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Calling All Artists! (/r/dayz banner competition)

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I understand this is not /r/day but I have seen some fantastic work over here and would like to get those interested in on this competition.  Below is pasted directly from the competition.  The link: http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1qne08/calling_all_artists/




Do you think you have what it takes to produce a new banner image for the DayZ sub? If so submit a portfolio or your entry here for the chance to win a copy of DayZ Standalone!
Ideally an image would depict a scene from Chernarus with zombies or survivors as an optional extra.
Images should measure 1920px X 220px with the "DAYZ" logo featured central to the image. Please leave 30 pixels in the top and bottom areas free from key elements to allow for link placement and keep primary elements to within an 800px area of the center.
We would prefer a predominantly dark color scheme and realistic imagery as opposed to cartoons but are open to your artistic interpretation. A clean layout is *strongly* encouraged but again we want to see your ideas. Checkout the inspiration album: http://imgur.com/a/zC2UY for an idea on what we like.  We do prefer less cluttered images, so please refrain from putting items all over the image.
The winner will also be referenced in the sidebar and wiki with a link to his or her portfolio or website.
Good luck, the DayZ mods!
Final submissions by 24 November!!!

Unedited screenshots and images outside of the specified dimensions will not be accepted




If you want to submit here that is fine, I understand not wanting to go over there.  Either way, hope some of you are interested.  If not sorry I have wasted your time.  Thanks and look forward to some submissions!  :-D



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Love the submissions! I enjoy doing things like this but I'll pass since I love using reddit as much as I love the bugs in DayZ.

Is the winner picked by you or a vote?


I'll follow the topic to keep updated on the submissions!

Edited by Mayuyu
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Here you go, I tried to give it away but nobody wanted it, I wonder why ?

Don't even remember where I stole the bits, never mind.


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Very nice BoneBoys!  Thanks for the submission!  :-D


Been some very nice images thus far.  Been good times.  


And PotatoGuardian.......NDT baby!  One of my all time heroes.  :D

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