that but i've only just downloaded it lol?



after verifiying the cache again it said something failed it will be aquired?


it's finally let me into game but still continuing to say addon required so im guessing its working now? and when i try to join a server it says version 1.62

required version 1.6209409 or whatever

Edited by 23rdmarch

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Looks like you just need to properly install the arma 2 beta patch.

If playing standard DayZ the recommended patch is 1.62.103718 or just 103718, you can install it through dayzcommander under the install/update tab and then Arma 2. keep an eye out as you will have to click ok in a separate window that sometimes opens underneath the dayzcommander window.

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ye my arma 2 is at 103718 and right underneath that it says mods dayz corrupt latest repair info 

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ye my arma 2 is at 103718 and right underneath that it says mods dayz corrupt latest repair info 


Ok, then you should just need to repair your install of dayz. but first i would go to steam and uninstall dayz. then reinstall it just using dayzcommander.

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