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ARMAII OA / DayZ Crash on Start Up

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I am doing this as a last resort, I have spent a few hours scanning through google search for solutions on my problem but I have had no luck at all. So here it goes... 


When I click to start up the ARMA II OA expansion I get the usual loading bar with the last two boxes unticked, leading into a black screen and my mouse cursor with the loading icon. However, after a couple seconds it exits and I get the "ARMA II has stopped working..." pop-up with no solution to the problem or any explanation. I have noticed this started to happen since I decided to switch back to playing DayZ after playing 'Invasion 1944' for a while. Upon disabling Invasion 1944 and trying to fire DayZ back up in DayZ Commander, it required a few updates that I missed out on. Whilst I was updating DayZ, I decided to also download 'DayZ Origins' via Commander to try it out. This is when the problem began, and I followed a few steps to see if it could be fixed as follows:


-Restart the computer

-Run DayZ and Arma II OA as administrator

-Strip Arma II of DayZ mod

-Strip Arma II of all mods including Community Base Addons

-Re-install Arma II OA and play with no mods


Please note that I did NOT get this game through STEAM, I bought the Combined Operations pack from a store and downloaded it from the disc. So I could not do the 'verify integrity' option via Steam.


None of these methods seemed to work, the interesting thing I noted though was that the old Arma II worked. It seems the problem is in the OA expansion. Most of the troubleshooting topics I have seen involve using Steam to some extent.


What should I do?


Thanks for your time,


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When you say 'Strip Arma II of DayZ mod' did you delete your @DayZ folder and download/reinstall the mod?

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Forgot to mention my system specs:


Windows 8.1

Processor: Intel® Core i7-3630QM CPU @ 2.40GHz

RAM: 16.0 GB

System type: 64-bit Operating System, x64-based processor

Graphics Card: AMD Radeon HD 7970M

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When you say 'Strip Arma II of DayZ mod' did you delete your @DayZ folder and download/reinstall the mod?


I took DayZ out of my Arma II folder and tried playing OA without it.

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I took DayZ out of my Arma II folder and tried playing OA without it.


And it didn't run?

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No, it was the same issue.


If it was working before and you completely reinstalled the game (uninstalled, deleted your ArmA folders to clear out any remaining files and then reinstalled) then I'm afraid I'm fresh out of ideas.


I'd try the BiS forums, some of the guys over there are super tech-savy...


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If it was working before and you completely reinstalled the game (uninstalled, deleted your ArmA folders to clear out any remaining files and then reinstalled) then I'm afraid I'm fresh out of ideas.


I'd try the BiS forums, some of the guys over there are super tech-savy...



Ok, ill give it a try. Thanks for your time and help.

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Could be registry is causing the problem. Seen this before on another PC. Me and a friend spent 2 days trying to fix problem. In the end we formatted computer and reinstalled OS and then Arma 2 + OA / DayZ. Only after doing this did it work


Bit extreme I know but after the 2 days we had trying to fix the problem, a half day of reinstalling the computer was easy - remember to back up files if you do this :)


Again, can't promise that this will work in your scenario


Did you run a registry cleaner after you uninstalled?

Edited by Marmoo

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Could be registry is causing the problem. Seen this before on another PC. Me and a friend spent 2 days trying to fix problem. In the end we formatted computer and reinstalled OS and then Arma 2 + OA / DayZ. Only after doing this did it work


Bit extreme I know but after the 2 days we had trying to fix the problem, a half day of reinstalling the computer was easy - remember to back up files if you do this :)


Again, can't promise that this will work in your scenario


Did you run a registry cleaner after you uninstalled?


@Marmoo That does sound like an extreme measure, ill hit up the lads on the Bohemia Interactive Forums. I might just delete everything ARMA-related on my PC and install everything, including the original from scratch.



@faceptere How do I do that? I searched my files and couldnt find anything like that. It may be a steam thing?

Edited by AussieRob

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ummm, may sound silly here but... To launch the mod you have to add things to the shortcut. the ...mod=@dayz etc... depending how you historically launched Arma II to run Dayz in the past may be causing you issues. Without knowing exactly what steps you have done I would suggest complete uninstall, manually confirm that ALL shortcuts etc are removed. Re-install Arma II and updates (launch and ensure it works), use (as you have) dayzcommander to install mods. one at a time. Oh, one more thing. You mentioned Origins (I like that mod) I do remember having issues after I installed Origins (some time back) Cant remember exactly what issues I was having (crashes on loading, when launching from DayzCommander) but the nuances of the crashes escape me. Anyhow, clicking 'clear cache' in DayzCommander under ALL the mods you have installed (and have the cache button to click) seemed to solve that problem.

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So I thought I would buy the ARMA Anniversary edition via steam due to the massive sale they had on and delete everything related to my previous copy of ARMA 2 + OA, including getting rid of DayZ Commander and all mod files. However, upon hope that the issue would resolve - it didnt. I even tried the Steam option to 'Verify Integrity Cache' and see if that would solve it and it did say 1 file had to be re-downloaded but I still cant launch the game. I found out how to obtain a crash report so ill post it here in hope someone can help me interpret it... It seems the Bohemia Interactive Forums are unresponsive. Thanks for your time and effort so far, hopefully it can be figured out.


== C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\ArmA2OA.exe
== "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\ArmA2OA.exe" 
Exe timestamp: 2013/11/22 17:15:24
Current time:  2013/11/22 18:12:07
Version 1.62.95248
Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 5216D8A5
Version 1.62.95248
Fault address:  5216D8A5 01:0002C8A5 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\igdumdim32.dll
world:    Desert_E
Prev. code bytes: F7 DE 1B F6 23 75 A8 69 F6 D0 00 00 00 03 77 48
Fault code bytes: 83 7E 14 02 75 30 8B 45 AC 8B 40 2C A8 04 74 04
EAX:00000000 EBX:00000000
ECX:10C15E08 EDX:018CF2F0
ESI:00000000 EDI:10C15E08
SS:ESP:002B:018CF228  EBP:018CF2A0
DS:002B  ES:002B  FS:0053  GS:002B
note: Minidump has been generated into the file C:\Users\Robert\AppData\Local\ArmA 2 OA\ArmA2OA.mdmp

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